Unexpected Affair (Ch 4)

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POV Sonic

I walked into the Eerie and it was beautiful, half cleaned up but beautiful, since it was full moon there was a few werewolves walking around cleaning the place up. There was a few witches flying above, and some dragons too. This was cool sight to see because in the Proper all I see is Fairys, Unicorns, Pegasus, Mermaids, and Merman's, which is cool, but I like seeing new things. "Now that you're the leader, what do you plan on doing?" I asked Shadow. "First of all, freeing the souls my father killed, helping them find their peace." I smiled knowing he was going to do good with his power. "Then fix the broken buildings, and get better food for our creatures, then see if the Proper would like to connect kingdoms." He looked at me and smiled. "That sounds like a great idea!" I smiled back at him. "Hey, isn't your mom going to make you king?" I looked at him trying to think back. "Hmm, she has talked about it, she said if I find a mate, I'll be king at 18. Since that makes me an adult in my world. She also told me, hmm...oh! She told me that I have to be immortal to be king, due to the threats that happen." Shadow smirked as he zoned out, what was this vampire thinking? I laughed to myself. "Sonic, we're here. Just stay with me, it can be a little dangerous to be alone here, you are the most vulnerable since you're a norm." I nodded, understanding, I grabbed his hand so I wouldn't get lost. We walked in immediately being greeted by Rouge. "Hey handsome!" She waved at me, I waved back and smile. There was a few beings looking at me already. Then a green dragon stopped in front of us. "Shadow, what is the norm doing here? He's kinda cute." Shadow laughed. "Oh, scourge, flirty as ever, he's my friend, stay away from him." He deepened his tone and pulled me closer. I heard Scourge laugh. I felt uneasy here. He led me to sit down to the couch and sat me down. "You want anything to drink?" Shadow asked me. "No, I want you to stay with me, I have to be self cautious, and like you said, I am the most vulnerable here. Although.. I have studied every kind of self defense in my free time, so I should be okay, just get me some soda if you have any please!" He smirked at me. "You know, you are so intelligent." I smiled, "Thank you." Shadow stood up from his seat and I had my gaze at him until he reached the kitchen. Scourge and his little henchmen, I'm guessing, they came up to me like they had some kind of plan. "Hey." He sat next to me and leaned in. "So are you free thi-" I cut him off before he could ask me out. "Look you seem like a nice guy, but I'm really not interested." He smirked, "Okay! Okay, I respect that, but you didn't even give me a chance!" I crossed my arms in annoyance, "What chance do you want me to give?" Before he could reply Shadow came with my soda. "Scourge get out of my seat. Now." Scourge stood up and walked away while his friends were laughing at him. Shadow passed me my drink. "I couldn't find any 'soda', but I found this can that says coke." I laughed. "Thanks Shadow." I crossed my legs and smiled. I saw Shadows eyes wander off to my bottom as my legs crossed. "What did he say?" Shadow looked back into my eyes and smirked. "Oh, nothing, he just wanted to ask me out and to give him a chance at something." Shadows gaze deepened again. "What did you say?" I smirked wondering if it actually bothered him. "I didn't really give him an answer, but I would've said no. Why? Are you jealous?" He smirked. "Of course I'm jealous, I like you a lot." I took a sip of my coke to try to hide my blush. I heard him chuckle. "Right now, I have to clean up the place after I drop you off, then I gotta make it clear that I am the next King, since they think free to do whatever. And then clear up some rules, help with some things, and yeah..that." So he has plans? That's good. "Why do I necessarily have to go home? I could pull an all nighter and help you. I'll just call Amy to let her know." He nodded and smiled. I told Shadow I will be going outside for some fresh air, and like everyone says, he told me to be careful, which I was. I was watching some werewolves cleaning up the area and asked if they mind if I helped. "Mind if I help? I'm pretty fast. What's your name by the way?" The wolf stared at me mysteriously. "You could help by leaving this to me, and I will not tell you my name, I don't know you." I nodded. "Okay! Okay! I respect that, I'll be leaving now." I smiled nervously and took my leave just as I said. I sat down at the sidewalk and observed the place. Then to realize Scourge has followed me outside. Ugh. "C'mon Norm, give me a chance! Your pretty twink body will look so good on my dic-" I cut him off by slapping his face. "Excuse me, TWINK!?" I have never been called that in my life!? "And what the fuck were you gonna say? That didn't sound so appropriate for someone you just met!" He rubbed his cheek, and smirked. "You're feisty. But I was just letting my thoughts talk, I apologize." He continued carrying his sinister grin. "Apology accepted IF you leave me alone." He pouted. "That's not very nice of you." He crossed his arms. "You calling me a damn twink wasn't so nice either! AND not to mention, you harassed me!? Hello!?" I crossed my arms just like him. My tone was token as a joke, but it wasn't. "You harassed him!?" I heard Shadow yell at scourge. "Of course not, Shadow. I was just commenting on how pretty his body is." I raised a brow, knowing it wasn't all he was going to say. "Yeah? You were just causally commenting on how pretty my body will look on your dick?" Shadows face angered and he teleported some place else along with Scourge. I shrugged it off, hoping Scourge wouldn't bother me about that again. The wolf from a few minutes ago walked up to me. "I couldn't help but to observe, was he making you uncomfortable?" I looked at her in surprise. "Eh, I figured he was joking, doesn't make it right, but everyone is raised differently, I tried not to take it to heart. My name is Sonic, can I at least know you're name?" She looked unsure but decided to tell me. "My name is Whisper." Suits her, to be honest. "So what actually happened?" I'm guessing about the scene just now. "Oh! Well, uh, Scourge was hitting on me at the party then followed me outside and told me my body would look good in his, you know." She raised a brow, she was a really really calm being. "Oh, that's not good at all." I nodded. "Are we friends? Can I help you clean the place up now?" She still looked unsure, but then she nodded.

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