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⚠️homophobic slur⚠️
(richies pov)

i biked to the arcade and saw bev sitting on a bench in front of it.

"hey rich!" she said

"hey bevvy" (ew wait stop that sounded like her dad) i say.

"whatca wanna do?" she asked. richie remembered what happend last time he went to the arcade.

(flashback is in italics)

"ur fucking good!" connor exclaims shaking my hand. I pick up another token.

"we can go again? only if you want to!" I ask as connor looks in another direction.

"dude why are you being weird i'm not your fucking boyfriend!" he spits

"whoa- i-" I stutter

"what the hells going on here?" it's henry fucking bowers!

"you assholes didn't tell me your town was full of little fairy's" connor exclaims

"richie fucking tozier? are you trying to bone my little cousin?" henry asks loudly and everyone looks over. before I have time to answer henry yells.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE F*GGOT!" he yells at the top of his lungs and I run out crying.

(end of flashback)

"rich..?" bev asks waving a hand infront of his face. she notices his eyes getting watery as he looks out into the distance. but he snaps out of his trance when she taps him on the shoulder. he jumps a little but just turns to look at bev.

"hmm sorry were you saying something? i ask her. she shakes her head.

"no, but are you okay?" she asks

"umm.. yeah. can we maybe not do the arcade today and we'll go to like the gas station?" i ask.

"of course rich. and you know you can always tell me things right?" she asks standing up and giving me a hand which i take and stand up too.

"yes bevvy i know." i tell her as we start to grab our bikes but we don't ride them we just walk beside them.

"so what's up with you and the arcade i thought you loved it?" she asks as we're waking.

"oh nothing i just didn't feel like going today." i say trying to get her to not ask about it.

"ok....." bev says unconvinced. she knows that's not true but she can tell i don't wanna talk about it.

"ok fine if i tell you do you promise not to tell anyone?" i ask her.

"of course rich, this is between me and you." she tells me and i nod.

"ok so basically i was at the arcade a couple days ago, and i met this boy, his name was connor and he was really nice. we played a round of street fighter and he told me that i was good at it. then i asked him if he wanted to play another round but he looked over at something and his mood completely changed. he spat at me that he wasn't my boyfriend and started to get mad, then henry bowers came out from the same direction he looked in. henry asked what was happening and connor called me a fairy. then henry said i was trying to bone his little cousin and that's when i realized holy shit this is connor bowers the one people talk about at school but he was so nice not what people say but anyways. henry yelled at me and called me a f*g then i ran out." i confessed to bev trying not to cry.

"rich honey i am so sorry that happened to you!" she said giving him a hug. as i just laughed to stop the tears that are about to fall.

"richie y'know it's okay to cry right?" she asks. i nod and all of a sudden tears start to spill and i let out a sob.

"oh honey..." she says as we drop to the ground in a hug.

"it's okay.. your okay... i'm here baby..." she coos for comfort. i finally stop crying and we stand up.

"i'm sorry. thank you bev." i say.

"no no don't be sorry nothings your fault. crying is a normal thing." she says and we continue walking. we finally make it to the gas station and we grab some snacks and drinks. we walk back out and sit on the curb. we eat our snacks and i check the time.

"oh shit it's 5:30!" i exclaim.

"so?" bev asks mouthful of chips.

"i'm supposed to be home at 6" i tell her.

"oh okay we'll walk back now then" she says grabbing the trash and putting it in the bin. we start to walk back and we make it back to my house.

"bye bev!" i say giving her a hug and waking up my driveway. she waves to me and gets on her bike and rides away. i pull out my phone to check the time.

6:05 fuck...
ooo cliffhanger!!! anyways I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. Also make sure you drink water, eat food and get some rest. Ily all sm, stay amazing!- author

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