16. Do It Again

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Skylar POV

Once Damian had left for his gear fitting Rhea insisted on helping me with my outfit for tonight, there was a part of me that believed she knew what was going on but despite my repeated attempts she wasn't giving anything up.

She had chosen a light full length dress with a low back and sandals. As she put it I needed to look hot but stay cool at the same time. Once I was ready she had left me to wait for Damian in our room.

Taking a moment to check my makeup I find myself thinking back to this morning when I had seen him with the children. Admittedly it had made me a little broody it had also made me realise how unconventional our situation was. We were married though he had never proposed to me, neither of our families knew we were married and in a way I feel like I'm living some one else's life.

It was never supposed to be me, another woman got the proposal and the ring, I was just supposed to help them get married I wasn't supposed to steal the groom.
I don't regret a second of falling in love with him, he's made me the happiest I've ever been, I just wish the whole story had been mine and not just part of it.

"Hey......wow.....you look beautiful" he says appearing from nowhere and wrapping his arms around me

"Thank you, you look gorgeous" I smile taking in the sight of him in a suit "so where are you taking me?" I ask turning in his arms

"I thought I'd take you for dinner and then we could have a sunset walk along the beach" he says pecking my lips "I just want to spend the evening with my wife"

"Hmm why do I get the feeling you are up to something?" I smile

"Who? Me? Never" he grins "I love you"

"I love you" I say "Lead the way Mr Priest" I smile taking his arm

Damian and I take a slow walk through San Juan chatting, laughing and even stopping for the occasional kiss along the way. We stop outside a little out of the way restaurant and he guides me inside.

"Now I know you've had mofongo but you haven't had proper mofongo" he smiles "and this places makes the best mofongo on the island"

"I can't wait to try it" I smile

We are shown to a table in a secluded area of the restaurant, Damian pulls out my chair for me and takes my hand as I sit down. He softly kisses the back of it before sitting down himself. As we look at the menu I immediately notice him fidgeting a sure sign he is nervous which convinces me further that he is up to something.

"You ok, you seem nervous?" I ask and he smiles

"I'm fine mi amor" he smiles "I just want you to have a good time"

"Time with you is always a good time" I smile

As we eat our food, we talk and laugh as we reminisce about our unconventional wedding. When the meal is finished we head out towards the beach. Removing our shoes we walk along the sand hand in hand as the sun sets over the ocean.

Damian stops and turns me to face the sunset wrapping his arms around me, I lean back against him wrapping my arms over his and he softly kisses my temple "falling in love with you was the best thing I ever did" he says quietly "I never knew I could be this happy until I found you"

"D I.........."

"Shhh just listen please" he whispers "I know we started this life together after skipping a lot of steps, this wasn't how it was supposed to go but I don't regret a single thing. I know we can't go back in time and take those steps but there is one thing I don't want you to miss out on" he says and when I look down at his hands I see he is holding a small box, slowly he lifts the lid and my knees almost give way "Skylar Riddle, will you do me the honour of marrying me all over again?"

"Yes! Of course I will" I say as he slips the ring on my finger, I turn to face him tears running down my cheeks "I love you so much"

"I love you more twinkle" he says wrapping me up in his arms "we  will do it right this time, our families will be there and it will be completely our wedding"

"And you'll be talking about me when you say your vows" I smile

"I was talking about you" I smile "I just didn't realise it, my heart knew then it just needed my head to catch up"

"Let's do it here" I smile "I've fallen in love with this place.........let's get married in Puerto Rico D?" I ask

"Absolutley" he smiles "I think that would be perfect.........in fact how would you feel about having a second home here?"

"I would love that" I smile "we could bring........" I say stopping myself

"We could bring our kids here" he smiles and I nod

"I lied when I said I wasn't broody" I sigh "when I saw you holding that baby I got this image in my mind of us on this beach and you walking our baby towards the sea with them holding your fingers, I know it's too soon to want that but I do"

"I want it too mi amor" he says pulling me close "there is a part of me that wishes you were already pregnant because selfishly I don't want to wait"

"I wish I could tell you I am" I sigh "but if we are lucky it might not take us long"

"Then what are we waiting for" he smiles scooping me up in his arms "let's go make a baby Mrs Priest"

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