uh oh...

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trashybitch: wtf bev! how did u get that pic?

haystack: uh oh..

trashybitch: ben pls tell ur gf to tell me how tf she got that!

bevthebeaver: richie chill-out i went to get u 4 our weekly smoke but ig u had other plans..😏

trashybitch: dude ur so not funny it's like actually bad..

birdperv: says you dumbass

stutteringwhore: he's got u there!

trashybitch: no u see stanny boy.. it's just that i am funny! and bev is not!

birdperv: but your not funny?

mikeyboy: i-

trashybitch: mike? do u agree with this zoophile?

mikeyboy: maybe..no- umm idk..

trashybitch: wow mike i can't believe u and u were my favorite too 😔💔


bevthebeaver: oh cmon we all know eds is ur favorite!🙄

trashybitch: umm no.. where's ur proof?😥

bevthebeaver: *attachment 1 image*
bevthebeaver: does this prove my point?

trashybitch: yea yea i get it..🖕

bevthebeaver: *gasp* did you just flip me off?!

trashybitch: did you just gasp over text?
trashybitch: what is this a fucking roleplay?

haystack: i mean maybe? wait is eddie even alive?

trashybitch: he's sleeping

bevthebeaver: ahh yes sleeping! on top of richie..

trashybitch:idk what ur talking abt??😰

bevthebeaver: oh really?
bevthebeaver: fine send a pic of eddie sleeping rn!

trashybitch: what! no! that's so creepy!

haystack: hmm...

mikeyboy: suspicious..

stutteringwhore: bev i have an idea!

bevthebeaver: yes billy boy?

stutteringwhore: hold up

bill created a new group
bill added 4 people
bill named the group "secret plan"
i am so sorry i haven't been updating. i have been busy and i have like no ideas so any ideas are appreciated. also i have ideas for new books so look in my announcements for details abt those. anyway that's all i have to say but make sure u eat food drink water and get some rest! ily so much. have and amazing day/night!

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