a house but not a home

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⚠️tw mentions of abuse and homophobic slurs⚠️
(richies pov)
it's been about an hour since bill and stan came back. we played a few more rounds of truth or dare. i checked the time on my phone. 6:42 pm
fuck! i'm late! i'm gonna get killed!

"um hey guys i have to go.." i say

"aww why?" bev asks

"i told my parents i'd be back for dinner." i lied. my parents don't give a shit if i eat or not i just needed an excuse.

"oh ok bye rich" bev says and everyone else says bye. i climb the ladder and open the hatch. i grab my bike and speed towards my house not realizing what was happening behind me.

(eddie's pov)
"i'm gonna head out too." i say. i wanna make sure richie gets home safe since his house is on the way to mine and my mom wants me back before dark. a scatter of byes come from the group as i climb out and grab my bike. i follow richie, why is he going so fast jeez.

(richies pov)
i pull into my driveway and throw my bike on the grass. i run up the front stairs and open the door. here we go..

*a/n i'm so sorry i keep switching povs*

(eddies pov)
i saw richie pull into his driveway and i was about to bike away till i heard something it sounded like yelling.

(richies pov)
"RICHARD!" my dad yells

"I TOLD YOU TO BE HOME AT SIX O'CLOCK SHARP!" he yells walking towards me

"i know! i'm sorry! i lost track of time it won't happen agai-" i say getting cut off with a slap to the face.

"WHERE WERE YOU? PROBABLY OUT WITH THAT LITTLE BOYFRIEND OF YOURS HUH F*G?" he spat. oh shit oh shit how the fuck did he know?! how did he find out i'm gay?! i'm fucking screwed!

"what? i'm not g-"

"DONT LIE TO ME BOY!" he yells cutting me off and kicking me in the stomach. that kick is followed by more punches and kicks. he had to of kicked me at least 30 times and cracked my flashes before he grabbed a beer bottle and threw it at me. it smashed and the glass left cuts all over my skin. i winced but he just kept going. about an hour had passed and he finally stopped. i couldn't get up and walk so i crawled to the stairs and up to my room. i just layed on my floor and eventually crying. but then i heard a voice.

(eddie's pov)
the yelling kept going on and on so i wanted to peek through one of the windows.
(a/n big mistake there eddie)
i looked through the window to see richie lying on the ground as his own dad was fucking punching and kicking him over and over. an idea sparked in my head as i climbed the tree closest to richies room and climbed into his window. i sat on his bed and waited for the yelling and fighting to stop. it has been about an hour and i hear footsteps coming up the stairs. i see richie crawl i to his room and just lay on the floor. he was all bloody and covered in bruises. all of a sudden i hear quiet cry's and whimpers coming from richie. i have to do something i can't just listen to him cry.

"rich?" i ask him softly

"ed's?" he asks turning his head to look at me. he wipes his eyes with his hands to act like he wasn't just crying. i got down on the floor and sat next to him. he tried to sit up but winced in pain so i helped him sit up. we were sitting against his bed.

"ed's how long have you been here?" he asks worried.

"about an hour and a half.." i say

"oh so you heard all of that?" he asks softly

"yea.." i say. i begin to explain how i heard yelling and got worried so i climbed the tree and climbed through the window and blah blah blah. richie looks like he's about to burst into tears.

"hey rich are you ok?" i ask him

"y-yea.." he says obviously lying.

"chee, i can tell when your lying.." i tell him

"no you can't.." he says

"cmere" i tell him. he scoots closer to me and i just wrap my arms around his body pulling him in close. he doesn't protest he just kind of nuzzles in closer like he's been deprived of a loving touch all his life. i hear quiet cry's escape from his mouth.

"it's okay, your okay, i'm here." i tell him

"b-but it's not ok.." he says

"it's not o-ok because he shouldn't do this. he shouldn't beat up his own son because of him being a little late. he shouldn't beat up his own son for something he wasn't supposed to know. he shouldn't beat up his own son for making some silly mistakes. he shouldn't beat up his own son period!" richie exclaims through small  cries.

"i know rich it's so shitty. and your completely right he shouldn't beat you up at all no matter what. he is your dad and is supposed to be supportive and be there for you. he is supposed to love you and your supposed to have a special bond." i tell him. his eyes just get more and more sad.

"and it's ok to cry." i finish. hugging him tighter as he sobs into my shirt. i run my fingers through his hair and try to sooth him. after about an hour of soothing and calming him down he finally agrees to let me clean him up.

"ok let's go to the bathroom." i tell him. he follows me to the bathroom and hops up on the counter. i stand between his legs and grab everything i need out of my fannypack.

"this might sting a little" i say putting hydrogen peroxide on as cotton ball and running it across the cut on his cheek. i continue to clean each and every cut i see on his face and put bandaids on them. i then grab my tweezers and pull out the little pieces of glass from his skin. once i finish cleaning him up i help him down from the counter and back into his room. i am going to stay the night because it's friday and i don't want to leave richie alone.————————————————————————
i am so sorry i haven't been updating. i just have been so busy and i have no ideas if you have any please let me know. anyways I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. also make sure you drink water, eat food and get some rest. Ily all sm, stay amazing!- author

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