Beneath (Ch 2)

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POV Sonic

When I woke up I saw Amy in front of me. "AAH! Oh, Amy you scared me! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be, I don't know, wherever you are in the mornings?" She looked pretty pissed. "Sonic, where were you yesterday? Blaze told me she saw you at the evil side.. WITH THE LEADER!" I chuckled nervously and smiled, "uhm, well, what did you expect me to do? No matter how much times I've asked you, what exactly they did wrong, you never told me! Do you expect me to just believe that their evil?" She sighed, "Sonic I am telling you, that there will be a time I will tell you, the story is so tragic that you have to be prepared for it, mentally and physically." Physically, is it that bad? "Wait what do you mean by physically?" I said as I stood up from my bed. "Sonic, this story.. I don't know how to well describe it. The best way to say it is, if you hear the story or even are the one telling it, ugh! It's like a brainwash, a spell. A spell that the leader and his best friend both casted upon us. Well, the spell was decades ago, so the rulers son, who is the leader of The Wicked side today, has nothing to do with it. But still, he was raised by him! What do you think bad beings teach their youngster?!" I crossed my arms and wandered in my room. "You can't just assume that they were raised absolutely horrible because of their parents! You raised me to be a formal hedgehog with a kind and romantic heart, and look how I turned out. Oh! And you also told me ever since I was 5 years old, 'Never go to the Evil side sweetie' and now look at what you're yelling at me for." Amy sighed once again, "You have a point, Sonic. I just want you to be careful, and most importantly self aware. I'm glad that you considered them as beings just like us, and yes, we can't assume that they're evil just like their parents, but we can't just say their saints either. Maybe they're misunderstood like you have always thought, but they manage pain, sadness and any emotion, especially love, much more differently than we do. You tell me how the leader treated you and I'll decide if you can still hang out with him, understand? Everything. Not one single detailed left out." I nodded not having much of a choice. Oh shit. Every detail? I'll leave that out. "Okay, so basically I ran to the forest,I walked there for a few minutes, Shadow caught me and asked me what I was doing there, then he called me beautiful and pure. He took me to his place, we got to know each other, he took me back, I went home, and that's all." Amy look at me, I could tell she didn't believe at least half of it. "So he called you beautiful, and then took you to his place, and you got to know each other? What does that mean? What did you guys do? Were you alone? Sonic, I swear if you guys did anything I'm never letting you see that vampire again. Also you're lying to me about that last part, yesterday I came home and heard you were talking to someone. Was it him? Be honest." 'Did anything?' Does she really think he fucked me? There's no way I'll let myself in a situation like that! "Amy, we didn't do anything, I literally met him yesterday, and we weren't alone! We were with this pretty bat named Rouge! And yes, he was the one talking to me in room, but we were just drawing, talking and then we" I cut myself off before I could say that last detail. "Sonic? You guys did what?" I looked away from her avoiding eye contact. "Sonic, what did you guys do?" Amy repeated herself as she stood up from my bed with her arms crossed. "Uh.. we just made out. Thats all!" She gasped, "THAT'S ALL?! Sonic! You're 17!" I looked at her carelessly. "Hey! That's a big age in my world!" She facepalmed herself. "Oh my chaos, Sonic. What have you gotten yourself into?" Amy walked out of my room disappointed. "So can I still hangout with him?" I said following her, "Whatever."

