secret plan!

164 2 28

bill created a groupchat.
bill added 4 people.
bill named the groupchat "secret plan"
bill changed 5 names

billygoat: okay so this is a gc without rich and eddie so we can plan!

noodleface: why would we need to plan?

edsheeran: wow bill how original i love my name🙄🖕

billygoat: ikr! i'm so smart!

ben10: what's the plan?

farmboi: ^^

billygoat: let's have a sleepover tn to run some tests on richie and eds

edsheeran: what kind of tests?

billygoat: ohh you'll see😈

noodleface: just tell us now babe, otherwise we won't know what your doing.

ben10: yea bills definitely giggling and kicking his feet like a teenage girl

farmboi: oh totally!

edsheeran: yea he's like def bright red in the face!

billygoat: what? no no i'm not! i have no idea what ur talking abt?😳

ben10: guilty!!

farmboi: we sentence u to 10 years in prison!!

billygoat: NOOOO!!!

edsheeran: guys get back on track!

ben10: right sorry..

farmboi: sorry..

billygoat: oops

noodleface: ok so bill, what's your plan?

edsheeran: stanley ily but ur pissing me off with ur grammar just text like a normal human! without commas and use abbreviations!

noodleface: oh i'm so srry bev! did i offend u? is this better?

edsheeran: yes very! alr billyboy carry on!

billygoat: ok so we all know how richie and eddie r in love right?

noodleface: yeah?

edsheeran: wow sherlock u cracked the case..

ben10: ^^

farmboi: ^^

billygoat: we get them to confess with like t or d! or something like that

edsheeran: that's not a bad idea!

noodleface: ^^

billygoat: r we all in agreement then?

edsheeran: i think i can speak for us all when i say yea we r!


trashybitch; damn where tf did y'all go?

bevthebeaver: up ur moms asshole

trashybitch: haha! so funny!😀😬

birdperv: neither of u r funny!


trashybitch: if so i wish stan was dating bill a longggg time ago

birdperv: oh shut up richie!

bevthebeaver: stanley. now deary, have you not learned the special rule?

birdperv: what rule?

bevthebeaver: "shut up richie" is not allowed in this household!

bevthebeaver: if you ever need him to be quiet you simply say "beep beep richie" it's a much more gentle way of telling him to quiet down.

birdperv: ok but what's the difference?

bevthebeaver: stanley i think we need to have a little chat in private.

birdperv: alr whatever


spicyramen:🌶️🍜: ok so  eddie told richie to shut up like 3 days ago and richie stopped talking completely for the entire day. idk what goes on in his brain but it triggers something and he shuts down. i've tried asking him abt it but he just says it's nothing and changes the conversation. i'm the only one who noticed when he stopped talking so i came up with beep beep bc it's a way more nice way of telling him to stop when he talks too much or makes a really gross comment. okay?

plainramen🍜: shit i had no idea.. i feel bad now..

spicyramen:🌶️🍜: just please apologize..🙏

plainramen🍜: yea ofc!


birdperv: richie i'm really sorry.

trashybitch: idk why ur apologizing when im completely fine! pfft? me? not fine? no that's crazy! idk what u mean stanny mannny? i am amazing in every way shape and form!!!😆😆😆😝😝 ianm one hubdrrd perxeny fune staynn byo!!☺️

(a/n the spelling mistakes r on purpose bc his hands r shaking and he's typing really fast)

bevthebeaver: richie honey are you okay?

trashybitch: compleuty fnie brv! donf woreu aboit me!

trashybitch went offline

spaghettiman: somebody tell why the fuck i woke up to richie with his head in his knees hyperventilating??

bevthebeaver: is he okay eddie? do you want me to come over and help?

spaghettiman: no he's not fine clearly! and no i can handle it!

richies pov:

when stan said that in the groupchat it reminded me of the time where bowers- nevermind  i don't wanna talk about it.

"chee? you okay?" eddie asks sitting up and scooting over to me.

"mm mm mmmm mm" i say mumbling because of my face being in my knees.

"chee i can't understand you, can you lift up your head?" he asks. i lift my head up slightly so he can hear me but not see my face.

"i said "yep i'm completely fine!" i repeat

havent really had a long gc chapter in a bit! i published a new story so go read that one and i will try to get updates out for both! as always make sure you drink water, eat food, and get some rest! have a great day/night! - author

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