Not So Evil (Ch 1)

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POV Sonic

I don't remember being raised by someone who looks like me. A norm, as my care taker says, she's like a mother to me, she found me and took me to her place and took care of me. I don't remember where I'm from, I was too little, my care taker said I'm from 'Mobian'. My brother, Tails, he looks nothing like me, yet he has been present and never left my side, he told me once that he is half normal and half Fairy, so I guess we have somewhat something in common. My caretaker, Amy, the queen of this place, she's a Fairy as well, she told me that all the creatures here are immortal meaning they can't die. The only way for a norm to become immortal is to find a true love, mate, and be left a mark by your true love. I always thought that was somewhat cool besides the mating part, I'm not sure what to think if that. Everyone in Labyrynth knows me since I'm a normal and Amy told me once that the 'Evil' side does too. She never told me about the evil side she only mentioned it, she never gave me reasons to not go. And I bet you know what I'm thinking, I'm planning on going on their woods one day, I don't think they're evil maybe they're just misunderstood. Someone on the 'evil' side has to be nice!

I was going on my daily run, and yet every single day my eyes gaze off at the evil woods. No one tells me what they're doing so wrong, how do they expect me not to go?! I've always had the urge to go, and today I finally did.

The woods, so very dark and immediately felt eyes on me, but I wasn't scared, not even nervous, I felt a presence somewhere behind me, I turned around, nothing. I got ready to run in case I needed too. Then I felt someone grab me.

POV Shadow

I grabbed the norm and pinned him to the ground. I observed his face, he's so beautiful. How can a norm look so pure? I admired his beauty a little longer while he stood still looking at me with his Emerald eyes. He didn't seem afraid of me at all. I bit his neck for some blood. He let out a yelp. My hand outlined his slim waist while I slip my other hand up his shirt to touch his warm chest. I hear him gasp, "C-can you please stop? P-please?" I did as told and got of him while I was at it, his voice was enchanting. "You're such a beautiful creature, so pure." I managed to say observing every single inch of him. He hid his face, "You're quite attractive yourself too. I'm guessing you're a vampire? By the..uh..bite you gave me?" I realized that I let my thoughts win for a little and apologized. "I am truly sorry. And yes, you're correct, I am a vampire. Shadow is my name, may I ask, what is yours?" I asked as we both sat down. "My name is Sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog" Oh Sonic, the things I will do to you. The sounds and actions I want to hear and see from you. "Do you want to come to my place? Get to know each other a little better?" He smiled and then frowned. "Won't the leader be mad at you for bringing a norm in?" I chuckled and smirked. "Oh darling, I am the leader." I said as I opened the door so he could step inside. "Really?! Why are you considered so evil? You're the nicest vampire I've met!" I made my way to the living room Rouge was sitting down at the couch. "Hey it's the norm! Hey Blue, I've never thought I'd see you here. I'm Rouge, you?" I saw Sonic smile, "I'm Sonic! Nice to meet you!" Rouge and Shadow signaled him to sit down at the couch and Sonic did as told.

POV 3rd Person

Sonic sat down kinda squished, he was surprised on how small he was compared to Shadow. Are vampires always this ginormous? Or are normals always this small? The blue hedgehog thought. He felt intimidated. "So, hun, what made you go to the forest?" Sonic fiddled with his fingers, "I- I don't know, just that every time I go on my daily run, I always have the urge to be here. Nobody tells me the stories so I thought you were just misunderstood." Shadow and Rouge give each other looks of 'Aw' After questions were asked and answers answered, it was time for the norm to go. "Anywho, can you show me the way back, Shadow? My care taker is probably waiting for me." Shadow nodded and chaos controlled him to the sidewalk in front of the woods. Shadow and Sonic said they're goodbyes and Shadow teleported back.

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