7. Bad Idea

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Damian POV

As I left Matt's house I couldn't believe what he had just told me, he and Sky had had a fight not long after I had been to see her and they hadn't spoken since. The last thing I had wanted to do was cause a problem between them, I knew how close they were and how much they meant to each other.

Matt wouldn't go into details but I could see how much it was hurting him that his sister wouldn't speak to him so I had decided to go see her and see if I could talk her round, maybe get them in the same room so they could talk it out.

When I reach the house I find the front door wide open, concerned I go straight in, I find Sky in the kitchen cleaning, she's wearing shorts and an oversized t shirt and she is dancing to whatever she is listening to as she cleans.

I find myself leaning against the door frame just watching her as a smile forms on my face, I would never catch Liv doing anything like this, Sky was fun and I liked being around her, maybe a little more than I should.

"Holy shit!" She gasps as she turns round, sees me and jumps out of her skin "D, how long have you been there"

"Long enough twinkle" I smile "didn't want to interrupt you when you were enjoying yourself. The door was wide open, I was worried so I came straight in"

"Oh, yeah I'm airing the house out for the new owners" she says sadly "the sale completed quicker then I thought so I've got two days to get my stuff together and leave and I have no where to go"

"I heard about you and Matt" I say "I hate that I've caused a problem between you"

"You didn't cause this D he did" she says "right now I need to be mad at him"

Noticing the same hurt look on her face that I saw on Matt I walk over to her and take her in my arms. She tries to resist at first put then wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head against my chest and let's out a soft sigh.

"Hey everything will work out I promise" I say gently rubbing her back

"Somethings will but not everything" she says "what am I going to do D"

"I'll tell you what your going to do, you going to stay with me" I say and her head snaps up to look at me "I have plenty of room for you and your stuff, it's better than paying for hotels"

"D.....I don't know if that's a good idea" she says as our eyes lock, for a moment our eyes lock and there is that feeling in my stomach again, the same feeling I got when I saw in that wedding dress in the store, the hell is wrong with me?

"Do you have any better ideas?" I ask not taking my eyes of hers

"No not really" she says

"Then stay with me" I say "let me do this for you, I do owe you after all"

"Alright" she says "but I'm paying my way towards the bills and food"

"Deal, now let's get you're stuff sorted" I smile letting go of her and walking towards a stack of boxes

Skylar POV

As I watch Damian moves the boxes closer to the door I more and more convinced I must be mad. This has bad idea written all over it and yet here I am agreeing to stay with him.

Damn me and my inability to say no to this man and damn his incredible biceps that totally do not have my attention right now. Oh why did he have to be so perfect?

"D I.." I begin but stop as soon as his eyes meet mine "thank you for doing this I appreciate it"

"It's the least I can do" he smiles "I'm not about to let you spend a fortune on hotels"

"How's Liv?" I ask wanting to change the subject

"She's uh....she's good" he says "we kind of had words a few days ago and she's not really talking to me about right now"

"I'm sorry, this is all,such a mess" I sigh

"Hey no body is to blame for how her mind works" he says "she needs to learn to trust me instead of.......nevermind. is thins everything?"

"Yeah it is" I say not wanting to push him on what happend with him and Liv.

"Alright, I'll bring my car to the door and load it up" he says "it may be a couple of trips before I can take you though"

"That's fine it gives me time to finish up here" I smile "how about I get us some take out later?"

"Sounds perfect to me" he smiles "we could throw on a movie and just hang out"

"Great, I'll see you soon then" I say

"Yeah you will" he says giving me wink "see you soon twinkle"

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