Chicago, Illinois (Monday, July 16th, 2019)

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Chicago, Illinois (Monday, July 16th, 2019)

Luke tucked Ashton in, sliding the blankets under his sore body.

The older (by a week) boy giggled, swatting his blonde best friend away. "I'm not four, Jesus Christ, Luke."

"I'm being a good friend!"
"I'm fine! I'm just ache-y," Ashton patted the spot next to him. His hotel bed was quickly messed up as Luke jumped in, kicking the sheets out and cuddling next to Ash.

"You're a good husband and father and child-carrier."

Ashton laughed, he played with his thumbs casually, flicking them back and forth. "The girls were cute at the zoo yesterday, I didn't want to cut their fun short just because my feet are swollen and my head is about to fucking explode."

Luke smiled. "Is that what being a parent is about?"

"Yeah," he answered, "Kind of."

"Are people just born good parents, or do we have to, like, work at it?" Luke curiously asked.

Ash scooted down on the bed, his body flat and pillows fluffed up. His spine and knees practically killed him every time he moved. He looked up at Luke, who was still staring at him with wide blue eyes. "It's really common knowledge, I mean, I didn't know what I was doing when they were born, and I still don't. You just have to take it day by day." The brunette paused, "Why?"

"Mike and I are trying." It took every bone in Luke's body to hold back the goofy smile upon his lips. He lost it, giggling like a school girl again.

"That's amazing! I'm happy for you two, did all of your crying tantrums finally get to him?"

"Psh, probably. I'm practically a child," Luke stated proudly.

Calum stood waist-deep in the water, holding out his hands. "Jump, I'm here to catch you."

Bella shook her head fast from left to right before placing her toe in the cold water once more. "No!"

Cal pointed at her sister who was freely swimming around the shallow end with Michael holding her above water. "Iv did it, I know you can, too."

Bella looked around the hotel pool then up at the bright sun. "Promise you'll catch me?"

"Baby, I promise," Calum said between laughter. He was unable to keep a straight face around his girls.
He began counting, preparing Bella to jump. On three, she jumped off the ledge and into his hands. Cal let her waist dip into the water before jumping her up into his arms. He kissed her cheek, "You did it!"

"That's lame."

Michael turned around, "Wow, she's definitely your daughter." He pushed Ivona closer to her father, closer to the deep end. He made sure to keep a hand below her stomach so she wouldn't drown.

Calum kneeled down until his knees touched the rough pool floor. Bella had most of her body underwater when he was at this height. "Isn't it nice?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "It's water."

"My dreams of you becoming an Olympic swimmer are flying out the window," he said. Calum stood back up, joining Michael and Ivona in a loop around the pool. Ashton told them to get them used to the water, since they'll start taking actual swimming lessons once they get home.

Bella shrugged her shoulders again, "Sorry." She wrapped her arms around her father's neck, kicking her feet in the water every time it got to her toes.

"Do you think our loverboy's are gonna come down?" Michael asked to Calum, slighting turning around before looking forward again.

Ivona became out of breath as she reached up for her uncle once more. She gripped onto his shoulders and wiped the chlorine out of her eyes.

"I doubt it, Ash isn't feel well." Calum started to step out of the pool, Mike following behind him.

The two let the girls on the stone floor, reminding them not to run near the poolside. They—slowly—walked towards their stuff, wrapping their bodies in matching Barbie towels. Bella and Ivona shared a seat, laying back and letting the sun dry them.

Calum handed Michael a towel before they took their own seats at a nearby table. Cal was able to see the girls, but they weren't really able to hear them.

"Isn't all the sickness stuff supposed to be over by now?" Mike asked. He brought the towel to his head, shaking the water that was now filled with dye. He wasn't very good at the whole wash your hair with cold water or don't go in pool rules for punk rockers.

"Who even knows anymore? I'm just gonna let him rest up, he's not missing much." Cal played with his phone, spinning it around his fingers a few time. "Any update with the Luke thing? I know I'm not supposed to get involved, but, I mean," he trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.

"I gave in. I can't have him being angry with me forever. I don't wanna ruin his little dreams." Michael put his feet up on the available chair. "I ask this every day, but, honestly, how did we end up like this?"

Cal shrugged, "I don't know. One day we were doing body shots, the next we have a family. It's really weird."

Michael remembers when Luke asked him out. Over cell phone. He was awkward and stuttered every few words. Mike never thought it would actually become something. He figured they'd go on a nice date, have a nice fuck, then never see each other again.

Now, he's going home to the blonde every day with the same tan line where their fourth finger meets their knuckle.
"I never thought I'd grow up, I couldn't imagine the thought." Michael heard the pitter patter of feet then Bella jumping into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, tickling her sides. "You're never gonna grow up, right?"

Bella shook her head then looked at her sister across from her. Ivona was Bella's mirror as she sat on Calum's lap. "We're already grown up."

Mike laughed and placed his head on her tiny, sunburnt shoulders. "I like the way you think."

Ashton squinted up his face in pain. He looked down, seeing Luke napping on Ash's chest. He tried to push him off, but every movement hurt more. "Luke," he whined.

The blonde stirred, slowly opening an eye and yawning. "You're comfy."

"Luke, it hurts. Get Calum," he cried out.

Luke shot straight up, his eyes filling with worry. "What hurts? The baby?"

"Just get Calum," he repeated. His breath was staggered and rough as he flinched and twitched. He pressed up his knees and rolled to his side, moaning in pain.

Luke jumped up, feeling around for his phone. "Fuck, I'll be back."

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