Death (Ch 3)

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3rd Person

"Why hasn't Shadow appeared yet? Where is he?! Tell me you useless bitch!" A horrid being spoke, while he was sitting in his throne. "I'm not quite sure sir." Rouge spoke in a hatred tone towards him. "Well, find him you slut." Rouge nodded and rolled her eyes. "Son of a bitch" She whispered as she left the room. Rouge grabbed her phone and called Shadow. The phone rang and rang but Rouge kept calling. Finally Shadow answered. "Get your ass over here before your father gets worse. He's treating me shitty again." Rouge hung up obviously mad and walked the anger off in the grey hallways made of stone, soulless and dull.

Rouge POV

I hate how he calls me bitchy names, and hate it more that I can't do anything about it. I would beat his ass if I knew he couldn't do worse to me. My thoughts snapped back once I felt someone bump into to me. "Rouge, you good? You seem distracted." I smiled at the sight of my boyfriend. I gave him a kiss and smiled. "Just Shadows shitty dad again, but only you can cheer me up just by seeing you, hun." Knuckles smiled with me. "You're so brave and patient. I can't stand that self centered fuck. Where's Shadow by the way? He still has to help us with our duties." I crossed my arms and sighed. "I don't know, he's been sneaking out without telling me, I'm basically his sister! I wonder what that vampire is doing." My knuckles and I continued walking until we were out of the palace. The whole place even felt eerie. Humans have died there and their souls are trapped there. It's a sad place, and the guards, they're are human slaves that are forced to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of that shit head, and he's immortal. He just wants to see them die clueless for fun. And anyone who tried to say anything dies, even immortals, well, their bodies die because their body will be rotting while its soul would be trapped along with the humans in the palace. I hate it here. "Honey, are you okay? Actually? You're zoning out more often than usual." I looked at his eyes, I love that he cared for me. I smiled softly. "I'll be fine, just hate how that pig still has control, even if he's not the ruler. One day, I hope it all changes." He hugged my waist and pulled me closer. "One day, Rou, let's head back , okay?." He kissed my head and I nodded.

Shadow POV

I woke up to my phone ringing, when I checked it was Rouge. Shit, I forgot I stayed over. I answered Rouge and she clearly sounded mad. "Get your ass over here before your father gets worse. He's treating me shitty again." Ugh I hate my father. She hung up before I could say anything and as soon as I started standing up a pink fairy with a red,flow dress with veil and flowers around it made of silk walked into the room. She looked at me angrily and shocked. Fuck, she's the leader of the proper! How did I not know? "What are you doing here vampire? And what have you done to Sonic!?" I stood up from the bed making Sonic wake up. "I'm truly sorry ma'am! I-I been hanging out with him and I must've fell asleep." She crossed her arms and signaled me outside Sonics room. "You hurt him, and I will kill you." She said threatening me. I nodded rapidly. "I'll be on my way now madam, My father is waiting for me. Bye. " I sighed sadly. "Goodbye."

POV Sonic

Groan, "Amy, why did you make him go back!?" Amy walked back into the room with her arms crossed. "I didn't. He better not have done anything to you." I facepalmed myself. "Amy. Do you really think I'm that STUPID? Don't tell me you thought he fucked me throughout the night!" She laughed. "Yes. Anywho I'm glad he's back where he cant hurt anyone." I looked at her in anger. He doesn't deserve to go back there! "Amy! That place is horrible, they treat everyone there like slaves! Even Shadows own father abuses him." Amy was shocked and walked to my bed. "Physically? Or any other?" She said with a slight tone of sadness. "His father refuses to give him food, and shit, he was about to get hit too." She sighed. "Poor being. I'll let you hang out with him, he deserves happiness too, comfort and company. And if you guys have sex, make sure its safe and QUIET." I nodded, skipping that last part until I realized. "HEY!" By the time I answered Amy was gone.

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