Creature (Ch 9)

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POV Shadow

I woke up with Sonic groaning..hmm..I turned his body around gently but everything seemed normal he opened his mouth a bit and I noticed fangs. Did it take effect already? I hope he doesn't panic when he wakes up. I saw him move and I could tell he was about to wake up, He opened his eyes and he licked his lips. His eyes widened and he ran to the mirror. "Holy fuck I'm a vamp already?" He said as he opened his mouth and licked his fangs. He didn't seem panicked more like surprised. "Anyway, how do I look?" He smiled widely and I laughed. "You look cute." His hands flopped on his side. "I'm supposed to look hot." I chuckled again. "Well, your personality makes you cute." I saw him smile again. "Come one, we gotta go tell Amy!" He ran out the door and I stood up and walked to Amys room. I walked in to Sonic showing Amy his teeth. She didn't look surprised, she only smirked. "Oh so that's what those sound were, I though it was you just having another nightmare." Sonic blushed and Amy laughed. "Well now that you're immortal, you can be king, and just in time Sonic, rehearsal is tomorrow and the ceremony is the day after. Be ready." We saw as Amy flew out her open window. "Tomorrows your preparation thingy, are you nervous?" He nodded rapidly. "Very. What if beings don't like me?" I hugged Sonic. "Well you're not supposed to care because they're gonna be taken care of, by you, so their opinion about you shouldn't matter." He smiled at me, we walked down to the kitchen and he grabbed a bowl. He grabbed the milk and a spoon and reached up to grab the cereal. I sneaked up on him and lifted him on top of the counter. "Hey! Let me eat, I'm hungry" I placed my hands on his waist. "Give me a little kiss." He gave me a kiss on my forehead, and shoved me away. "There." He jumped down and served the cereal then poured the milk. "That wasn't the kiss I wanted but I love those too." He chewed on his cereal and I just watched in admiration. "Stop that." He lowered his head. "You look so beautiful, in every angle." I winked at him and he coughed. "Don't make me loose my appetite." He snarled. I only laughed and played with my fingers. "So what are you gonna do today?" I asked. "Not sure I don't have any plans. This day could just be for us, you know to hang out!" I smiled. "I would love that."

POV Shadow

"Cuddle with me." Sonic looked at me confused. "What? I just want you next to me." Sonic smiled at me he cuddled with me on the couch. His body curled into a slight ball and he buried his face into my chest fur. I smiled. I curled into a slight ball like him and moved him closer to my body. He fell asleep on me and I decided to sleep with him too.


"I'm here now! So why did you guys call me here?" Silver turned to look at me. He smiled and showed me a calendar. "Tomorrow is rehearsal for the ceremony, and Sonic isn't immortal, having him as king could be dangerous, not for the people, but for him! I saw it!" I chuckled. "It's okay, Silver. Do you remember when I told you about Shadow and him? Well they're most likely boyfriends by now. I woke up this morning to Sonic walking into my room and showing me his fangs." Blaze walked in and her jaw dropped just like silvers. "No way! So he's a vampire? He's immortal?" Silver asked. I only nodded. "I hope that didn't affect him." Blaze added. "On the hand, I think he took very well. I mean I think he doesn't know that he could still eat his normal food." We laughed. "Well, besides that, tomorrow is rehearsal, the day after is THE actual Ceremony, and then Sonic and Shadow would be basically married according to Shadow and yours plan right? Our kingdoms will be merged?" Blaze asked. "Yes, beings from the other side will have better supplies, better buildings, more space, privacy, and rules." Silver and Blaze both nodded. "What we need to do is settle the rules, build a 'jail' and have beings we trust working as 'police officers' okay?" Blaze nodded. "What's a police?" Silver asked. "Shadow gave me the idea to use human punishments instead of just death. Beings deserve second chances too. I did my own research on the police officers, according to this website police officers are people who protect, they catch rule-breakers and bring them to jail. If they're innocent they would be let go, if they're not, beings could spend years in jail depending on what their crime was. Basically beings you need to be afraid of." Silver nodded. "Was that all? You guys seem to want to tell me something." Silver and Blaze looked at each other. "All we gotta say is to be careful with Shadow. Based on the living conditions he had, he could be mentally ill. If he didn't receive love when he has younger he might not know how to give it. And what I mean by that, he could become obsessive. If he's ever jealous, for example, watch out that its not..extreme." Silver said, I was confused. "What do you mean by extreme?" Silver sighed. "What I mean is that if he's ever jealous make sure he doesn't threaten the being or actually get physically violent." I nodded, I don't know Shadow that well, but he doesn't seem like the type of guy, he gets mad very easily but he never lays hands on anyone. "Thank you for the advice, but Shadow has his way of coping, I walked in on him drawing a sketch of Sonic when he was sleeping, meaning he has something to calm him down. Then I walked passed by again and saw him cleaning Sonic's room. Maybe he just hates the mess but who knows maybe a clean place was a difficulty in his home." They smiled. "You're right, we shouldn't be so judgmental." I smiled along with them. "You aren't judgmental you guys were just taking precautions." They smiled and nodded. "Alright if that was all, how about we all go to my house so you guys, my best friends, could properly introduce yourselves to Shadow?" Silver nodded and so did blaze.

