Chapter 29

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I woke up the next morning to Roman shaking me gently. I stretched my arms out then rubbed my eyes.

"Morning beautiful." Roman said. "Good morning baby." I replied back. Roman gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Everyone is upstairs preparing breakfast. Wanna come?" Roman asked.

"Yeah. Sure." I said. I pulled the blankets off me and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I stepped foot on the ground, but my legs just collapsed.

"God damn it." I mumbled. Roman started laughing his ass off as I put a sarcastic pout on my face.

"I'm sorry baby. Want me to carry you upstairs?" He asked.

"You should be sorry. And yes, take me upstairs."

I reached my arms out and let Roman pick me up. He carried me bridal style up the stairs. I saw Dean, Seth, Becky, and Sasha all sitting at the kitchen countertop. Becky looked over and me and smirked.

"What's up with you?" She said mischievously. Everyone looked over at me and Roman, and my cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment.

"Put me down." I said to Roman. He looked at me.


"So I can show them."

He chuckled and slowly placed me on my feet. I was able to stand by myself, but my legs were wobbly. I tried to take a step, but my leg gave out and I collapsed to the ground. Everyone started cracking up while I just sat on the ground.

"Roman what did you do to her?" Sasha said in between laughs. I looked at Roman.

"Did y'all see what she was wearing last night? Made me act up a bit. " Roman replied. Everyone started laughing.

"It's okay y/n, Becky feels your pain too." Seth said. I looked at Becky and she nodded. She slowly adjusted herself out of her chair and stood up. She took two wobbly steps over to me before collapsing like I did. I started laughing so hard as well as her.

"Holy shit was there a fuck fest going on?" Dean said. Everyone started laughing as me and Becky just stayed on the floor.

"What exactly was she wearing, Roman?" Sasha slurred. I blushed and hid my face in my hands.

"Oh man it was something. Victoria's Secret or some shit? She looked fine as hell in it."

Dean started to fake gag. I rolled my eyes and looked up at him.

"Don't worry Dean, Becky was wearing something similar too." Seth said.

"Oh god guys!" Dean whined. He raced out of the kitchen as we all started cracking up.


It's been about a week since that night and I am walking normally again. Me and Roman were looking at homes in y/h/t to move to into. Romans parents and my uncle and mom were all really close friends now, so Romans family decided to move closer to us. Joelle was pretty excited about the whole thing too. We gazed through houses in the neighborhood. We didn't find the perfect house yet, until we passed a huge white house with a black roof and black window sills. It was absolutely beautiful.

We took a look through the house, and this was definitely going to be our choice. It had a big living room with glass windows surrounding. The kitchen was beautiful with a white marble island in the middle. There was 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and a pretty large basement. There was a big backyard. This was the house.

Me and Roman signed paperwork that day. Our house would be ready by the end of this month.

"Are you excited about this baby?" Roman asked while rubbing my back.

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