secrets and sleepovers

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(eddie's pov)
we are laying on richies bed watching a movie. richie had a pair of spare glasses because his others broke.

"hey rich im just gonna text my mom and tell her im spending the night" i say, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"ok" he says, still staring at the tv.
today 8:48pm

hey mom?
can i spend the night at my friends ?

which friend eddie-bear?
it better not be that richie boy.
he's a bad influence eddie.

no it's bill.

oh well then sure!
just remember to take your pills.

read 8:56pm

"ok all set!" i tell richie. i feel bad lying to my mom but if i told i was at richies she would flip out.

"hey eddie?" i hear him say quietly

"yea chee?" i ask

"are you gonna tell the other losers about what happend?" he asked

"of course not rich! i would never tell them unless you wanted to. plus it's not my place to tell them." i told him.

"mkay thanks ed's." he says, pulling me in closer and wrapping his arms around my waist. i immediately go bright red, he seems to notice and pulls his arms back.

"sorry i-i didn't mean too make you uncomfortable" he says turning away from me.

"no its ok, i don't mind really!" i reassure him, he turns over and rewraps his arms around me. he puts his head on my chest and slowly drifts off to sleep. wait i have a question to ask him!

"chee?" i whisper moving some hair out of his face.

"hmm?" he mumbles.

"earlier when we were talking you said your dad beat you up over something he wasn't supposed to know.." i say sitting up.

"yea.." he whispers sitting up too.

"what was he not supposed to know?" i ask

(richies pov)
oh shit!
oh shit!
eddie's gonna find out my secret and he- fuck!

"umm... i can't tell you." i say

"why not?" he asks

"because you'll hate me." i tell him

"chee! i could never hate you!" he says. that makes my face turn red but i'm just glad it's dark so he can't see my face.

"promise?" i ask shakily holding out my pinky finger.

"promise!" he says intertwining our pinkys.

"i-i'm gay" i say quickly

"oh chee! that's amazing! i fully support you!" he says hugging me.

"can i tell you something?" he asks and i nod.

"i think i'm gay too." he says i just keep hugging him and we lay back down and slowly drift off to sleep.

(two bros chilling in a hot tub 5ft apart cuz they're not gay! i'm sorry😭)

(bevs pov)
it's 9:15 which means i have to go pick up richie for our weekly smoke/hang out. i pick him up every friday around 9:30 unless we are having a group sleepover at bills. i pull up to richies house and put my bike on the grass. wait a minute is that- eddie's bike? huh that's weird.

i climb up the tree that goes to his window.

i knock 3 times so he knows it's me. no answer so i look over at his bed to see richie and eddie cuddled up together sleeping. omg that's so fucking cute! i snap a quick picture and scurry down the tree and bike away to go smoke by myself.


bevthebeaver: *attachment 1 image*
bevthebeaver: look what i just found!!

mikeyboy: awww that's so cute!!

stutteringwhore: couple goals!

birdperv: wait, are they dating?

haystack: not like officially but to us they are

bevthebeaver: i wish it was officially 😔

stutteringwhore: don't we all 😔

bevthebeaver: ok bill you can't talk! we are still waiting for stenbrough!

birdperv: no comment..
chats between bill and stan

stanny🫶🏼: did we forget to tell them?

billy💕: shit i think we did!

stanny🫶🏼: the only one who actually knows is rich because he watched it happen.

billy💕: right! do you wanna tell them?

stanny🫶🏼: i don't mind!

billy💕: ok let's tell them!

bevthebeaver: where did bill and stan go?

stutteringwhore: we are here! we were just discussing something important.

mikeyboy: do tell?

birdperv: well we wanted to tell you that we are dating!




stutteringwhore: well we confessed earlier at the clubhouse.

haystack: ohh that's why you disappeared..

mikeyboy: yea we were very confused

bevthebeaver: AHH IM SO HAPPY 4 U!!
———————————————————————— i am so sorry i haven't been updating. i just have been so busy and i have no ideas if you have any please let me know. anyways I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. also make sure you drink water, eat food and get some rest. Ily all sm, stay amazing!- author

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