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(a/ns in bold parentheses)
richies pov-

my parents went out and left me all alone. my dad got mad again tonight and took it out on me. i am just laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. my entire body hurts. i can hear the rain patter against my window. i hope it doesn't start to thunder, i hate thunder so much. it's so loud and it scares me, especially when i'm all alone. loud noises are the worst things ever. i hate them so much. (i actually hate loud noises so much) 

as if right on cue thunder booms outside. i jump and look out my window seeing the lightning flash. i curl up in a ball to try to block out the sound, putting my hands over my ears. there's only one person who knows about my fear of thunder. bev.


gayhubby💅: bev
gayhubby💅: bev can u pls come over?
i send her the text and wait for a response curling back into a ball.


gayhubby💅: please bev it's thundering and i'm all alone.
gayhubby💅: bev i need you.
my hands start to shake as i see she still hasn't replied. i start to cry, realizing i'm gonna be stuck alone.


gayhubby💅: bwv plese i rwally meed yuo.
(spelling mistakes on purpose to show his shaky hands)
theres no use she's not going to answer. there's only one other person i trust enough to help me right now.


chee💩: eddie dp yuo thjbk yob cen cowm ocer?

eds🩷: richie? are you ok?

chee💩: i jsut medd sombogfy rifht niw.

eds🩷: i'm on my way i'll be there in 5 minutes.
eddie's pov-

i immediately grab my shoes and open my bedroom door running down the stairs.

"eddie-bear where are you going?" my mom asks from her recliner.

"oh, um bill needed help with some homework. i'll be back soon." i lie

"ok eddie-bear just be careful don't hydroplane on your bike. oh and bring a coat so you don't catch a cold sweetie." she says

"ok bye mommy, love you" i say grabbing my coat and running out the door.

i run down the front steps grabbing my bike. i hop on and race to richies. i need to know if he's ok.

i arrive at his house and look around to check if his parents are home. i don't see their car so i knock on the door. no answer, i turn the door knob and it opens. i run upstairs to richies bedroom and open the door.

i see richie sitting on his bed hands over his ears crying. black eye, cuts on his arms and legs, bruises everywhere.

"chee what happened?" i ask concerned. richie points to the window then to his ears. what does he mea- the thunder! i know richie hate loud noises because he flinches all the time when someone yells or there is a bang.

"are you scared of the thunder?" i ask walking over to his bed and sitting next to him. i rub his back soothingly to try to calm him down. he nods and jumps when the thunder slams out of the dark night sky.

"it's okay. come here." i say opening my arms. he falls into them wrapping his arms around my back. i give him a little squeeze and whisper soothingly in his ear. we both lay down and stay like that for a while. a little while after he falls asleep. he still has his arms around me and i'm still rubbing his back. i fall asleep shortly after.

bevs pov- me and ben were at the movies. i powered my phone back on as we get in the car. i see the messages from richie. shit shit shit!

"ben i need you to take me over to richies right now!" i exclaim

"why is everything ok?" he asks

"just please take me there!" i plead as he starts the car and drives to richies.


wifeypoo🥵: i'm so sorry bby! i was at the movies with ben and my phone was off! i hope your ok now and i'm omw.❤️❤️

we arrive at richies and i run to the door. i open it and sprint upstairs. i open his bedroom door to see eddie and richie cuddling while sleeping. phew thank you eddie! i'm so glad richie trusts eddie more now.

hey guys! kind small chapter i guess but it's something! l haven't updated in so long! im so sorry but i've been so busy and didn't have time to write. anyways as always drink water, eat food, and get some rest! have a great day/night! - author

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