I sat in my bed after all that conversation, I was wondering about the place I came from, I grabbed my phone and researched, "Mobian". Results popped up and a place named Green Hill, it was very beautiful, I saw a few beings that looked like me, a hedgehog! I closed my computer and laid back down on my bed, I was extremely tired. Then I saw a flash in my room, Shadow. "Hey Shads." I saw him sit at the edge of my bed again. "Hey, you okay? Tired?" I nodded and groaned as I stretched. "So what are you doing here?" Shadow leaned back and toss his head back. "I came to see if you were free, I wanted to hang out. You've been on my mind the whole morning." I blushed, I kinda liked how straightforward he was. "Yeah I'm free." He smiled at me, "So why are you tired? Did you sleep well? Have you ate? Drank anything yet?" I was kinda surprised he asked. "Well, I don't know about sleeping well, but I slept, I haven't ate or drank anything yet though. Thanks for asking." He scooted closer to me. "Didn't sleep well? Why's that?" His Hand caressed my cheek, I blushed and stared at him. Then I broke eye contact and laughed nervously. "Uh..I-I don't know." He kept looking at me. "Was it because of yesterday? Were you uncomfortable? Did I make you nervous?" He leaned closer to me not breaking eye contact. "N-no! I wasn't..y-you didn't.." I saw him smirk and his eyes gazed off to my body, my lips, and back to my eyes. "Sonic, did you like what I did to you yesterday? Don't lie to me." He was now on top of me, leaving me speechless with the tone he used. "I-I did like it.. but don't you think it's too soon?" I said ashamed. "Some people just click, don't you think?" I felt intimidated, "Shadow, I..we..we don't even know each other that well. I know nothing about your intentions, your past, nothing important. I'll be honest, I like the way you touch me, but I want to know more about you before all of that." Shadow smiled at me, "So I have an actual chance?" I looked at him confused. "Chance for what?" He leaned back still keeping eyes on me. "A chance for you to be mine, or better say, a chance to be yours?" I squealed and facepalmed myself blushing. "Stop that!" He laughed at my act. He eventually stopped laughing and frowned. "If we get to know each other more, and you possibly fall in love, will you love me? Forever?" His voice cracked on that last sentence. I saw Shadows ears lower. "Shadow? Are you okay?" I saw a tear shed from his eyes. "Shit, I have to go." He stood up but I pulled him back. "No! Shadow you're not okay! Let me help you. Please, I can't stand it seeing beings cry." He looked at me still sad, keeping his head low. "Uhm.. I don't know how to do these stuff." I laughed softly. "Just rant it out." He tilted his head, and looked around avoiding eye contact. "Well, uh, I never received love as a child, and uh I was always neglected. So I have always tried to find love anywhere else as soon as I can to stop feeling worthless, although the love I came across was never true." I saddened my face. "My father, the old ruler, forbids me to cry or show happiness, he says it makes me look weak and vulnerable. He would threaten to hit me or take things away from me if I disobeyed him, although he never hit me, there was more than one time he wanted to and was so close to doing so. And even though I'm the ruler, the king, and I want to make changes, that doesn't stop him from holding me in a chokehold preventing me from changing things. I just wish I wasn't considered as a monster like everyone thinks, I know some beings that think like that as much as I do, but we're held hostage, and we'll never be free." I hugged him. Still processing things. "Thank you for trusting me with this, I know it could've been hard to tell." I felt Shadow hug back. Then I heard him sob, I rubbed his back trying to comfort him, "Did he actually ever hit you?" I asked worried about his safety. "No, but this uhm.. one time, I kept asking for some flesh to eat because I was hungry and he refused to give me anything. And I kept annoying him so he grabbed a bat and thankfully Rouge came in the room. Since we were always together, like siblings, it was common for me and her to go distract ourselves by going outside. Although The Proper Side is where I feel most safe." My ears lowered and I grabbed his hand and held it. "Remember that when you're with me, you'll always be safe" I hugged him. "Thank you, Sonic."

POV Shadow

I stayed with Sonic to distract myself, I'm not in the mood to see my father's face right now. I looked at him reading his book, and my heart was beating, irregularly, much..much faster than usual. It actually scared me. I touched my heart and I felt it pumping. I looked back at him, is he making me like this? Am.. am I actually in love? Maybe I still have that feeling of happiness from being comforted. But the things I did to him are also unusual for me to do, I normally did that on females and feel nothing. Do I want him that bad? I sat next to him in the bed just to get comfort. Then I felt his head rest on my shoulder. I looked at him, and he looked beautiful, in every angle I see him he's beautiful. I rested my head back and wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me. I was breathing slowly, resting my body, then I felt him move away from my arm, Sonics pretty lips. He was kissing me. I was shocked really, I didn't expect him to make a move like that. I of course kissed back turning him over leaving him at the bottom. I placed one of my hands in his waist and the other in the back of his head, pulling him closer and closer until we both loose our breath. I was on top of him, grinding mu body against his, my hand slipped under his shirt and I was touching every inch inside. "Mmfgh" I heard him let out a muffled groan, "Mfgh.. S-stop that." I stopped and just held him close still having my hands underneath his shirt feeling his body warmth. I want to stay like this with him, a lot longer. "I like the way you touch me, I just don't want you to go further yet." He said ashamed. I nodded. I got off of him slowly and sat down. He was still laying down, then I took his position in my focus. His legs were open each knee pointing up. I smirked and blushed. I knew he looked good in all angles. He noticed I was staring and decided to tease. "What are you thinking Shadow? Something dirty?" he smirked, "Yes, something very naughty." I leaned forward towards him.
"H-hey man I-I was joking!" I saw him break character and cover his face. "Aw, don't cover that pretty face of yours." He hid his face more and I started laughing. He was adorable. "Shadow stop teasing me!" He pouted, he sat up and crossed his arms. "You want me to go straight to the point?" I laughed staring him down. "Just kidding, I know you're not ready for that yet. I just like seeing your reaction for now." He smiled at me, his eyes wandered to my body then to my crotch he looked up at my eyes again and he looked embarrassed. I smirked, "I saw that." I laughed and laid down. "So what should we do now" He asked me. "Not sure I really just want to stay here with you." I looked at his ceiling with my hands behind my head, I genuinely meant what I said. He laid next me and gave me a side hug. "Thank you for keeping me company, my brother is busy making inventions for The Proper and The Eerie and most of the time, he doesn't have time for an actual conversation or hang out, but we do see each other and catch ourselves up. He makes sure to make time for me. I'm glad to have a friend, most of the time I'm just running outside and people just talk to me because I'm a 'norm', like they literally said it themselves, in front of my face! So I just decided to stay home most of the time." Shadow frowned, "Those beings are cruel for not considering your feelings, I bet you actually wanted a friend in that situation." He nodded hugging me tighter, "I'll finally have someone to hang out with." I laid in my side and caressed his quills. Then he buried his face in my chest fur. He inhaled and exhaled slowly falling asleep.

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