Fun Games (Ch 11) 🍋

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POV Shadow

I was quite surprised at his sudden boldness. "Are you drunk?" I chuckled. He smirked. "Just a little, I snuck a sip from Amys cup. I'm sober enough to remember this tomorrow, so how about you continue, and take control of me. Do whatever you want me, please Shadow, I need this." I rolled my eyes and continued smirking. "Well, that 'little sip' sure made you horny." I said as I stared at his crotch. "Touch me, Shadow. Please." He didn't seem to be showing much symptoms of someone drunk, besides his red face. Maybe it was his first time drinking. It probably just affected him differently, way too differently. Sonic threw himself onto me and stared kissing my neck, roaming his hands around my body. "I thought you said I would be the one taking control tonight." I stopped his doings as he restlessly moved. "You're taking too long, I'm giving you a head start." We both smirked. "Well then, continue." He quickly turned me around and pinned me down on the bed. His hands were impulsively touching every part of my body. He began to take my clothes off fast while I slowly took off his. "Shadow I really need you. Please, I'm begging you, help me." His tone changed and it was more pleading and desperate. He bit his lip as he stared down at the bulge on his pants. I tugged on it and watched as his head rolled back as he groaned.

After we took each other's clothes off we were both naked on the bed. I noticed his dick was really hard, throbbing. Now, how did this happen? I smirked. I tugged on his bare dick again and slowly started stroking it. "Mmh." He groaned as his body moved and moved to my slow touch. "More..faster." He gasped out. I felt his dick twitch in my hands as he rested his chin on my chest. His back arched, and he buried his face into my chest fur. He moaned into my chest fur making muffled noises. I pulled his quills back making him look at me again. He looked weak and in so much pleasure. He then started stroking my cock at the same speed. I groaned. "Do you like this Shadow?" He asked me as he leaned down to kiss my neck. "I-I do. K-keep going, please.." I groaned in pleasure. I love this so much. His speed increased as he only stared into my eyes. "Let me top, Shadow. Just once please!" I smirked. "If you're going to top me then you're going to have to try real hard. I don't give in so easily." I said as I played with his quills. He smirked. "Challenge accepted." He gave me a wink and stopped stroking me. The warmth inside of me stopped, so teasing is his first move? I smirked and laughed to myself. I retracted my hands back to his waist. Sonic felt his dick untouched and he looked down and bit his lip. He leaned in deeper towards me and started rubbing our dicks together. He bit his lip again not wanting to let out moans. He continued this until I was close, but then he stopped again. He's teasing me so much..I want more but I don't want to beg, Although my body was saying otherwise. My back arched and my hips moved upward trying to retain our heat again. Sonic noticed this act and smirked. "I'm getting closer aren't I?" I smirked along with him. "Not quite." I said as I shifted him under me. I touched his body as he watched my hands roam to his chest, to his waist, then to his thigh. I spread his legs open and I grind on his dick. I made my way to his chest again, nibbling around his nipple. "A-ah~" I heard a soft moan coming from my king and knew that I won this challenge. I swirled my tongue around until I licked his nipple back and forward. "O-okay okay! Y-You won! Just please..don't stop." He said panting. I smirked. "I don't plan on doing so." I started sucking on his nipple and he only played with my quills while he softly moaned in my ear. I stopped sucking and let my tongue drag down to his dick. I slowly licked his tip traced my finger near his hole. He flinched at the suddenly action but he spread his legs some more. "I could tell you want more, but be patient my love. Although I do like it when you spread your legs for me." I smirked. I noticed he wasn't acting as submissive as before and realized the 'drunk' must've worn off. Sonic blushed and turned away from me, biting his lips. "You can moan freely here. Nobody will be able to hear us." I said as I forcefully grabbed his jaw making him look at me. I went back down to lick his length as I heard his mouth form out a breathy moan. "A-a-ah..S-Shadow. J-Just suck it please." I smirked. "I'll give you more than that." I said as I used his pre-cum as lube. I inserted two fingers into his asshole and I waited for any further signals from him. "A-AH! Agh..SHAD-SHADOW!" Sonic screamed out. He panted and arched his back. He pushed himself in and out with his body, telling me to continue my pace. I sucked him off while one of my hands held his. I felt his grip on my hand tightened and his other hand deep throated me. He must be close. His body twitched and arched as he moaned one last time before releasing on my mouth. I slowed down my pace on fingering him as he panted. "I need you inside of me again, Shadow. I can't take it." He pleaded as he moving his body trying to grind on me. I smirked, seeing him so restless for me was turning me on. "I'll need to stretch you out first." I smirked as spread both of my fingers apart and motioned them in and out. "Hah..Shadow!" He moaned and rolled his head back. Once I was done stretching him out I smirked and he only giggled. I got off of him and laid down next to him. I saw he was confused and I smirked. "Sit on it." I watched Sonic smirk and roll on top of me kissing my neck and grinding our dicks together. I held his waist as he sat up. He grabbed my dick aligning it to his hole. I pushed my hips up immediately thrusting in him. "AH! A-Ah!~ S-Shadow!" He looked in my eyes with a slight tear in his. "Tell me if you want me to stop, Sonic. I don't want to accidentally hurt you, okay?" I rubbed his waist. "N-No! No..k-keep going. I-I like how rough it feels." Sonic looked down ashamed. He rested his hands on my chest fur. "I like it too." I pulled him in for a kiss and he gladly kissed back. He opened his mouth and I slipped my tongue inside playing with his. I stroked his dick and he let out a muffled moan throughout the kiss. "Mmph.." He closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. He moved his hips up and down trying to get in deeper. I started thrusting, my pace only getting faster, as I gripped on his waist maintaining him deep in. "AHh! A-A-ah!!" He moaned, his voice trembling. I fastened my pace more and heard him scream. I would've love to hear those sounds the first time. "SHADOW!! UGH R-RIGHT THERE! Ah!~" Just hearing my name being moaned out, only made me go faster. I've seen your limits, but I want to go further.. I pounded on hit his sweet spot over and over. He was a moaning mess. I saw his eyes roll back and he started carving his nails into my skin. His back arched and his body moved restlessly, I knew he was about to reach his limit, one of my hands dragged down back to his dick again. I stroked him at the same pace I was thrusting, he's driving me crazy. "AH!~ AUGH!~ S-SHAH~" He was cut off by the need of air. "SHADOW!~ Fuck! Fuck me faster! Please!" I watched his body bounce up and down as his nails soon had tiny droplets of blood from my skin. "Oh fuck! Shadow!~ I-I'M CUMMING I-I CAN'T TAKE IT!" My lover screamed out as cum squirted onto my face and chest, and I came inside of him. He panted and moaned still moving his body slowly. "Fuck. That was so good." Sonic whispered out and giggled. I smirked and pulled him to me. I gave him kisses and placed him next to me. We cuddled and slowly dazed off to sleep.

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