Budapest, Hungary (Tuesday, June 18th, 2019)

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Budapest, Hungary (Tuesday, June 18th, 2019)

Michael smiled at the camera as he introduced himself. The light was shining bright in his light blue/green eyes, and it quite hurt. He looked back at the interviewer—a women in her twenties with bright red hair and matching lipstick. Mike often wondered what lipstick felt like. He knew most people complained about it, it was sticky and smeared. He just wants to know, okay.

"So, Michael. You have your boyfriend on tour with you this leg, correct?"

"Husband," Michael corrected, a proud smile upon his lips.

"Right." She lifted up her paper, "I've seen lots of interviews with you, and we don't really know how you and your infamous lover met. Do you think you can tell us a bit about this?"

Mike adjusted in his seat, crossing his legs over and placing his hands in his lap. "Well, Luke was a TA at the university I attended. He was this really fucking attractive grad student that I had the biggest, dorkiest crush on."

The interviewer smiled.

"I was practically failing this class because our professor absolutely hated me. Mostly because I didn't pay attention, but, I mean, her hatred had something to do with it, too. I know it."

"We've all had those teachers." The women laughed.

Mike agreed with her. "This is mortifying to admit, bare with me. I left class one day in complete tears, and Luke literally followed me back to my apartment. I guess he felt bad, but he could've been a mass murderer or something. I have no idea why I let him in.

"Anyways, he let me cry for at least an hour. I fell in love with him and his stupid blue eyes. We started dating, then we got married soon after."

The interview giggled as he finished his story. "You two moved pretty fast, right?"

He shrugged, "I mean, I guess so. I was in love with him since fall of freshman year, then suddenly everything started happening at once. I was signed, I was touring, he moved home, we couldn't live apart."

"That is so sweet. I know your entire fan base loves Luke almost as much as you. They have accounts devoted to him, they update each other on him. He seems like an amazing guy."

"He's definitely been my rock these last few years, no matter how cliché that sounds."

The interviewer smiled once more as she flipped another page in her packet. Michael always wanted to know what was in those pages. "And, Calum? He's your best friend and cameraman?"

Michael nodded as he played with the slash in his jeans. "Yes, I met him way back in elementary school. Then, he followed me out to California. I am forever grateful for him."

"Before you really made it, was it scary?"

Mike really liked when he heard those words. Made it. "Oh, God, yes. It was petrifying, especially since Calum was depending on me, too. I couldn't just kill myself off if it didn't work."

The thought has crossed Michael's mind, especially the last few months of college when nothing was happening. This was all he had: music. There was no plan b, plan a had to work. 

"The whole world—practically—is obsessed with not only you, but also your crew. How does that feel?"

"It feels pretty great," Michael laughed. "You know, like, I love to see my friends happy. They love to be happy. If I can do all of that while making my dreams come true, then there's nothing better. There's nothing more I could ever wish for."

(a/n) filler

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