Chapter 15

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I said my last goodbyes before heading off to the airport. It was so hard saying goodbye to Roman. Me and his parents took him to the hospital together, and thats where I had to say my goodbye. Seeing him there just killed me, but I know I had to keep doing work for Roman. The whole flight back felt like a blur. I made sure to text Roman when I landed, and quickly booked a hotel room to stay at for Monday.

I decided to share a room with Sasha. I would share a room with Becky but her and Seth were sharing a room and I didn't want to disturb them. Me and Sasha decided to go shopping for a girls day out.

"So how are you holding up? With Roman and everything?" Sasha asked me.

"I've been doing okay. We have been keeping in contact but I just miss him so much." I said while looking through a rack of shirts.

"I understand. Just remember I'm always here, okay?" I looked at Sasha, soon giving her a hug. "Thanks Sasha."

"Anytime. Now lets stop talking about sad things and lets get shopping!" Sasha exclaimed. I chuckle a little as we continued shopping.


Monday came by like a blur. Roman hasn't been able to contact me much, and I understand why. Sasha and Becky were there the whole time for me, which I was beyond grateful for. Tonight I had a match against Liv Morgan.

I stood in the gorilla, thinking about Roman. He hasn't come out of my mind once. I know that he is watching me, and I want to make him so proud.

Liv made her entrance down to the ring. I stood in the gorilla with Becky by my side. I start fiddling with my fingers. Becky noticed, because she started trying to calm me down.

"Relax y/n. You are going to do great. Roman is going to be so proud of you." She said. I smile and hug her so tight. A few tears escape my eyes as I release the hug. "Thank you Becks. I love you."

"I love you too y/n. Now go out there and shine." She said. I smiled as my music hit. I quickly wipe the tears away from my eyes and enter through the curtain. The crowd roared for me. I look around the crowd, then right at the camera. I give a little nod, hoping Roman is watching. I made my way down to the ring and stand on the apron. The crowd cheered as I looked at everyone. I entered in the ring, standing face to face with Liv. The announcer introduced us, then the match was off.


I quickly attacked Liv, throwing lefts and rights. I run her to the corner of the ring and kick her in the gut. I step back, then give her a running knee. I stepped back, running to give her another one, but she moved and I banged my knee against the post. I cry in pain as us 2 lay there in the ring.

Liv got up before I did, and started attacking my knee. I cry in pain as she kept kicking my knee. I grab on to the ropes, and the ref stopped Liv from kicking any more. I grab my knee in pain. Liv grabs my hair and drags me to the middle of the ring. She went for the pin, but I kicked out at 2.

She grabbed my hair and pulled me up. I threw some punches to her stomach, then gave her a huge under arm punch. I screamed and held her jaw. I picked her up to give her a back breaker, but my knee gave out and I dropped Liv, causing me to fall down. I grab my knee in pain as the ref kept asking me if I wanted to stop. I repeatedly kept saying no and I slowly got up. Liv grabbed my and threw me outside of the ring. I landed hard, and leaned up against the announce table grasping my knee. I cried in pain as Liv made her way outside. She pulled me too my feet, but I grabbed her and threw her over the announce table, falling into chairs.

I slowly made my way back into the ring, as the ref made the 6 count. Liv slowly got up, then just barely made it into the ring before the count of ten. I slam the mat with frustration as I kept on thinking how I was going to win this.

I got up and pulled Liv to her feet, but she got out of my grip and starting throwing rights and lefts. She then delivered her finisher, the ObLIVion. She pinned me, but I just kicked out in time. Liv laid on the mat with frustration. I slowly got to my feet, and Liv was waiting to give me a running knee, but I then gave her a huge superman punch to the jaw. She fell to the floor, and the crowd started getting hype. I grabbed my knee in pain as I leaned agains the turnbuckles. I didn't know if I had the power to deliver a spear. But then, I immediately thought of what Roman said before I left.

"But you are going back and you are going to make everyone proud, especially me. I can't tell you how proud I am of you already. You got this baby, I believe in you."

I wait for Liv to get to her feet, as I get myself pumped up. Liv finally arose to her feet, and I ran towards her and delivered a spear. My knee was in extreme pain but I powered through and covered Liv for the win. 1!2!3!


I grab my knee in pain as I roll off of Liv's body.

"Heres your winner, y/n l/n!"

I sat in the ring, still holding my knee while I look at the crowd. They were all on their feet and cheering for me. I smile at them. They soon started chanting 'y/n! y/n!' I smile and roll out of the ring carefully. I make it to my feet and limp up the walkway. I turn around and lift my hand up in gratitude while the crowd cheered some more. The cameraman was right by me, so I looked at it and said "I love you Roman." I really hoped Roman saw this. I limped through the curtain and made my way backstage, immediately falling to the ground. I grasp my knee in pain as I saw Liv make her way back here.

"Are you okay y/n?" Liv asked me.

"Yeah, I think I just tweaked my knee. Good job out there." I said.

"Thank you y/n. I bet you Roman is so proud of you."

I smile and give Liv a hug. We really fought a hard battle out there, and I was happy that we are friends outside of the ring too.

Roman POV

I watched the TV as y/n pinned Liv for the win. I smiled brightly for her victory. I saw her grasp her knee in pain. I really hope its nothing serious. I watched the TV the whole time as she limped up the walkway. When the camera was close up to her, she smiled and said "I love you Roman."

God I loved this girl so much. I am so proud of her for powering through and doing this while I am here. My mom was in the room too, so she saw everything on the TV.

"She is such a sweetheart Joe. I hope you guys last." My mom said. I look over at her and smile.

"Yeah, I hope so too. I love her so much." I respond. My mom smiled and rubbed my arm while I continued watching y/n head backstage. I quickly grabbed my phone and sent her a quick text.

I love you too y/n"


My phone vibrated by me as the trainer was taping up my knee. I pulled out my phone and saw that I received a text from Roman. I opened it, and all it said was 'I love you too y/n.' I smiled, knowing the fact that Roman was certainly watching me. I blush a little and let the trainer continue taping up my knee.

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