Boyfriends? (Ch 6)

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POV Shadow

Sonic and I were at the park, I made the move and held his hand. He's the one that really makes me happy, besides Rouge, who I consider family. "Shadow, can I ask you a question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to okay?" We made it to a bench and sat down for a bit. "Go ahead, Sonic." I was confused, why would I not want to answer? "Uhm..What ever happened to You never speak of her." My eyes widened, my mom? He wants to know about my mom? "My mom, dealt with a lot, she didn't want me, I was actually an accident. She my father. She took the chance to educate me from right and wrong, and she learned to love me, but my dad killed her. My father is a savage with no heart." Sonic gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry, Shadow, do you want to continue l? Or do you want to talk about this somewhere else? I'm so sorry to bring that up." I held his hand for comfort. "No, Sonic it's fine, nature calms me, and I trust you." I held his hand tighter, this topic has a lot of memories attached. "My father took her soul away, and I'm guessing, was storing it somewhere in his room, where I was never allowed to go. If I asked, he would, you know, refuse to give me anything to consume. Also, I wanted to explain about the immortality stuff since I could see you're still confused about that. Do you have any specific questions?" I asked him changing the topic. "Hmm..I don't quite understand why the present highness and highness, have to..retire? Do you get what I mean? If they can't die, why can't they just stay highness and highness forever?" I fixed my posture and turned to him. "Ah! Good question. Well the things is when we grow physically, it's veritably slow. And our souls grow along with our mind. And our mind, it grows certainly fast, meaning some beings mature differently than others, depending on their own experience and mindset. Am I clear? To answer your question, for most 'older' beings, their mind has a lot to think about, so retirement, is the only thing that will relax them." Sonic gave me a smile. "Understandable, I never thought about that. How, for example, if a vampire were to bit me, well, obviously you did, but what I mean is, if a vampire bit me, would I turn into a vampire as well? Or is there more to that?" I smirked. "I bit you, correct, but vampires have some sort of venom when it comes to mating with a norm, that venom will only be injected when they're mating. Lust is the big key to that 'venom'. When a vampire bites a norm, in their neck, while they're mating, and they both feel lust for each other that venom will surely be injected and it will probably take about one or two days, while you're sleeping, to become a vampire. Along with the mating topic, male vampires can't have Fledglings, since they have no womb. But I think there's a specific Witch Kraft for norms that Rouge told me about.." I mumbled beneath my breath. "Hmm? I didn't quite hear that last part, but it's okay! How do you know all of this!? It's pretty cool!" I smiled at him. "My mom gave me some books. I'll let you borrow them if you want." His ears perked up. "Really!? I would love to read it!" He smiled cheerfully.

We walked to a nearby Cafe, and ordered some dinner. There was a menu for the norms and the immortal. I can't really try 'normal' food, I'll most likely get sick, but who knows, it could be the best thing I've ever tried. Sonic ordered a food called chili dogs and apple juice, I ordered the same thing as him but without the drink. "I thought you couldn't eat actual food? Would you get sick if you do?" I smirked. "Just a little, but I'll be fine with a sip of blood, no?" He showed me he understood and we sat down at a table waiting for the food. "After you eat that, you could get some of my blood, I don't want you to get sick." I smiled. "Sure, but only a little." As the food arrived I saw Sonic eat it first, Now what if I eat it wrong? He took a bite of it, then I did. Hmm, not bad. It's good. He laughed at my expression, and finished his chilly dog. After we were finished with our food we left the Cafe and decided to go to Sonics house. When we got to his house he immediately ran super fast around the house then he ran to his room. I laughed, and walked upstairs to his bedroom. When I got to his room I found him laying down in his bed changed from clothes and reading a book. "You okay? That was a bit odd from you." I chuckled and sat next to him. "Yeah, it's just..there's only two days until my birthday and four days until the ceremony for the next king, which is ME! And Amy says I need to find a mate, and literally mate with them. I mean I wouldn't care if it was with you, it's clearly obvious I like when you're physically touching me, but it's kind of overwhelming, I mean turning immortal, turning into an actual creature, WAIT, if I turn into a vampire will I no longer be able to eat Chili dogs!? What if I fail as a king? What if I make wron-" Shadow shushed me by placing his finger on my mouth. "Calm down, Sonic, yes you'll still be able to eat what you'd like since your body system was meant to be for a hedgehog. You won't fail as a king because failing means giving up, and I trust that you won't ever give up, right?" Sonic sighed in relief. "YAY! I could still eat whatever I want!" I laughed. "So, from what I just heard, I would be your mate?" I smirked. "Remember what we did a few hours ago? I would love to go much further, if you'd like." Sonic eyes widened and his ears lowered. I could tell he was flustered. "Well, I'm super tired from staying up that late! A hedgehog like me needs a good rest to stay energized, in case you didn't know." Sonic gave me a quick kiss on my lips and turned around to 'sleep'. "Hey!" I turned his body around placed my body on top of him. I decided to finish that quick kiss and make it more..memorable. My hands slid behind his head and pushed him further into the kiss. One of my hands slid under his shorts and the other up his shirt. I broke the kiss and kissed his neck a sucked his soft spots. "Sha-hah- Shadow..H-Hah..How about we continue this on my birthday?" Sonic stared at my eyes and and gave me a lustful look, along with a smirk. "Every time I see you, I just want to kiss you and please you. I want to see you do filthy things." I whispered in his ear and heard him moan from my hand still being under his shorts. I rubbed his thigh and traced my finger along his V-line. "Sweet dreams, darling." I kissed his forehead and let him sleep. "Such a tease." He laughed and turned his body towards me to fall asleep, I couldn't help but watch him. Watch his chest move up and down, hear his breathing and his soft snores. Sometimes he would move around a bit, I grabbed some paper and pencil from his desk, and started sketching every single detail of his to admire. I won't even show this to him, this is for me to keep.

