what happend??

150 2 83

⚠️tw violence, homophobic slur⚠️
eddie's pov-

"richie, i know your not fine. what's up?" i ask him

"nothing i'm okay." he says

"your clearly not though.." i tell him as he wipes his eyes and looks at me.

"just kinda upset bc of the groupchat it's fine though" richie says putting his glasses back on. he looked so pretty without them. well i mean he's always pretty. wait what the hell! why am i thinking like this he is my best friend.

"oh rich did someone say something?" i ask

"yeah but it's fine now it didn't affect me." he says looking down. i grab my phone and scroll through the texts starting at the top. i see the picture that bev sent and gasp slightly.

"are you okay?" he asks.

"huh? oh yeah i'm fine i just saw the picture bev took." i say

"oh." he says.

"is this what made you upset?" i ask but he just shakes his head. i continue to read down and i see stan tell richie to shut up.

"is it because of what stan said?" i ask. he nods.

"do you wanna talk about it?" i ask. he shrugs.

"you don't have to tell me if you don't want but i just want you to know that i'm here for you." i tell him.

"ok. i guess i'll tell you." he says looking back up at me. i nod and smile.

"ok so, you know that bowers picks on me because i'm gay?" he asks and i just nod bowers picks on all of us but mostly richie.

"well i didn't tell anyone this because i didn't want to be a bother but a few days ago after school i was heading home and bowers found me." he says a tear falling down his pale cheek.

"he grabbed me and he took me over to the kissing bridge. the whole gang was with him, patrick, victor, and belch. anyways once we got to the kissing bridge victor and belch held me up against the railing and henry was punching and kicking me and calling me names." as he said this more tears started to stream down his face. i lifted my hand up to his cheek and wiped them away.

"chee, don't cry. he can hurt you it's just me." i say trying to comfort him.

"i tried to tell him to stop but he told me to shut up and continued. anytime i would make a noise he'd tell me to shut up and beat me harder. i tried not to breathe so he wouldn't tell me to shut up and maybe he would walk away. he then stoped and i thought he would walk away but he pulled his pocket knife out of his pocket and lifted up my shirt. he told me if i make one more noise he would kill me so i held my breath as he carved something in my skin with the pocket knife." richie says taking a deep breath shakily.

"he carved my skin and told me if i told anyone about this he would kill me. they all left and left me there bleeding and bruised. i could barely stand but i toughed it out and walked home. it hurt so bad but when i got him i went up to my bathroom and grabbed a few bandages. i tried to clean myself  up but i didn't do that great of a job." he says looking down at his stomach where the word was sitting under his shirt.

"richie that's terrible! i'm so sorry! what did he carve into you?" i ask. richie slowly lifted his shirt with his shaking hands. underneath i saw a white bandage with some red seeping through. he pulled the bandage off and i saw  the letters F-A-G-G-O-T imprinted in his skin. i covered my mouth am in shock. the cuts looked kind of deep and pretty fresh.

"when did he do this?" i ask

"like on wednesday i think?" richie shrugs. it was saturday so yeah these are pretty fresh.

"richie.. these might get infected let me clean them" i say he just nods. i lead him to the bathroom and he sits on the counter.

"take your shirt off" i tell him.

"woah ed's take me out to dinner first." richie jokes

"your such a dork." i laugh

"yeah but you love me" he teases and i just roll my eyes. he takes his shirt off and i can't help but stare. i feel so bad, his entire body littered with black and blue some yellow spots. a lot of cuts and the letters bowers carved.

"take a picture it'll last longer." richie says

"what- oh- i wasn't- shut up!" i say. he just laughs. i grab my fanny pack and pull out all the stuff i need. i start to clean richies wound.

"i'm getting deja vu." he says

"what do you mean?" i ask

"this is literally the same thing you did yesterday just on my face." he says

"oh yeah." i say. i kinda forgot about yesterday. both of our phones chime as we finish up. i pick up my phone and see texts in the groupchat.

11:26 am

stutteringwhore: y'all wanna sleepover tn?

bevthebeaver: sure why not!

birdperv: sure! what time?

haystack: ^^

mikeyboy: ^^

stutteringwhore: idk prolly around like 2:30ish?

bevthebeaver: kk

birdperv: okay

haystack: ok

mikeyboy: k


"hey rich? do you wanna sleepover bills tonight? all the losers are going." i tell him.

"yeah sure" he says

"ok!" i say.

11:39 am

spaghettiman: me and richie can go!

stutteringwhore: ok i'll see u all soon!!

secret plan
11:42 am

billygoat: here we go!

———————————————————————— hey guys! i have published a new story so go read that one and i will try to get updates out for both! as always make sure you drink water, eat food, and get some rest! have a great day/night! - author

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