One More Day (Ch 7)

794 33 14

POV Shadow

I was at the palace, this place was like a graveyard, as soon as I entered I felt like I was being touched. "Don't touch me, spirit." I heard a knock on the wall and sighed. "I'm terribly sorry for how your life has ended I wish I could've stopped my father from doing this." I felt a vase being thrown at me I dodged it and figured some of these souls would be difficult to get rid of. I sighed again. I was completely alone, alone with these damn spirits who either hated me, or didn't like me. "I'm just trying to free you guys, so you can find piece, I can't grant you your life back, I could only guide you to piece." I heard a whisper in my ear. "Help us please." I was quite used to it, no point on flinching. "Die." So many souls, with so many emotions. I might have to call Rouge, she could help me with this. I grabbed my phone and sat at the stair step, my phone was blown away from my hand and I was irritated. "Damnit. You guys either stay here in misery, or you let me help. Choose one because there isn't any more options." I felt a touch on my thigh, I was so irritated a yelled at a soul I couldn't see. "I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME YOU BUFFOONS!" I groaned in anger and grabbed my phone again. I called Rouge and I was leaning against a wall. "Rouge come to the palace and bring knuckles if you please too, these souls are IRRITATING me, they won't stop touching me." I hung up and crossed my arms. Rouge arrived after four minutes and I saw her with her Book of Chants, all witches have them, they have everything you need to know about souls and even spells. "Let's get this started these ghost annoy me at times too, right knux?" She said as she sat down on the stair step. "Hell yeah, one of these bitches pulled on my quill." Rouge chuckled and I was cackling. "That's not funny." Rouge and I bursted out in laughter and Knuckles only crossed his arms and clenched his fist. "You know what's funny, Shadow? Your head between my knuckles slowly crushing your head more an-" Rouge shushed him. "Okay! What we came for okay knux?" He only nodded giving me a glare, I only smirked. Rouge chanted words I didn't really understand, and since knuckles was half vampire and half dragon, he didn't understand either. Her chanting seemed to be working the temperature changed and I felt wind behind me slowly decreasing, like the souls were being sucked away. The wind I felt was heading both up and down, like they were separating souls to different areas. Then the chanting stopped. The air didn't feel clenched anymore, was this it? No more thrown items, no more knocks and voices. "Well there you go, will you need help with your mom?" I sighed. "For the chant yes, but I want to talk to her on my own." They nodded. "We'll be cleaning this place up, and cleansing this place!" They both grabbed some sage and cleansed around. I walked up the stairs smelling something rotting it was worse than I expected, I started to feel dizzy and my head ached. My legs felt they were being grabbed and I felt weak. Rouge noticed and flew to me. "We'll walk you towards the door if you want." I only nodded, I always had nausea anytime I'm near his room. The closer I came the more the scent would fill my nose, it smelt awful. Rouge flew away once she walked me to the door, I can't blame her this scent horrid. I opened the door, there...there's a bunch of..dead and naked human bodies. They were so brutally murdered and tortured..I called Rouge and knuckles to see and they immediately came running to me. They gagged at the sight of bloody bodies with items I couldn't even identify stabbed into their eyes and face features. "We need someone to clean their bodies and bury them." Knuckles said, we all just stared at each other. "I'll do the cleaning, I'm probably the only here used to it." I said, even if it was horrible to smell and look at, worst to even touch it, I have to get rid of this mess. "Here Shadow I have a little something for you, so you won't necessarily have to touch it." She opened her Book of Chants and she looked for a spell. "Cleanse this body, leave with your scent, cleanse the blood, and leave it dead." I turned to the bodies and found them clean, poor humans..I felt saddened that these poor women were someone in life and had their life taken away from them. Knuckles had to put them in a bodybag, once he did he closed the bag and headed outside to bury them. Rouge brought me a water, dish soap, and a broom, along with rags, basically cleaning supplies. "Once we clean this palace from any bloody things, I wanna call Sonic over, did I tell you? We're boyfriends! I've never felt so happy." Rouge smirked. "I'm happy for you Shadow, just remember, treat each other with respect and love, and everything will turn out fine." She caressed my muzzle and she flew away to help knuckles. I began cleaning, washing, scrubbing and finished two hours later. This room was finally clean, I could finally distinguish the colors of the walls, the furniture, everything. I wonder if my moms soul is here, I haven't heard anything or felt anything, was she sucked in with Rouges chant?

A few minutes later I heard a whisper on my ear. "Shadow." It was faint, I couldn't hear it that well but I know it was my name. "Mom?" I heard a knock. "Mom if that's you, knock on the wall two times." I heard one knock, and another faint one. "Mom." I heard another knock. I was talking to her, my mom. "Mom I've missed you. I told my boyfriend about you. I love you mom, do you love me? Knock two times if yes, once if no." It was silent for a minute until I heard two knock loud and clear. "I'm sorry for what happened to you ma, you didn't deserve that. I wish you could meet my boyfriend, but that isn't possible, but I know you will love him." I heard two more knocks and some footsteps around me. My ears twitched feeling movement beside me, I smiled. Rouge walked into the room and my ears perked up at the sight if Sonic. "We brought your boyfriend, we though you might need some comfort." Rouge and knuckles smiled. I ran to him and held his hand. Rouge and knuckles left and Sonic and I were alone. "Mom, this is Sonic my boyfriend, isn't he beautiful." He looked around the room and we heard two knocks he turned to the direction the knock was and smiled. "It's so cool how you guys still manage to somehow communicate with each other, your mom is very lovely by the way." Sonic waved at the wall behind him, and two more knocks were heard. "I'm guessing two knocks mean yes and one knock for no right?" Two knocks were heard, we heard footsteps coming closer. "Wait you can see her?" Sonic nodded and laughed. "I've never given any attention to this 'gift' because I saw no use in it, but I finally do, I met your mom! Sorta." I was so happy that my lover was able to see my mom, the most important person to me, I wonder why he never mentioned it before. "Mom, do you want to stay here as the soul of the palace or find piece? I really enjoy our communication and if you leave..well." I looked at Sonic who was observing the one spot on the wall. "I think she wants to stay here?" Sonic smiled and nodded in confirmation. "Well, ma, it's getting late, I'll come back tomorrow to finish cleaning, I want to take Sonic home." Two knocks were heard and Sonic and I both smiled, I teleported to his room and I laid him in his bed, but before he could even react I quickly kissed him. "Remember what you said? We have something to finish..I know it's until tomorrow, but I can wait until 12:00 am..if you don't mind of course.." It was 11:46 pm and Sonic only shivered under my body and smirked. "Who knows, maybe we can start sooner.." Sonic smirked and kissed my lips roughly, his hand desperately touched my body and he was desperate for my touch too. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He only stared at my eyes with a lustful look. "Fuck yeah."

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