Chapter 58

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"Did you know Mrs. Anoa'i was pregnant?"

The whole room went silent. Including me. Y/n was pregnant? Does she know?

"I-she's pregnant?" I stutter my words out. I look over at y/n's mom, who was crying.

"May I speak to you alone sir?" The nurse asked me. I nodded and got up, leaving the group of shocked and scared family members behind. The nurse led me to a room and I sat down in a chair.

"We did multiple tests and realized that the bleeding was from her pregnancy."

I was speechless. All I am worried about right now is if y/n and the baby are okay.

"I-is she okay? And the baby?" I ask just above a whisper.

"The impact that y/n took to the stomach caused the bleeding, which caused her to have a miscarriage. Because if this, it is going to be almost impossible for her to become pregnant again."

I felt a lump in my throat appear. This was so bad to the point where I feel like it wasn't even believable. I stay there in silence, overthinking everything. Did y/n know she was pregnant? No she couldn't have. She would have never went out there if she knew.

"I-are you sure?" I ask behind slight chokes.

"Unfortunately, yes. I'm sorry. You may visit her in 20 minutes once her surgery is complete." The nurse said all calm. She got up and left the room, giving me some space. I felt my breathing start to increase a little. My wife wrestled out there pregnant. How did this happen? Why to her?

Allie POV

"She's pregnant? How does this even happen!" Hadley says. I remain silent as the whole group starts processing what happened. I shouldn't have let y/n go out there. Only bad things could have happened.

"Are you okay Allie?" Kenzy asked me. I look up at her slowly, then taking a deep breath.

"No. I-" I stopped my sentence. Everyone looked at me, wanting to know what I had to say.

"What Allie?" Hadley questioned. I let out a sigh and look at everyone.

"I knew she was pregnant."

"What?!" Y/n's mom cried out. I slowly nodded my head, preparing for all the shit talk about me coming my way.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Steve asked. My eyes watered up, and I looked up.

"She didn't want me saying anything. I told her that she shouldn't wrestle but she didn't listen." I whimpered. Hadley came over and hugged me, as I then started to cry. "I am such a horrible friend!" I cry out. Hadley held me tight, as well as some others coming over and hugging me as well. Even Romans family came over to comfort me. I felt so horrible.

"It's okay Mrs Allie. It's not your fault. Mommy will get better." I heard Joelle's little voice squeak. I lower my head and saw her giving me a hug. I cried a little more, embracing her in a hug as well.

Roman POV

The nurse leads me to y/n's room. I was scared to go in. I didn't want to see my wife in pain, but at the same time, I need to sort this out.

The nurse slowly opened the door.
Y/n perked her head up slightly and saw the nurse walk in. But once I came in, she became a crying mess.


The nurse came into my room, but what I wasn't expecting was Roman to come in behind her. His eyes were all red and puffy, and he was still in his ring attire. I felt so extremely guilty for not telling him. I start crying, not knowing what else to do to let my emotions out. Roman came over to the side of my bed and sat down.

"Y/n, baby are you okay?" Was the first thing he asked. I nodded my head slightly, then leaning my head up against his shoulder.

"What happened to m-me? Why does my crotch feel fucked up?" I groan. I hear Roman slightly chuckle under his breath, but stop soon after.

"You had surgery baby..." Roman whimpered. I had surgery? Because of a miscarriage? What does this mean? Does Roman even know about the baby?

"Y/n, be honest with me, d-did you know you were pregnant?"

My eyes widened. He sat up straight, looking into my eyes. Fuck. He knows? My eyes then started to water.

"Y-yes." I barely whisper. He got up from his chair and ran his hands through his hair with frustration. I flinch a little at the sudden movement.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why the hell did you go out there and wrestle when you knew you were pregnant? What the hell were you thinking?" Roman questioned. Tears trickle down my already damp cheeks.

"I-I want to do the m-match." I respond. He lets out a big sigh, controlling himself from going fucking bonkers.

"W-why? You had a baby growing inside you! I should be the first person you should come up to and tell right away!"

I place my face in the palm of my hands and cry some more. I was heartbroken, and so was Roman. I knew I shouldn't have gone out there. It was just me being paranoid. I regret it now so much.

"I'm sorry R-Rome." I say between slight hiccups. I felt Roman's hands slither around me into a hug as my tears continued flowing. The silence between us grew more by the minute, but he kept me in his arms. He finally broke the silence after 5 minutes.

"Do you want everyone to come see you?" He asked in a calm voice. I nod my head slightly. I did want everyone to come in here. I wanted to see my mother, my uncle, my friends, my mother and father in-law, my stepdaughter, and everyone else. Roman placed a soft kiss on my forehead before heading out of the room to go get everyone. They don't even know I'm pregnant. I have no idea how I am going to tell them.

Not even 5 minutes later, the door opens, and the first person to enter my room was my mother. She immediately ran over to me and placed her hand on my arm.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? Why didn't you tell Roman? Why did you go wrestle honey?" My mom babbled. My face fell into a stage of shock. My jaw literally dropped.

"Y-you kn-now?" I stutter between hiccups. I saw Kenzy make her way over to the opposite side of my bed.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" She asked right away. I nodded as she quickly pulled me into a hug. "Is the baby okay?" She then asked. My eyes widened, soon shaking my head no. She slowly backs up and looks at me.

"W-what?" She stutters.

"Y/n what do you mean?" Hadley says, walking up to me.

"I had a miscarriage." I was somehow able to speak out. Everyone in the room gasped, except for Roman, who was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. His elbows were resting on his knees, and his chin was lowered. I was soon pulled out of my gaze by everyone talking to me.

"Y/n, sweetie, please don't ever do that again." Patricia said, walking over and giving me a hug. I let out some weak sobs as I bury my face in the crook of her neck. Romans father and Joelle also came over and joined the hug. I wish this moment could be over. I wish I could time travel 1 month ahead. I want this pain to be gone.


The past 2 weeks have gone by like a blur. I didn't go to any WWE events, and everyone was wondering where I went. Not a word was spread to the WWE universe about my miscarriage. It was 11 at night, and me and Roman were snuggling in the hotel bed after he had a busy night at Raw. He calmed down over the situation, but he made me promise that I would never to that or anything similar to that again. Of course, I promised.

"Babe?" I whisper.

"Yes?" He quietly replies back.

"When will I be able to wrestle again?" I question. I heard him inhale heavily. "Hopefully soon. You need to let yourself heal though." He responds. I huff a little, gazing my eyes around the darkened room.

"So we aren't going to have any little Reigns' running around at all?" I rasp under my breath. "I'm keeping my hopes up baby." Roman replied back. He placed a kiss on my head before finally drifting off to sleep.

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