15. Plans

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Damian POV

Waking up to the sight of my wife's beautiful peaceful face is something I will never get enough of. I had woken early and lied here watching her sleep, my heart was at peace knowing she was back where she belongs.

Gently I pull the bed sheet up over her naked body before softly kissing her forehead. I had had so many plans for her on this trip and last night did not go as it should have done. We only had two more days here and I was determined to make sure it happens.

The buzzing of my phone jolts me from my thoughts and I check to make sure Sky is still sleeping as I answer the call. "Morning nightmare" I smile as I get out the bed and head towards the balcony.

"I.....I'm so sorry.......I don't know how to tell you this but Sky is gone" she says sounding frantic "her stuff is here.........her phone is here.....but she......she's just disappeared I can't find her anywhere...........I'm so sorry I lost her" she says and I chuckle softly "what?" She asks

"You haven't lost her she's here with me" I say quietly

"But......you.....when.....how?" She asks making me laugh

"I saw her out on the beach last night, so I went to talk to her and we worked things out" I say "she came back to the room with me and she is still asleep"

"Couldn't resist her Latino heat huh" she chuckles

"Do me a favour, don't ever call me that" I say and she laughs "save it for Dom"

"Fine, but I bet you she'd agree" she says " catch you later Priest"

Ending the call I head back into the room and find everything is as I left it, Sky is still sleeping peacefully and want it to stay that way for a while longer. If I could I would stay in here all day with her and shut the world out, I just want to keep her to myself.

As I sit down next to her I brush my lips softly over the back of her shoulder and she turns over and snuggles into me "I'm not ready to wake up yet" she mumbles sleepily into my side

"You can sleep a while longer if you want mi amor" I say kissing the top of her head

"Are you going to stay with me?" She asks

"I wish I could twinkle but I have work to do" I say "you know I have to promote this pay per view, plus I have a gear fitting and an interview today"

"Then I'm awake" she says sitting up "I refuse to sleep in this bed without you" she pouts and I smile

"Do you miss me when I'm not there mi amor" I say pulling her into my arms

"You have no idea" she sighs

"Well I can promise you I miss you more" I say pecking her lips

"I highly doubt that" she smiles

"It's true" I smile "once my interview is done I'll come back here, get changed and then I'm taking you out"

"Oh where are we going?" She asks kissing my chest

"It's a surprise, I had planned to take you last night but....well......it doesn't matter now" I say "I would say make sure you look beautiful but you always do"

"Such a charmer" she smiles "Alright I'll be ready for you, I need to go get my stuff from Rhea's room"

"Yeah she'll be relieved to see you, she called me frantic this morning because she thought she'd lost you" I chuckle

"We should have put a note under her door" she says "I'm sorry I worried her"

Skylar POV

With a tender to kiss to my lips Damian leaves the bed and my embrace. As I watch my naked husband walk to the bathroom I can only imagine what he has up hid sleeve for later today. Whatever it is I know that it will be good and from the heart like always.

"You know what?" He says poking his head out of the bathroom "I'm going to the children's hospital today, why don't you come with me? You don't have to be on camera and it will give us some extra time together?"

"Oh I don't know" I say hesitantly "I don't want to be in the way"

"You won't be" he smiles "come on twinkle join me"

"Alright" I smile "let me get dressed"

Before I knew it we were in the hospital and I was watching on as my husband holds a baby in his arms. The second I saw him pick the baby up I had felt a longing deep within me that I couldn't explain.

Damian gives the baby back to it's mother anx walks over to me smiling. He wraps and arm around my shoulder as we walk out to the waiting car.

Before we get in I stop him and wrapping my arms around his neck I lean up and kiss him lovingly.

"What was that for?" He asks with a smile

"I love you" I blush "and you were so good with those kids"

"Oh I see what's going on here" he chuckles "You liked seeing me with a baby.........it's made you broody hasn't it mi amor" he grins

"No.....no I just loved how good you were with them that's all" I say and he shakes his head

"Whatever you say mi amor" he laughs "whatever you say"

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