(Thursday, September 5th, 2019)

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(Thursday, September 5th, 2019)

Luke hummed to himself as he carried a bag of almonds in his hands. He shook the bag a few times to the beat coming from Michael's at-home-studio. His feet ached, which made getting up the stairs a challenge.

His hands clutched onto the dark metal railing as it winded up to the second floor. By the time the eight week pregnant man got to the top, he was more than out of breath. He exhaled deeply, wiping a hand over his head.

Michael leant over his computer, one ear bud in his ear, the other hanging low. He played over the track his producer sent him on LogicPro over and over again. He mindlessly strummed at his guitar, trying to match up the key to create something beautiful.

His right hand was writing over a few lines that stuck in his head when the door creaked open. He turned his head, seeing Luke leaning against the door way. "Hey, babe," he called, turning back to look at his computer screen.

"I walked all the way up those stairs," Luke huffed, "You better give me more than a hey, babe."

Michael laughed, putting down his guitar and turning his chair. He took out his ear bud, putting his full attention onto Luke. "Hi, beauty queen. You look stunning today."

Luke put down the blue bag of almonds, setting them on a crowded table. He made his way to a bean bag in the corner, literally falling into the soft material. "That's a little better."

"Do you need something or did you just come up to say hi?" Mike asked. He wasn't trying to kick Luke out or anything, but he had lots of work to do.

"I was reading Ashton's pregnancy binder, and—."

"Oh, God. You get weird when you read that."

Luke put his hands up in defense, "Let me finish!" He suddenly felt stupid talking about his pregnancy. He should have figured that Michael wouldn't really care. "I skipped ahead to the whole birthing part, and I kind of want to do an at-home birth. With housewives and all of that, you know?"

Mike raised his eyebrows. "Have you eaten today?"


"Luke, you aren't able to. You don't have a vagina, which means they need to do a c-section." Michael knows his way around Ashton's binder. He's read it back to back at least twice now. He wants to be there every step of the way for Luke and their babies.

"Oh," Luke said. "You don't have to be mean about it."

Michael watched him stand up, his eyes wandering around the room. "I wasn't trying to be mean, I just want to make sure you know what's happening, too."

"Of course I know what's happening! It's my body!"

"Okay, baby. I trust you. Why don't you go take a nap or rest up?"

Luke crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't patronize me, you righteous piece of shit."

"I'm not patronizing you, I just want you to have a safe pregnancy. You shouldn't be up on your feet if you don't need to be!" He defended. Mike turned back to his computer when he saw an email notification pop up. He changed screens, opening up the new mail.

"I'm eight weeks pregnant, not thirty-eight!" Luke belted.

Mike leers at him from the corner of his eye, trying not to laugh at how adorable he truly looked. His lip was jutted out, his eyebrows furrowed. His cheeks were painted a tinted rose color which made him resemble a child. "Okay, Luke."

"I'm gonna tell your mother you're being mean again."

"You're going to call my mother?" Michael couldn't hold it, letting out a laugh twice as he restated Luke's actions.

He held his head high, feeling through his sweatpants pockets for his phone. "Yeah, I'm calling her right now." He tapped along the phone, pulling up the contact and holding it to his ear.

Michael snickered as he leant back in his chair, laughing as he watched Luke go along with his promise.

"Ms. Clifford, hi, it's me."

Their was cheerful mumbling on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, everything is fine. But, your son is being very mean and patronizing and dictating towards me, and it's really hurting my feelings."

Mike let out a quick laugh, loud enough his mother heard. He couldn't believe the fool he married, he was so in love.

Luke covered the ear piece, "She wants to talk to you." He held out his arm, giving Michael his cell phone.

Mike took it, his eyes gleaming, only making Luke more mad. "Hi, Mom."

"Okay, I'm not gonna lecture you until after he's gone. So pretend I'm yelling at you right now about his pregnancy needs and all of that, okay? Say 'yeah, okay'."

"Yeah, Mom, okay," Michael said. He leant back to his computer, trying to focus on the email in need of response.

"I can hear it in his voice, you said something mediocrely stupid, right?"

"Yeah, sure." He could see Luke tapping his food, obviously losing concentration as boredom over took mind.

"He's gonna leave any minute now, then you can tell me what actually happened."

The mother and son continued this way until Luke let out a huff, leaving the studio. Michael turned his chair, making sure he was actually gone. "Okay, he's out."

"What'd you say to him?"

"He wanted an at-home birth and I pointed out that's impossible."

He heard his mother softly laugh on the other line. He always liked her laugh, it kind of made flowers grow. "Okay, just, let him live his dreams. He'll calm down when the babies get bigger."

"I don't think he's capable of calming down."

"What do you usually do when he's like this?"

Michael didn't want to tell his mother that he usually blows Luke to get him less upset. He wasn't that close with her. "I don't know," Mike said.

"He's fragile right now. Don't break his heart."

Michael rolled his eyes, "Okay, Mom."

"Go kiss and make up."

They did more than that.

(a/n) all of you guys thought ash and luke were going to have something going on. gUYS IF YOU WANT CHEATING GO READ IT'S ME. ok chill. 

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