(Thursday, November 28th, 2019) +

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(Thursday, November 28th, 2019) +

Michael sat across from his parents as they some type of story. Their long, oakwood table was almost empty except for their four set spots. Michael's mother sat across from her son, her husband to her left. Luke wiggled uncomfortably in his seat as he definitely needed to pee for the fourth time since they sat down.

Mike placed a comforting hand on Luke's knee cap, his fingers crawling over the tight jeans. He nodded at something his mother said, as if he was actually listening.
Their plates were stacked to the top, neither man used to such big, elegant meals. They were a busy couple, they were also an untalented couple in the whole cooking department.

Luke was completely satisfied with dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets every single night, he didn't even need Michael across from him. As long as he had his processed food, he was fine.

Michael's hand spread up Luke's leg a few inches before falling back down to his knee. He warmed up Luke's inner thigh, his fingers pressing deeper into the denim. Luke looked down, smiling at the way Mike's pale hand collided with his dark jeans.

"So, Luke, how are my grand-babies doing?" Ms. Clifford asked, her eyes falling to his bloated belly.

He smiled, "They're doing great. They love kicking, and eating. I don't think they ever sleep."

Michael moved his hand up. He readjusted his body a few times until he was leaning closer to Luke. His right hand felt around his inner thigh, his fingers curling under the tight pregnancy jeans.

Yeah, Luke found skinny jeans for pregnant humans.

"That's so cute. Are you getting nervous for their arrival?"

Luke bit his lip and curled his toes as he tried not to focus on the frisky hand groping his skin. "Er, not really. I was for a bit, but now I'm more excited than scared."

She nodded, wiping a piece of hair from her shoulder. "I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother to four. That's amazing, isn't it?" Ms. Clifford turned to her husband, giving him a smile.

He returned the smile, except much less excited.

Michael's smallest finger skimmed against Luke's crotch, his hand rotating to add pressure to his length. Mike hid the smile from his face as Luke squirmed in his seat. "Still can't believe there are four," Mike said, "Wow." He moved his hand more, truly cupping Luke now.

The light blue table cloth was the only thing keeping his parent's from seeing the naughty behavior.

Luke crossed his legs, trying to push Michael's hand away. Mike's hand stayed in between his legs, though, slowly feeling the skin he loves so much.

"Do you think you two are going to have more after these four? Or is four definitely enough?" She asked. She moved her plate away from her, signaling her finished meal.

Michael looked over at Luke, his green eyes gleaming with joy. He enjoyed seeing Luke squirm. "I'm not sure. I think four is enough. Right, Lukey?"

Luke clenched his jaws until pain surged through his teeth. He nodded his head, butchering out a, "Sure."

Michael moved back down to Luke's knee squeezing the skin. "You feeling okay, Darling?" Michael asked his husband.

Luke bit his tongue. "I think I'm feeling a bit tired. Maybe we should get headed to bed?" He put his own hand on Michael's, his nails digging into the skin around his knuckles.

Mike retracted his hand, looking over at his parents. "Is it okay if we head to bed? Long day of traveling this morning."

They were excused, trying not to run up the main set of stairs at full speed. Luke wouldn't be able to run up those stairs even if he wanted.

Michael closed the guest room door, his eyes dark and on Luke. "Why, hello there." He took a step forward, his feet on either side of Luke's. He placed his hands on Luke's cheeks, pushing his body as close as he could to his husband—there was a large bump in the way.

Mike pushed him against the side of the bed, letting his knees buckle as Luke collapsed onto the sheets with a small laugh.

Michael made himself comfortable straddling Luke's thighs, his hands on either side of his torso. "So, how are we gonna do this?"

"Just fucking blow me already."

The two went at it, doing what they did best—fucking. The duo have always been a sexual couple, and every day they seemed to learn more and more about the pale skin they fell in love with.

Luke loved Michael, the warm feeling of his throat. He loved his hands, the rough skin constantly holding him down.

Michael loved the whines leaving Luke's throat, muffled to stay quiet. He loved his heels, digging into the back of Michael.

Everything seemed perfect when their two bodies clashed together in a haze.

(a/n) i was literally so not in the mood to write this. i stayed on this page for three days before giving up.

if you're horny, go watch fucking porn. don't rely on fics, dude.

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