When he woke up he found me organizing his room. He was a pretty messy hedgehog. "Thanks." He laughed at me. I smiled and walked towards him. He heard a ding on his phone and he picked it up from the nightstand. He looked concerned. "Sonic? What is it?" His eyes widened and he showed me his phone. "Tails The Inventor has suffered an injury on his leg due to an invention explosion, witnesses recall some parts flying into his left leg, He is now at the Help Center. A friendly reminder for people who want to visit our beloved fox, we will only allow beings he considers family in to visit." I read the news text aloud. "What the fuck are we doing here lets go!" I stopped him and grabbed his wrist. "Won't it be easier if just teleport you there?" He stood still and looked at me. "Oh. You're right." I teleported him to the hospital and the nurses looked at me weird. Oh I forgot. Sonic went to go check in on the register and they let him in immediately. They told me to stay outside the room because I haven't had permission to enter. Then a nurse came up to me and told me I could enter. I walked in and the short fox greeted me, I never met him in person, he's smaller than I expected, actually a lot younger than I expected. A true genius.

POV Sonic

"Tails meet Shadow, Shadow meet Tails! Oh! By the way, how are you feeling buddy?" Tails smiled at me and adjusted himself to feel more comfortable on his hospital bed. "A lot better, the doctors have removed all the pieces inside my leg and told me to stay here for tomorrow for any check ups, oh and they told me I'll have to stay away from inventing items until I'm fully healed, which they estimated for about a month. So I'll be staying with you!" I smiled and cheered. "YAY! I'll be able to spend more time with you! And we can really catch up!" Tails laughed and Shadow just stood in the shadows and stared, I noticed he didn't laugh or smile much around beings. "Sonic, I just have two questions, why is Shadow The Vampire here, and what happened?" I smiled and ran to Shadow, I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him to the light. He hissed and squinted his eyes, "I hate the light, it bothers my eyes, and me." He covered his face. "Oh don't be so dramatic, Shadow!" I hit his arm and he hissed again. "Well, to sum it all up, Shadow is not like his father he's good, we're actually very close friends now, and we're merging kingdoms and we're gonna rule them together, like marriage! Oh and he looks a little mean but deep down he's a sweetheart I promise, he's just antisocial." Tails looked surprised and then looked at him. " guys are getting married, but are friends?" I blushed. "Well...uh..we're in a situation-ship here." He raised a brow. "Uh-huh, a situation-ship' you can get out of this situation by talking about your feelings. I mean do you guys love each other for starters?" Shadow and I looked at each other and blushed. "I love him, I love him so much, he is to die for. I'm not so sure about him." Shadow said so confidently and smirked. I was shocked that he said it so straight forward, I thought everything we did meant nothing for him. Do I love him too? He's a sweetheart, he cares for me like I do to him, and he makes me happy, I want to see him everyday..what I's love..for him. My ear perked up and I tensed up. "I love Shadow too. I can't live without him." Shadow and Tails both had their jaws dropped. Shadow held my hand I smiled. "Well? What do you mean you guys are friends? If you love each other romantically shouldn't you guys be a couple? Like boyfriends?" We held our hands tighter as he looked at me. "I would love that, but it's up to you Sonic, do you want that?" What I want? I want to be with Shadow, and my friends, and Amy, and Tails! I want Shadow, he treats me so well, I want him. "We should be boyfriends, right Shadow?" I smirked and Shadow smirked back. "Sonic, will you be my boyfriend?" I kissed his cheek and whispered yes in his ear. "Hey, you guys are super cute but I want to recover, not sob about my sad love life." We both laughed and said our goodbyes to Tails.

POV Shadow

I was super happy and excited that Sonic was my boyfriend now, and incredibly excited for his birthday, something tells me we will continue unfinished doings. Of course, if he's ready. We were walking around getting weird looks, Sonic wasn't used to it so I decided to teleport him to his room. "Sonic, I will be freeing souls in the palace, It's been time for them and my mom to be free. I want you to stay here you're still pretty vulnerable and souls...some souls are pretty revengeful, especially the humans. They can possess you, make you do things even if they can't control your body, and sometimes throw things at you, sharp things. Please do that for me and stay here okay?" He nodded terrified "I mean I'm really fast, I'm sure I could avoid it..but..I'll stay cautious of myself." He laughed and sat in his bed, "C'ya Shads! Be careful and I love you!" 'I love you?' I never felt so happy to hear him say that. I quickly rushed to him and kissed him before leaving. I whispered in his ear, I felt his ear twitch due to my hot breath. "I love you too, I'll love you forever."

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