(Thursday, October 3rd, 2019)

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(Thursday, October 3rd, 2019)

Michael ran a hand through his fading blue hair. He didn't take the time to re-dye it due to the fact he wasn't planning on being in public for quite some time. Every day he'd go from his bed, to the studio, to his at-home-studio, then back to bed. Every single day.

He was trying to plan out the exact dates of their next tour. He knew he didn't want to be away anywhere around Luke's due date, just in case the babies came early or late or on their due date (April 9th, to be exact).

He leant back in his chair, letting out a loud sigh. He had to have the list of days that worked for him on his manger's desk in eight hours, and he has made no progress.

He just didn't really want to leave Luke's side. Luke is a fucking pest, but he is Michael's pest. Michael loves when Luke cries over Mike eating a hamburger. He loves when Luke accidentally adopts a cat. He loves when Luke kicks Michael off of the bed in his sleep then his snores scare him to consciousness.

So far, Michael knows he's going to leave the first week of December, which would be Luke's twentieth week. He's going to be huge by then and growing every day. Mike figured the second trimester is just sleeping and eating on Luke's part, at least that's what Ashton told him.

He wants to aim to be back around Christmas. Not really for Luke, but more so for Calum to home with the girls. Luke and Michael aren't much for holiday celebrating, they just want to sleep in and dance to Jingle Bells at four in the morning.

Michael put his head on his desk. He raised his finger, circling the page with his eyes closed and placing it on a date. He did this a few times until his calendar was marked with specific dates.

He stood up with a loud yawn, turning off the many lights in the room. He made sure all the doors were locked and lights downstairs were turned off. He turned off the hallway light as well before sneaking into their bedroom.

Luke was recklessly laying in bed, snores so loud it scared the cat at his feet every single time. His shirt was past his growing belly, collecting at his chest. His arms were above his head, his legs bent and up right.

Taco laid at his feet, she had one eye open, watching Michael's every move. Taco has taken quite a liking to Luke, and quite a hating to Michael.

Mike stripped down to his boxers and undershirt, fake-hissing at the cat quietly before crawling into bed.

He kissed Luke's forehead before getting under the sheets.
Luke woke when he felt the bed move below him. He opened his eyes slowly, seeing his husband getting comfortable through the small slits in his eyes. He licked over his chapped lips, wiggling his nose a few times. "Did you just get home?"

Mike laughed. "Babe, I've been home all day."

Luke squinted his eyes. He wasn't even sure if he was awake at that moment. He shrugged his shoulders, starting to close his eyes once more.

Michael rested his head on Luke's chest as his husband's arm fell over his shoulder and rested on his back. Mike placed a hand on the stretched skin, his rough finger tips soothing the stretch marks.

Luke started snoring again, and Michael wasn't sure how any one in the house could handle it. Taco hopped down minutes later, giving up on sleep, too. Michael was sure if the babies had ears yet, they'd be kicking Luke, trying to get him to shut up. That is, if they had legs yet.

Michael tried so hard to memorize the certain weeks, but he couldn't. Did they grow ears this week? Toes? Hair? Legs? He doesn't know!

Mike pressed his warm lips to Luke's stomach, hoping the babies felt it. They didn't, but he still hoped so.

He continued rubbing the skin, it calmed him down after a stressful day. Just knowing that he created something that will one day be so beautiful warmed his heart. He was excited. He felt that type of excitement that he felt while getting signed. Or the type of happiness when his album was released. It was the type of excitement when he exchanged vows (he winged it all, by the way).

Michael wondered why he ever thought he'd be better off without kids. He wondered why he ever thought he'd be better off alone as he looked up at his sleeping, snoring husband.

(a/n) don't get all gushy on me, i still hate children.


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