Anxious (Ch 10)

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POV Sonic

I was being shaken and I didn't know by who. When I woke up I saw Amy and Shadow standing besides each other. "Finally you're awake I've been shaking you for three minutes. I woke you up because today is your rehearsal and I want you to eat and be prepared before we head out." I was still half asleep but I managed to understand what she said. "Shadow is coming too right?" Amy laughed. "If Shadow is going to be king, what do you think?" I laughed and yawned. I got up and put my shoes on while Shadow and Amy walked downstairs. When I was done getting ready I walked downstairs. "I made you some chili dogs so you could be at least happy for this rehearsal. Sorry for waking you so early." I smiled. It was super early, 6:00 am. When I finished my food, we started to walk to where the ceremony will take place. Beings stared at us, especially me, I completely forgot I had fangs now and they whispered, I felt judged but I remembered what Shadow told me and it made me feel better. When we got to the big building Silver and Blaze were already inside preparing decorations and the food. They waved and continued setting up tables. "Sonic, what you need to focus on is on where you will sit when you're announced king, and your speech. I asked Shadow to help you with that because he has formal manners and has poetic words, unlike you." I smiled nervously, I hate speaking all sweet, I can't take myself seriously. "Thanks Shads." He smiled.

A few hours later it was 6:00 pm, and being were arriving for the ceremony, everyone sat at tables it was super crowded already since there was beings from the Eerie as well. I'm so nervous. Shadow and I were behind curtains before it was time to go to our throne, Amy was going to do a speech first explaining what will be happening, then it will be my turn, for my speech. Shadow held my hand. "It will all be okay, I promise you that." He looked at me, I only smiled. We heard Amy tap on the microphone and we knew it was about time. "Hello, I am Amy Rose, The Mab of fairies and the queen of this kingdom. Most beings here especially beings from the other side are probably very confused, that's why I will explain what will be happening today, and later on in the future. Please listen carefully." She made herself clear and coughed to avoid any dryness. "King Shadow The Vampire had an amazing plan to connect kingdoms, making it one. That way beings from the other side could have a chance for a new and better life if they please too. What I mean by that, I know some beings won't bother to comprehend our rules, so we did our research on what could be a better punishment than death, we set some rules and if you break them, you will be locked up in jail, the amount of time depends on the crime you did. This goes for everyone here. Beings from the other side will have better supplies, and a healthier place to live. On to the other topic, some of you might've seen Sonic a little unusual today, that's because he is no longer mortal, he will be able to rule our kingdom along side with Shadow. Any questions?" Beings only looked at each other. "Great, we will be moving on to the rules. Rape, assault, and robbery are the crimes that will take a more amount of time locked in jail." Amy went through every rule she listed out which took about an hour, then it was my speech, and Shadows. I acted confident and walked to the microphone. "I will do my best to protect our home, our haven. I know this might've been sudden to everyone here right now, and I understand, but Shadow and I will make sure this kingdom stays out of any havoc and we'll make sure everyone feels happy here, and most importantly safe. These were some important words from me, now please, Shadow, you may continue on." I was sweating but I made no mistakes which I was super proud of. "Ahem. As we've been saying this whole night, beings, you all might be very confused, most of you think I'm evil, which I comprehend why you think that, but my father was a bad being, and I was under his control, I am not like him, I hope you can all believe me one day, but I'll leave it at that for now. As my lover said, we will make sure everyone here is happy, and most importantly safe." He held my hand and we both smiled, we heard most beings awed. Silver and Blaze pulled two giant chairs behind us. Amy looked at us and smiled. "You guys will do amazing at keeping this place safe. I believe in the both of you." Shadow slightly nodded keeping a serious face, while I smiled widely. She placed two crowns on a table in front of us. The crowd went quiet. "Sonic, Shadow, I trust that you both will be very happy besides each other. I know you will treat our kingdom with respect responsibility and safety. I renounce my role as queen, and I you, Sonic, will take my place." She took a gold and blue crown out of the case and she placed it on my head. "Now onto you Shadow, I know you will find yourself one day, I trust you with our kingdom and I know you will do everything to keep us healthy, physically and mentally." She grabbed the gold and black crown and placed it on his head. "You both are now announced King Shadow and King Sonic." I heard clapping from the crowd, I was super happy it all went well! It was time for the after party and food for different beings were served, in the few hours I've had different beings walk up to me, mostly younglings asking me questions about beings from the other side, and mainly questions about Shadow.

Hours later it was 2:00 am and I was exhausted. The ceremony has ended and Shadow took me to this new place I've never seen before. It was a house, a very pretty house. "Shad's? Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see." He smirked and unlocked the front door. We walked in and locked the door behind us. "I got this house for whenever we want to live together." I smiled. "We could live together now! I don't see a problem!" Shadow smirked. "What about Tails? You're gonna leave him alone?" I smirked. "Oh he'll be fine if I'm just gone for 1-2 days. Does this house come with a bed? I feel like doing some things." I grabbed his hand and his eyes widened, he smirked and took me to a room, it was really big. Shadow pushed me onto the bed and watched me sit. "Show me what you want to do." I smirked and bit my lip. "Come closer." He crawled on top of me and I was already excited. "I want you to fuck me."


(10/12)  Two more chapters until I will be uploading a new Sonadow story! I hope you can understand!!

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