My Shadow (Ch 12)

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POV Sonic

After waking up, I got up to take a shower. I walked into the restroom and locked the door, I'm not ready for a round two. Man, I was crazy last night, wild even. Am I that sensitive to alcohol or something? Whatever, last night..was great. I smiled to myself and turned on the shower hose. Wait a second, I thought he said he just bought this house. It already looks so, organized? Hm. Maybe it came that way, or he's just fast, which he is..very fast. I stepped into the hot shower and brushed my quills aside. Holy fuck, how is it all coming into realization just now? I'm basically married, I'm immortal, and I'm a vampire!? This all happened so fast! How will this be more in the future!? Fuck! I didn't think about this. I sighed, whatever, I know that everything will be fine, I have someone to support me and accept me now, I have Shadow, my Shadow.

After my shower I found Shadow still sound asleep, I smiled to myself and realized I had no clothes. My smile faded as I panicked and tried to search the drawers. I was so relieved to find my shirt...wait a second..these are my clothes. How did he? Did he plan this? I laughed to myself as I saw some of his clothes besides mine. This horny fucker. I chuckled as I began to put my clothes on. What else does he have in plan with me?

Once I was all changed up, I started walking around the huge room, this just all feels so surreal. I sat on the edge of the bed and felt Shadows hands wrap around my waist. He pulled me down and kissed my waist. "No Shadow. I don't want my body to be sore, I'm pretty sure this is enough for now." I reassured him and Shadow only laughed. "It's so early in the morning, you really think I just wake up with a boner?" He faced me and smirked. "Yes, matter of fact, yes I do. I found my clothes in the drawer almost like you were planning yesterday was going to happen!" Shadow yawned and chuckled. "True, I was suspecting we would do something, but I didn't plan it, it was just a gut feeling. That's not all either, just wait, I have so much more in plan for you." I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Yeah? Like what Shads?" I raised a brow as I smirked. "I'm not telling you. It's a surprise, but I do want you to meet me at the woods later tonight, at 9:00 PM, I have something special for you." I smirked and rolled my eyes. "Yeah. I'll see ya there." I smiled and kissed his lips. "Anyway, what are we going to the whole day?" I sat up, escaping his grasp, and turned to him. "We could work on getting personal belongings in the house, and you have to tell Amy and Tails about all this I suppose." Right. Tails would be perfectly fine, but I'm not so sure how Amy will take it.

"Amyyyyy...hellooo? I'm back!" I walked into the house as I held Shadows hand. "Ugh! There you are! I was worried! Let me know next time!" She pouted. "We need to talk to you Amy." She rose her brow and sat down on the couch. "What's going on?" She said suspiciously as Shadow and I sat on the couch as well. "Uhm..I'm gonna be living with Shadow from now on..he bought a you know, we could live together? Yay right?" I chuckled nervously as I saw Amy slowly frown. "You're leaving? Why?" She pouted. "You're too young!" I rolled my eyes. "You were born decades ago, of course you think I'm too young! It's really on the mindset, don't you think?" She rolled her eyes as well. "You're kinda stupid, your mind is younger then your physical body, but..I understand, just know that you'll always have a home right here, and don't you ever stop visiting me!" I smiled softly. "I don't ever plan on leaving you, Amy." I reassured her and held her hand as well. "Will you need any help taking stuff? I can call Silver and Blaze to help." My eyes brightened. "Definitely!" I said with joy.

POV Shadow

After hours of bringing our belongings to the house it was time to organize it all. I need to visit Rouge and Knuckles for my surprise for him, I need their help, so I told Sonic I'll be heading out with them. As kind as he was, he nodded and told me he would organize my items. I smiled as I headed out the door and walked to Rouge's place. I have to get everything ready for tonight. "Rouge? Did you get my message?" I said as I walked into the old kitchen. "Sure did, knuckles and I are working on it don't you worry, he'll love your surprise." Rouge reassured me and I sighed. "Thank you for helping me with this. So how is going?" I asked as I peeked over her shoulder. "Going great." I sighed. "Did you have to use a spell!? Just do it normal!" Rouge rolled her eyes. "Fine." She scoffed, as she dumped everything out and restarted. "Hey Shadow." Knuckles walked into the kitchen. "Hey." Knuckles leaned his body towards the counter. "I finished setting everything you asked me to, it's just up to you to finish it." I nodded as I walked to the living room. I grabbed the painting and placed it in a gift box beside it. It's almost time. "I'm gonna go now, I have to make sure everything is perfect." Rouge and Knuckles nodded and smiled. I walked out of her house knowing they'll teases me for being so corny. The things I do for love.

POV Sonic

It was finally time for me to go to the woods, and so I brushed my quills picked some decent clothing and made my way out. I wonder why he wants me there for. I walked through the lonely shallow streets, there was only a few people outside they were just cleaning. Thankfully the woods wasn't that far away from the house and I arrived after 4 minutes. It was really dark and I couldn't see really well, then I felt familiar hands cover my eyes and walked me through the secret path I heard chuckle as he whispered in my ear. "Sit down." I sat down on the soft grass and leaned in to a tree behind me. "Keep your eyes close, okay? I got a gift for you." I smiled as his calm tone of voice reassured me. I heard and felt things shift around me and then heard it stop. "You can open your eyes now." I opened my eyes and saw a majestic beautiful creature in front of me, he was dressed up and even styled his quills. I blushed and smiled, I looked down at the floor and saw a gift box. I opened it and it was a painting it was of me and him sitting right at this spot. "This is where we first met." He held my hand and looked into my eyes. I felt butterflies in my stomach. "I also wrote a..uhm..poem..for you." He turned away, bashful.

"You purified me from the pain I held inside
A deeper desire than blood flushed through me as I set eyes into your beautiful emerald orbs
You opened up the joy I never thought I'd find
You opened up my sadness and saw the tears from my eyes
You gave me hope and you gave me love
And when we made love,
It felt as if I could never die"

I smiled so widely my cheeks were bound to hurt. "I love that so much. Thank you Shadow, this is so sweet, but aren't we both immortal." I giggled and he chuckled. "You know when your mind is so lonely and you have no one to talk about your true self to, it kinda feels like your dead, numb, and in misery. I had not point in life before you came." He held my hand tighter as he leaned in for a kiss. It was passionate and filled with love. He pulled away and looked as his eyes gazed to all parts of me. "I have one more surprise." My ear perked up and I smiled as he grabbed a dish and took off the lid to reveal a whole plate of chili dogs. I gasped as I grabbed one and took a bite. "Thank you! I love you so much! Thank you! Thank you!"

After eating, Shads and I spent some time talking and enjoying the night sky. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he leaned his head on my head. He held my hand and didn't let go. I love you Shadow, my Shadow.

The End.

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