Chapter 2

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After a long 8 hours of driving, we finally arrived. Becky parked in the parking lot of our hotel and she opened her trunk. Me and Bailey got out and we all collected our suitcases. We walked into the hotel and walked to the front desk. Becky and Bailey shared a room and I decided to get a room for myself. I saw some other wrestlers there, like Cody, Rey and Dominic, and some other small wrestlers. I grabbed my key and headed up to my room. Me, Becky, Bailey, and Sasha all decided to have a girls night tonight. I decided I should probably start getting ready, since I need to be ready in 2 hours.

I took a quick shower and washed my hair. After, I blow-dried it and put it into some loose waves. I put on a pair of black leggings and a beige sweater. I applied some mascara and looked at the time on my phone. Perfect timing. I grabbed my purse and phone and headed down to the lobby.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed. Becky and Sasha were there, but not Bailey.

"Where's Bailey?" I ask

"She is just exhausted, so she decided to stay back at the hotel tonight." Sasha replied. I nodded and we talked about someplace we could go out and eat.

"Wanna go to PF Changs?" Becky asks.

"Yes! I love PF Changs!" I exclaim. Sasha laughs a bit and we started walking down the block.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we saw a group of 3 men at a table. I could tell Becky recognized them, cause she chuckled.

"Oh my lord, I know Seth too well." She says.

"What?" I reply back.

"I knew he would convince his buddies to come here. He loves PF Changs."

"Who is that all with him?

"Well, thats Saratha Tons, Sasha's husband, also Seth's best friend, and Roman."

I took a glance at Roman. He had a grey t-shirt on and some black pants. His hair was slickly tied back into a low ponytail. I had to admit, he did look fine as hell.

"Oh, thats cool!" I respond. Around 2 minutes later we got a table a few rows down to the right of where the boys were sitting. Becky started talking about how her and Seth met in the gorilla 10 years ago and how they were now married. Sasha told about how she married Saratha a few years ago.

"Now all we need is for you and Roman to get together." Sasha said.

"Sasha, I have never met him before." I said. I could feel my cheeks brighten a little. I glance over at the table the boys were at, mostly looking at Roman. Then he glanced over at me and we made eye contact. A spark formed in my stomach. I quickly look away and started to eat my food.


"We need to do this again!" Becky said. "Yes we definitely should!" I responded. I went back up too my hotel room after saying goodbye to the girls. I changed into my pajamas and did my night routine. I brushed my teeth, took of my makeup and applied skin care. I climbed into bed, and quickly fell asleep, thinking about how grateful I was to make friends this quickly on my job.


Monday came by faster than I expected. Me and the girls hung out a lot when we had the time to. Sasha decided to drive us to the arena. We headed inside and went to the women locker room. Right before I was about to enter the locker room, Vince stopped me in my tracks.

"Hey y/n. Can I ask you something?" Vince said.

"yes of course!" I responded.

"How would you feel going up against Alexa Bliss tonight? Not for any title, just so that the audience will get to see who you are."

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