Chapter 13

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I heard from Becky that Raw tonight was gonna be awesome. She told me that I was going to have a match with Zelina Vega. It would determine who would challenge Rhea Ripley for the women's championship at SummerSlam.

Now, I'm not gonna lie, Vega is pretty good, but I think I have a good chance at beating her. I have been working my ass off training after my nose got better so that if me and Rhea have a match again, I would be more stronger.

I was called to do a promo in the beginning of the show tonight. I found my way to Charly as she started talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to the former Raw Women's champion, y/n l/n!" I walk over to her and stand by her side, lowering my chin a little so I am making eye contact with her.

"Y/n, tonight you have a match with Zelina Vega and possibly have a chance at facing Rhea Ripley at SummerSlam in 5 months. How have you been recovering since your last match with Rhea? And are you ready for Vega tonight?"

"Well, the recovery process was a pain. Ya know, not being able to breath through my nose, and other reasons. But I have been training my ass off every day of the week so that next time I face Rhea, the crowd will call me Mami, not her." I said. I heard the crowd from the stadium faintly cheer.

"And to answer your other question, yes. I am so ready for Vega tonight. She did challenge Rhea for the championship, but she was too dumb to realize that I am here. I am back, and I am ready to take my title back~" I smirk and walk off camera. The crowd cheered faintly. I grab my water bottle that I placed on the desk close by and take a quick sip. Since mine and Vega's match was the main event tonight, our match was the last one, so I had about 2 hours to kill. I walked back to the locker room and was greeted by Becky.

"Hey y/n." Becky greeted. "Hey Becks. Anything new?" I ask as I sit myself down on the couch.

"Well, I was thinking that tomorrow you, me, Sasha, and Bailey all have girls day." Becky said.

"Ugh that sounds amazing. I really do need a break." I replied.

"Yeah. The first year of being here is very stressful, but you get used to it. Stephanie almost always lets you take a few weeks off."

"Thank the lord. Well I am totally free to hang out tonight!" I exclaim.

"Good! See you later!" Becky said. I nodded as she head out to the gorilla. I looked back into the mirror and redone my hair. I rested on the couch and watched the monitor.


I stood in the gorilla with my mixed tag title on my shoulder. I jumped in place a few times, hyping myself up for this match. Zelina made her way down to the ring, taking her time, which made me more nervous. I just wanted to get out there right now and not have the suspense build up on me.

Finally after her music came to an end, mine started playing. I got lots of cheers from the crowd as I entered through the curtain. I walked out slowly then stopped, lifting my title high in the air. I smirked and started walking towards the ring. I walked up the steel steps, eventually walking on the apron facing the crowd. The fans got on their feet and starting cheering. I smiled brightly as I entered through the ropes. I approached Zelina, and we just stared at each other.

"This match its scheduled for pinfall or submission. Introducing first, from New York, New York, Zelina Vega!"

We kept looking into each others souls, not moving an inch.

"And her opponent, from y/h/t, y/n, l/n!"

I lifted my mixed tag team title high in the air as the crowed cheered. I handed my title to the ref, who then handed it off to an employee outside the ring. The bell rang 3 times, and I was so ready to beat Vega.


We walked around in circles for a little, then we started attacking each other. I pushed Zelina off me and she headed towards the corner and leaned against the turnbuckle. I ran up to her to hit her, but she moved and I hit my shoulder right up against the turnbuckle. Ow. I groaned in pain as I grabbed my shoulder and turned around. She ran up to me and gave me a huge drop kick, sending me outside the ring. I leaned against the announce table, holding my ribs. I watched Zelina as she started laughing. She then looked at the crowd, with her back to me. I slowly crept into the ring.

The crowds cheers grew louder as they saw me behind her. She turned around, and gave her a huge underhand punch. She yelped in pain as I continued punching her. I ran and bounced off the ropes, delivering a superman punch. The crowd started cheering loudly after that, and I smiled, hoping Roman was watching the monitors. Zelina laid on the mat, and I made my way to the turnbuckles. I climbed up to the top rope, finding my balance. I jumped high off the rope and delivered a frog splash. I quickly pinned her, but she kicked out at two. I slammed the mat with my foot and got up. I grabbed her by the hair pulled her to her feet. She punched my stomach a few times, causing me to loose my grip. She drove her shoulder into my rips, banging my back against the turnbuckles.

"I'm going to get the championship!" Zelina yelled loudly. She kicked my gut, then soon after gave me a lungblower. I grasped my back before she slammed me down and pinned me. I kicked out the last millisecond, and I groaned in pain. She screamed with frustration and just sat there looking at me. I rolled towards the ropes, using them to help me back to my feet. Zelina stood in the corner of the ring, waiting for my to arise to my feet. Once I did, she ran towards me, but I ducked under her arm and wrapped my arm around her neck. I lifted her off my feet with all the power I had left and delivered a stunner, famously from my uncle. I pinned her, but she kicked out and 2 and a half. I smacked my hand on the mat with frustration. I pulled her up to her feet and grabbed her arm, pulling her to the ropes, but she reversed it and sent me to the ropes. I bounced off and gave her a spear. The crowd started going crazy as I pinned her. 1!2!3!


The crowd cheered and got on their feet as I rolled off Zelina's body. I grabbed my title that was in the refs hands and grasped it. I stood up as the ref grabbed my hand. I raised it high, looking at Zelina, who was still on the ground. I slid out of the ring and started heading up the ramp. I gave some high fives to some fans as I approach the curtain. I exit through and moved some if the hair in my face out.

I heard slow clapping behind me. I turn around, and Roman was standing there, with a huge smile on his face. I smile and gave him a huge hug.

"You looking amazing out there baby. How did it feel?" Roman said, still holding me in a hug.

"It felt amazing. I missed this so much." I replied. Roman gave me a little kiss on the head before we started heading back to our locker room. As we were making our way, we ran into Dean and Seth.

"Good job out there y/n!" Seth said, giving me a pat on the back. "Yeah, you looked awesome out there." Dean added.

"Thanks guys." I replied. I smiled as I opened the locker room door.

"Are you gonna wait here?" I asked Roman.

"Yeah, don't keep me waiting~" Roman answered. I chuckled and headed inside the locker room. No one was there, which was a bit of a relief.

I opened the locker room door. Roman was still there, looking at his phone. He looked a bit upset.

"Hey Roman, there isn't anyone in here, so you can come in." I said. He crept a little smile out and I opened the door wider so he could make his way in. He sat on the couch as I quickly went into the changing room and got dressed into something more comfy. I made my way out, and Roman looked at me. I could tell right away he had pure pain in his eyes.

"Are you okay babe?" I asked as I slid my attire into my locker. I looked back at him, and his head was down facing towards the floor. I walked over and sat down by him. "Whats wrong baby? Remember I'm always here." I said. He took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Remember about 5 months ago I said I was diagnosed with leukemia?" He said quietly. I nodded a little. I took my hand and rubbed his back. I looked at me, and took a deep breath.

"Its back..."

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