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⚠️tw homophobic slurs⚠️
(richies pov)

i didn't get much sleep last night because of my parents fighting all night but oh well i'm used to it. i walk downstairs and as i'm about to walk out the front door i hear footsteps behind me.

"where are you going fairy?" wentworth slurs

"school then out with my friends.." i tell him.

"be back at 6:00 o'clock sharp or your beating will get a lot worse" he threatens

"yea yea i know.." i say walking out the door and grabbing my bike. i hop on my bike and start to ride to school. i get to school and see the rest of the losers standing by the bike racks.

"rich!" bev exclaims.

"hey bevvers!" i say

"bevvers? that's a new one." she says

"yeah well i got about a thousand nicknames for everyone." i say smiling. i get off my bike and lock it in the bike racks.

"cmon let's go inside" she says grabbing my arm. we walk in and go to our lockers. i grab the stuff i need and we walk to our first class. me and bev have science first so we always walk together.

"ew i really hate this class" i say.

"we could always skip and go sit outside?" bev asked

"nah mr miller said if i skip one more class ima get a detention and if i get one more detention then ima get suspended and my parents would kill me!" i explained

"alr well we can't do that then" bev says

"let's just go to class" i tell her

"ok.." bev said frowning. we walked to science and sat in our seats. Mr Miller took the attendance.

"henry bowers?" he asked. no response..

"beverly marsh?" he asked

"here" bev said. he called out more names blah blah blah i was zoned out.

"richie tozier?" he asked. i didn't hear him.

"rich" bev whispered

"huh?" i asked she pointed at the teacher and i nodded

"here" i said. he blabbed on and on about random science shit. the bell finally rung. everyone rushed out and headed to their next classes.

*time skip to lunch bc i'm not writing all the classes*

at lunch i went over to our table and sat next to bev.

"are we still going to the clubhouse later?" i asked

"yea why?" eddie asked

"oh nothing i guess i have to cancel my plans with your mom tonight then.." i said

"fuck you bro" eddie spat. i flipped him off and continued to talk to everyone else.

"rich where's your food?" eddie asked

"oh i'm not hungry" i told him and he nodded. the bell rung and we all got up and walked to our next classes.

I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. Also make sure you drink water, eat food and get some rest. Ily all sm, stay amazing!- author

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