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(richies pov)
i look over at the hatch to see bill standing there with his jaw dropped staring directly at stan. shit..

(stan's pov)
"what are you looking a-" i ask cutting myself off because of what i saw. it was bill, fucking great he just heard the entire conversation! he started walking towards us. shit shit shit.. no no no..

"hey stan c-can i talk to you for a second?" he asks

"and that's my cue! be safe kids! use protection!" richie says before disappearing down the hatch. richie is so gonna pay for that. fucking hell..

"hey.." he says

"hi.." i say

"look bill in really sorry i shouldn't have said that and i'm sorry if i made you uncomfort-" i tried to say but got cut off by a soft pair of lips touching mine.. oh my god!! oh my god.. bill is kissing me!! i kiss back and shortly after we pull apart..

"i like you too stan.." bill says as i'm a blushing mess.

"do you wanna.. like.. be my boyfriend?" i ask him.

"i would love to stan!" he says kissing me again.

me and stan walk over to the clubhouse hand in hand and go down the ladder.

"i take it that went well?" richie asks looking at our hands.

"yes it did richie." i say

"richie what are you talking about?" eddie asks

"oh nothing spaghetti" richie says sending us a wink. me and bill sit back down onto the beanbags we were originally sitting on.
short chapter but i had to publish something. this chapter is sooo cute tho bc I LOVE STENBROUGH! anyways I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. Also make sure you drink water, eat food and get some rest. Ily all sm, stay amazing!- author

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