Chapter 60

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As I was walking down the ramp, I embraced the crowds roars and cheers. It was my first match back in 5 months since my miscarriage. I took much needed time off to heal and build back my muscle memory. My first match back was against Rhea Ripley. Yes, I know, why against her? Well Hunter gave me the match, and I couldn't back down. This is an amazing opportunity to show everyone that I am still the wrestler I was before my incident. I am still a hound of justice.

I rolled into the ring, staring down Rhea. She had her whole judgement day squad behind her by the announce tables. I had no one by my side. I didn't know she was bringing those freaks out. If I would've known, I would've brought Roman, Seth, and Dean out here with me.

The announcer introduced us, and the bell rung. We circled around each other before I jump on her back. She flails are arms around, struggling to get me off her back. I jumped off her shoulders and started to deliver kicks to her back. I went for my 5th kick, but she ducked under my leg and kicked me in the jaw. I stumbled back against the turnbuckles. She then started attacking me like I was to her. She propped me up in her arms and gave a buckle bomb. She went for the cover, but I kicked out at 2.


The match has been going on for about 8 minutes. And let me tell you, its been brutal. I had Ripley arising to her feet on the opposite corner of the ring from me. As she got to her feet, and ran at her full force and speared her to the mat. I laid over her body and went for the pin. Right before 3, I was pulled out of the ring by someone. I fell to the ground outside the ring and looked up. I saw Dominik standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Not today sweetie." He chuckled, shaking his finger back and forth. I quickly rose to my feet and stood up in front of him, staring him in the eye. I could have easily pinned Rhea, but this son of a bitch broke it up. He let out a small chuckle, and thats when I snapped. I pounced on Dominik, bringing him to the floor. I threw rights and lefts to him, but was quickly pulled off from Damian and Finn. I squirmed and kicked my feet around, but they wouldn't let go of my grip. They were letting Rhea regain herself.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta... Shield

The crowd roars and cheers as the judgement day shot their heads to the entrance way. Damian let go of his grip on me, and was soon piled to the floor by Seth. Roman attacked Finn and Dean attacked Dominik. They just came out of nowhere. I was too busy looking at my boys that I didn't realize that Rhea bounced off against the ropes and running and jumping through the ropes. But my last minute reflexes took over and I caught her mid-air. I took her and ran her into the ring post, but kept my grip on her. I look over at my boys, who were propping Finn, Damian, and Dominik up. I nodded at them, and walked over to the announce table. Us four raise the Judgement day up and power bomb them through the table. The crowd goes wild as I back away and lean up against the apron, catching my breath.

I walk over to Rhea and grab her by her pitch black hair and roll her into the ring. She arose to her feet, then I quickly kicked her in the gut and gave her a stunner. The crowd went crazy as I covered her for the win.

Seth, Dean, and Roman roll into the ring and tackle me back to the ground in a hug. Well, mostly Dean. I laugh and hug them all back tightly, celebrating my first win back. This match wasn't just any ordinary match win, or first win back. This match, and this win, was for my child that I lost. I still am not over it.

Me and my Shield brothers roll out of the ring. Roman grabs my waist from behind and lifts me up onto his shoulder. I squeal a little bit at the sudden movement. The crowd cheers as I raise my arms in the air. I look down at Roman and rub my hand through his black, damp hair. He looks up at me and gives me the cutest smile ever. It just made my heart absolutely melt. He slowly lowered me down to the ground. I then stood there still, slowly placing my fist in front of me. Seth joined immediately, then Roman and Dean.

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