We walked back to my house and I opened the door. I closed it and we all walked in at the same time. Our jaws dropped at the sight of Shadow and Sonic cuddling and purring. "Sonics a bottom?" Silver laughed out. "He's built like a literal twink how can he even be a top?" Blaze hit the back of Silvers head. "Alright stop teasing the poor vamps." I said as I took a picture of them. We'll simply just wait for them to wake up." They nodded and headed to the kitchen. "What do we do now?" Silver asked. "Like I said, we'll just wait for them to wa-" Blaze tapped me in the shoulder. "I think they're waking up now." We all watched as Shadows body moved and he opened his eyes he saw us and didn't really smiled, he only caressed sonics muzzle and quills. "Hello." The striped being spoke. "Hi!" Silver greeted him.  "Shadow I brought my best friends, Blaze and Silver, so they could meet you, they're the ones that will take care of the whole ceremony." He nodded slightly. "Pleased to meet you Blaze and Silver, as you might know, I am Shadow." He pulled Sonic closer and played with his quills. He's probably nervous, I forgot Sonic told me he didn't like the company a lot. I feel like Shadow isn't the type to become obsessive, more like the depressive type. Sonic then yawned and opened his eyes. "Oh hi guys!" Sonic smiled still curled on top of Shadow. "Hey Sonic! We just came here so we could meet Shadow." Silver said. " guys probably don't have a lot if trust in me which is understandable, but if you'd like, I want you guys to meet my family, by choice..since I feel like you guys are considered Sonics family." We all smiled softly. "Aww! We'd love that Shadow! What are their names?" I asked. "Rouge and Knuckles. Rouge is my sister by choice, and Knuckles is her boyfriend. Rouge is a witch and Knuckles is a half vampire and half dragon. They're actually Sonics friend by now, right Sonic?" Sonic nodded and smiled widely. "That's nice! Well, it's about time to go pick up Tails from the hospital I don't want him walking right now, and you know him Sonic. Silver, Blaze, you guys wanna come along?" They nodded and we started saying our goodbyes, we walked out of the house and were on our way to pick up Tails.

POV Sonic

"I just remember I said I would show up today to clean the palace some more, but I'm sure it could wait. I just wanna be with you, also, do you mind if I clean up the place a bit, I like cleaning." I never met someone who liked cleaning, like at all, but maybe that just calms him down, everyone's different. "Of course I don't mind Shads! I'll probably be asleep though I'm going to need all the energy I can have for the rehearsal tomorrow." I smiled at him as he fixed the wrinkled carpet. "Ok. Sonic, before that, can I borrow your art supplies, to keep myself entertained?" I nodded as he brought a folded blanket from the closet in front, he unfolded the blanket and laid it on my body, he kissed my cheek and smiled. "Sleep well Sonic, I love you." I smiled and fell to sleep.

POV Shadow

He slept for a few hours and I was done cleaning by the time, I was kinda wondering why Amy was taking so long, I hope their okay. I went upstairs to grab Sonics art supplies, which I only got pencils, pens, and crayons. I went downstairs again and sat in the other couch besides the couch Sonic was sleeping on. I decided to use my imagination and I drew him on a garden full of lavender, I started out with the sketch, then the tracing with the pen, and lastly, I colored it. I heard the door open and looked up to see who it was. It was Tails and Amy, Tails had crutches on so he walked carefully around to see Sonic. I shook his leg gently so he could wake up, I'm not much if a talker, so I need him to talk for me. He woke up and saw Tails. He smiled and quickly got up to hug him. "Tails! I'm so happy to see you!" Tail's laughed and smiled. "Me too Sonic!" Tails stopped hugging Sonic and turned to me. "Hi Shadow!" I looked at him and waved. He turned back to Sonic. "I'm gonna go to sleep the medication the doctor prescribed me is making me sleepy." He laughed and walked to his room. I saw Amy walk towards her room and it was just me, Sonic, Silver, and Blaze. We all just awkwardly stared at each other not knowing exactly what to say. " Shadow! Uh.." I stared at Silver as he was struggling to make a conversation. Blaze hit the back of his head. "Ignore him, let's start with the has your life been?" I crossed my legs and stared at them like I usually do, I read in a book once that holding eye contact shows respect for the person so thats what I did. Instead he looked intimidated. "My life has been better since my father died, I'm currently cleaning out my fathers palace, and while doing so, I got to reconnect with my moms spirit." They smiled in aw. "That's great." I nodded. We had a small conversation for about an hour until they had to leave. Sonic and I watched as Silver and Blaze left and we walked to Sonics room. "Finally! I get to sleep again!" I laughed as he jumped on the bed. I laid down with him and immediately hugged him tight. I felt his body warmth spread around my body and I sighed as I let him remove my problems with his body. I curled up into a ball and let him hug me throughout the night.

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