Lisbon, Portugal (Friday, June 7th, 2019)

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Lisbon, Portugal (Friday, June 7th, 2019)

Michael was sleeping, even though it was only a few minutes after lunch. The fan above him was on, his shirt thrown somewhere around their hotel room. Luke was unpacking, hanging up clothes, debating if he needed to iron. 

Bella and Ivona were next to Michael, using markers on their coloring pages. Luke liked how artistic they seemed to be. Maybe they were just typical three-year-olds, but it made him smile when they truly enjoy doing crafts. 

Surely, having a photographer as a father is going to give one some type of creative gene. Ashton and Calum always encouraged them to do artsy things, they seemed to encourage whatever the two girls were up to. Luke hopes that one day he and Mike would have a kid or two running around, being happy, doing what they love. 

"Psst, Uncle Lukey," Bella whispered. 

Luke turned around, raising an eyebrow. "Psst, Princess Bella."

"Can we color on Mikey?" She asked with hopeful green eyes.

 The blonde smile, nodding his head. "Color in his tattoos." He turned his back again, hanging up more clothes. PVRIS was playing from his computer speakers, he was trying to make his nieces punk rock since Ashton made them listen to classical music at almost every hour of the day. 

Michael opened his eyes slightly. Bella was on his ankles, a blue marker coloring in an anchor on his calf. Ivona next to his torso, her hands pressing lightly as she colored in a few doodles on his stomach. 

He smiled, itched his nose, then fell back to sleep. 

Luke was humming to himself as he laid out his outfits for the next few days. He doesn't know why he does this, he wears the same thing every day, but it's routine. Ever since he was young, he's seemed to always lay out his clothes. He likes organization, unlike Michael. 

Ashton walked in, a coffee in hand. "Hey, how are my girls?" He peaked around the corner, watching them color in Michael. "Oh."

"It's okay, I told them they could," he answered without missing a beat.

Ash laughed, "Alright. Whatever you say." He pulled out a chair by the desk behind Luke. There was more luggage on the desk along with a few charging devices. "I can't thank you enough for always babysitting them, Luke. I honestly owe you the world." He sipped at his coffee, his legs crossed over one another. 

The blonde boy shooed him off. "It's no problem, I love them like my own."

"Do you think you and Mike are gonna...?" He trailed off.

Luke shrugged. He closed the closet doors before pulling a kitchen chair over closer to Ashton. He sat down, opening his laptop and changing the song. "Er, I'm not sure. I don't think anytime soon with his career and all that. We don't have time for kids, at least he doesn't think so."

"You can borrow my girls until you two are ready," Ashton said with his famous smile. Every time he smiles, Luke still sees the eighteen year old college student getting locked out of his room almost twice a week. The gleaming teeth and deep dimples, he sees his best friend. 

Luke laughed, "Look at them, I think they're the ones borrowing Michael." 

The blue-haired boy was now very colorful unlike his usual black and white body. The girls definitely took the whole 'color in' thing way too seriously as there was very little space of his skin showing. 

"Oh geez, I'm taking them before they find permanent markers." Ashton stood up, collecting his girls. 

"Do you see Uncle Mikey?" Bella asked. She wrapped her arms and legs around her father as he lifted her up.

"Oh yes, he looks very pretty."

"Can we color you next?" She asked. 

Ash shook his head as he pushed their markers into one of their backpacks. "I think we should leave the coloring for Michael."

Ivona hopped off the bed, grabbing her father's hand and walking out with him. They said their goodbyes, leaving to their own hotel room. 

Luke crawled on the bed, his knees on either side of his sleeping husband. He collapsed on him, resting his head on a mess of blue marker where one of the girls tried to color in his heart tattoo. 

Mike whined, "You're squishing me."

Luke made himself more comfortable, laying his body flat on top of Mike. The younger boy placed his hands on either side of Luke, his sleepy eyes half open as he pushed him off. 

The blonde pouted as he fell to the other side of the bed. "You're a mean-y."

Michael laughed as he grabbed Luke's hands once more, dragging him back with a, "No, come back."

Luke rolled his eyes as he kissed Michael's chin. "Make up your mind, you big baby."

Michael maneuvered around him, grabbing a light blanket and placing it lightly on top of their two bodies. He wrapped his arms around Luke's lower back, pulling him closer and closer to his body. "Don't be mean when I'm trying to cuddle you."

Calum sighed as he got back to their hotel room. He was still sweaty from his work out, his breath continued to stay unsteady. He threw off his shirt, dumping it on top of their dirty laundry bag. 

Ash shushed his loud movements, "They just got to sleep." He pointed to the two sleeping bodies cuddled close together on their bed. Their long hair was a mess on the pillows. A few throw pillows lay on the ground as Ash was still afraid they'd fall off. 

Cal smiled at their two daughters. "They're so gorgeous." He left the room once more, changing out of his sweaty clothes to a new pair of shorts and muscle tee. 

Ashton stood at the end of their bed, admiring their button noses and high cheekbones. Calum stood behind him, placing his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders. He rested his chin on the top of Ashton's head. "I can't believe we made them."

Ashton laughed quietly, "Yeah, me either. Who knew we made such beautiful babies?" He turned around, ushering Calum into their own bedroom so they could have an actual conversation that wasn't in whisper mode. Ash sat on their bed, his feet hanging off the side. "It's weird to think that when I first met you, I didn't even know I was gay, much less I'd end up with you."

The bed dipped when Calum sat next to him. He placed his tan hand on the inside of Ashton's thigh, rubbing up and down the smooth skin. "I hoped that I'd get a chance with you, I just didn't know we'd end up like this."

The older boy leaned in, kissing his boyfriend. "Let's have more."

Calum turned his head, attaching their lips together in a slow haste. His hands fumbled with the rough collar of his tee shirt as he pinned Ash upon the bed sheets. 

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