Chapter 14

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"Its back....."

No. No no no this couldn't be happening. This has to be a joke.

"y-your kidding r-right?" I asked while water starting form in my eyes.

"I wish I was."

Tears started falling down my face. I can't believe this. "Don't cry baby." Roman says, pulling him into a hug. I hugged him back so tight. "Are you going to be okay? H-how serious is it?" I ask.

"Baby, I beat it back then, and I can beat it now. I am going to fight. I'm not worried as much of the cancer then I am of leaving WWE for a bit."

I cried in Roman's arms. He tried to calm me down, but it wasn't helping much. Me and Roman sat there for about 10 minutes, processing the thought.

After calming down a bit, I look up at him, and he looked back down at me. I grabbed his face gently and pressed my lips into his. He gently placed his hands around my waist, kissing me back. I place my hands on the back of his head. But of course, the locker room door had to open. When it opened, Dean, Seth, and Becky stood there. Me and Roman quickly separated the kiss, looking at them.

"Ugh, guys anywhere but here." Dean said. I looked at Becky, who was looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay y/n? Where you crying? Your eyes are all red." Becky said. I looked at Roman, and he pulled me into a hug as my crying session has begun again. Roman used his fingers to tell the 3 of them to come in. They entered the room and closed the door behind them, making there way to the couch and sitting down.

"What wrong?" Seth asked. Roman looked at them and took a deep breath.

"I just figured out 20 minutes ago that my leukemia returned." Roman said broadly. Becky gasped, and Seth and Dean were in shock. Roman kept me close to him, rubbing my back.

"Your going to have to tell Vince and Stephanie." Dean said. Roman nodded and looked back down at me. I started calming down again. I kept thinking about how Roman is so strong and he can beat this. But just the thought of it coming back killed me.

"When are you going to announce it?" I asked Roman. "I guess tonight. I'm going to go talk to Vince right now. I'll be right back baby." Roman said as he slowly got up. Dean gave him a quick pat on the back as he left the locker room. Becky came over to me right away and hugged me so tight.

"I'm so sorry y/n. But Roman has dealt with this before, and he was in remission fast. If he could do it then, then he can do it now, no doubt about it. He is going to fight, and he will be back soon." Becky said.

"Thanks Becks." I said. Dean and Seth came over and joined the hug. I knew Roman could beat this. He is the most strongest and positive person I have ever met. Now I have to start being positive. I had to stay strong for Roman.


Roman made his way out to the ring and was met with some cheers. He wasn't wearing his attire. He wore some dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt with a gold chain. He held his two titles on his shoulders as he stood in the middle of the ring. Me, Dean, and Seth were in the gorilla, watching over the monitors. I saw Roman bring his microphone to his mouth.

"I feel like I owe everyone an apology. For months, maybe even a full year I have come out here, spoke as Roman Reigns and I said a lot of things, you know. I said that I would be here every single week. I said I'd be a fighting champion. I said I was going to be consistant, and I said I was going to be a work course but...thats all lies."

The crowd became a little more silent. I felt tears come back to my eyes, but I remember that I have to stay strong for Roman. He looked down at his two titles hanging from his shoulders, then he continued speaking.

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