the clubhouse without mickey mouse

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school ended so i walked over to my locker grabbing my things and putting them in my bag. i zipped up my bag and walked out to the bike racks to meet the others.

"hey chee!" eddie said as i walked up.

"why hello eddio spaghettio!" i said unlocking my bike and pulling it towards me.

"is everyone ready?" bev asked as we all hopped on our bikes.

"yepper di do dah" i said pushing off the ground and pedaling to keep up with everyone. the clubhouse wasn't a far ride from school so we got there in no time. we made it to the spot and put our bikes behind the trees so no one like bowers would see them. i opened the hatch and held it so everyone could climb down. after they were done i hopped down and sat in the hammock.

"rich i wanted to sit there!" eddie whined

"too bad so sad ed's" i say smiling

"i told you not to call me that!" he said angerly

"ladies ladies, calm down your both very pretty!" bev said getting in between us.

"why d-dont you just s-share the hammock with him e-eddie?" bill asked

"ew you think i wanna sit next to that!? he's like a walking disease!" he exclaims. ouch that hurt coming from my best friend.
(a/n ohh richie he is much more than that!)

"ouch ed's you wound me with your words!" i tell him putting my hand on my heart to act offended.

"yeah yeah whatever.. now scoot over!" he says

"i thought i was a disease?" i ask him smirking

"oh shush!" he says pushing me over

"we should play a game!" bev says

"sure what game?" ben asks

"i don't know any ideas?" bev asks

"what about truth or dare?" mike says. shit i hate truth or dare it's like exposing all your secrets at once!

"s-sure!" bill says

"ok i wanna go first! umm mike truth or dare!" bev says

"umm truth?" he says questionably

"ok.. what is your biggest fear?" bev asks

"probably.... fire if i had to be honest." he says
i feel bad because his parents died in a fire and he witnessed it.

"ok umm richie truth or dare?" mike asks

"truth." i say. shit please don't be something about like my family or my crush! i mean it's mike so it can't be that bad..

"show us the most embarrassing photo in your camera roll!" mike says

"ok!" i say. thank the lord!!


all the losers burst out in laughter

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all the losers burst out in laughter.

"why did you take that?" bev asks still laughing

"i was sending it to my eddie boo boo bear!" i say

"ok but why?"stan asks

"because he woke me up by texting me so i said you woke me up and sent that!" i say

"ohhh that makes more sense." ben says

"i remember when you sent that." eddie says

"yep! ok moving on umm.. bill truth or dare?" i asked

"dare!" bill says. ooo big mistake billy boy!!

"ok... i dare you to call your mom or dad and say your pregnant!" i say

"richie what the fuck?" bev asks laughing

"it will be funny!" i say

ok i'll d-do it!" bill says pulling out his phone and scrolling through his contacts looking for his dad.

"ok.." bill says as he clicks call.
*ring ring ri-*

"hey bill what do you need?" he asks

"hey dad.. umm... i'm p-pregnant.."
*beep beep beep*

"he h-hung up o-on me!!!" bill says sadly. we all burst into laughter

"ok e-eddie t-truth or dare?" bill asks

"truth!" eddie says confidently

"if y-you had to c-chose one p-p-person to switch l-lives with who w-would you chose?" bill asks

"probably richie." he says

"oh yeah whys that?" mike asks

"i don't really know but his life seems the most interesting!" he says

"trust me eddie nothing interesting goes on in the old tozier household. you would probably be bored out of your mind!" i say

"ok stan truth or dare?" eddie asks

"truth i guess?" he says

"who is your crush?" eddie asks. stans face goes as red as a tomato and he look at me with a "oh shit what do i do look" me and stan know everything about each other so of course i know his crush. and it's someone in this room!

"umm i prefer not to say!" he says quickly looking down

"come on stan you have to answer!" bev says

"yea come on!" ben adds

"is it someone in this room?" eddie asks. stan just stays looking at the ground.

"stan?" eddie asks. stan just nods and all the losers gasp asking him a gajillon questions all at once.

"guys stop nagging him he obviously doesn't want to say so just leave it.." i say and he looks up at me with a "thank you!" look on his face and i just nod.
we finish up the game and just sit around and talk in little groups.

"!" stan whispers from across the clubhouse. i look up at him and he motions for me to go outside with him.

"where are y'all going?" bev asks

"for some fresh air." i say as we climb out of the hatch. we get outside and just sit against one of the trees.

"thank you so much for saving my ass in truth or dare!" he says

"oh yeah of course! i could tell by your face you weren't ready." i say

"thank god you said that could you imagine if bill found out i liked him?" stanley asked. i heard son noise over by the hatch so i looked over to see what it was..
ooo cliffhanger...I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. Also make sure you drink water, eat food and get some rest. Ily all sm, stay amazing!- author

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