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gayhubby💅: BEVVV HELP ME!

wifeypoo🥵: rich don't be nervous it's gonna go amazing!!

gayhubby💅: buttt what if he stands me up or something???! wait? how tf did you know i was nervous?

wifeypoo🥵: he won't stand you up he's so in love with you it's driving me insane! also i'm just that good!
"gayhubby💅 changed one name"

emotionalsupportginger😘: what did you change my name to?

gayhubby💅: don't call me richard.
"emotionalsupportginger😘 changed one name"

notrichard🚫: ?
notrichard 🚫: fuck you
notrichard🚫: ok back to my rant! wtf do i wear?!

emotionalsupportginger😘: just wear ur normal shit

notrichard🚫: yeah but what if he doesn't like that and what if he hates it and hates me and and and!?

emotionalsupportginger😘: honey.. he would have said no if he didn't like that..

notrichard🚫: YOU ARE NOT HELPING!

emotionalsupportginger😘: BITCH I AM LITERALLY SO HELPFUL TF U MEAN!?

emotionalsupportginger😘: all i'm saying is just be yourself and he will be happy.. okay?

notrichard🚫: okay. if ur wrong ik where u sleep..

emotionalsupportginger😘: ur acting like idk where u sleep. i'm not scared of ur little threats.

notrichard🚫: 🖕🖕🖕


oh my holy short ass chapter i'm so sorry i have such bad writers block but needed to put something out. i am going to try my best to get another chapter out tonight but ill see how that goes.. ANYWAYS I LOVE YOU ALL AND DONT FORGET make sure you eat, drink, and get plenty of rest! HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT I LOVE YOUUUU

-juls🥓 (iykyk)

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