the creation

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*trashybitch created a groupchat*
*trashybitch named the groupchat losers<3*
*trashybitch add 6 people to the chat*

trashybitch: SUP FUCKERS!!

bevthebeaver:HII RICH

trashybitch:HIII BEVVY BOO🤭

bevthebeaver: WTF IS MY NAME!

trashybitch: i think it's lovely 😻💅

bevthebeaver: NO ITS NOT!

trashybitch:🦫 dis u???

bevthebeaver: RICHIE!!

trashybitch: FINE FINE IM SORRY!

bevthebeaver: good..

birdperv:Can you guys not,I am trying to sleep.

bevthebeaver: wow thanks for ruining the party

trashybitch: yea thanks birdfucker..

birdperv: Well sleep is important, and you
should be getting some!

trashybitch: no can do buckaroo

birdperv:Well why not?

trashybitch:bc sleeping is for losers💪🏻💪🏻

bevthebeaver:rich..honey you are a loser...

trashybitch: oh yeah...

birdperv:Whatever i'm going back to sleep.

bevthebeaver: goodnight stan

trashybitch:goodnight stanny boy!

bevthebeaver:alr rich i gtg to sleep too!

trashybitch:kk goodnight bevvy wevvy!

bevthebeaver:nighty night rich bitch!
hey guys I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. I will try to get quick updates but I have a lot going on with school and after school activities soo yeah! Also make sure you drink water, eat food and get some rest. Ily all sm, stay amazing!- author

THE LOSERS GROUPCHAT &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now