really richie?

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spaghettiman: really richie?

trashybitch: wsp spaggeds?

spaghettiman: change my name...

trashybitch: no can do eddie-bear😁

spaghettiman: why were u awake at 3:30 in the morning?

trashybitch: bc i can be😼

spaghettiman: rich can we priv chat for a sec..

trashybitch: kk!


eds💗: chee.. r u sure ur ok?

chee💩: ofc spaghetti! why wouldn't i be?

eds💗: nvm i was just wondering...


stutteringwhore: hi guys!

mikeyboy: hi bill!

bevthebeaver: hi guys!

haystack: hi!!

trashybitch: finally y'all answered!

birdperv: Hi!

bevthebeaver: are we just gonna ignore the fact richie called bill a whore?

trashybitch: yes...yes we are...

stutteringwhore: i didn't even read my name...

birdperv: How did you not read your own name?

stutteringwhore: idk man..

birdperv: Okay.....

bevthebeaver: i think eddie's name should be "richies loverboy" and richies should be "eddie simp"

spaghettiman: no i don't think so i'm fine with this...

trashybitch: good idea bevvy wevvy!

bevthebeaver: why thank you rich bitch!

spaghettiman: please don't change them to that....

mikeyboy: why not eddie, scared of ur feelings?


stutteringwhore: i think he is mikey....

spaghettiman: what feelings? i dont like rich in that way. i'm straight.

trashybitch: oh..i gtg guys.

haystack: bye rich!

stutteringwhore: bye!

mikeyboy: bye!


wifeypoo🥵: r u okay bb?

gayhubby💅: no...

wifeypoo🥵: do u wanna meet up?

gayhubby💅: yes please...

wifeypoo🥵: kk! meet at arcade in 10!

gayhubby💅: okay!
hey guys I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. Also make sure you drink water, eat food and get some rest. Ily all sm, stay amazing!- author

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