Sonic's Birthday (Ch 8) 🍋

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POV Sonic

I wanted him to touch me, I've never felt this desire before, I was never so desperate to touch someone like this. Shadows hands slipped through my shirt, he took it off and touched my chest, he placed a finger on my nipple and slowly played with it, my breath tightened, I gasped with every movement he made on me. He was grinding on my crotch and the heat in my body increased, I was hard again. He forcefully opened my mouth with his fingers, he let his tongue inside my mouth while my drool fell from the lack of swallowing. His tongue licked me everywhere, all the places I never imagined would feel so good licked. He was kissing and sucking my neck. Why do I like how rough he treats me? It feels so amazing.

His hands went under my pants, he grabbed my crotch and squeezed it. I squirmed from the tension he was building up inside of me. "Shh..Amy is don't want her walking in on us don't you?" I nodded desperate and covered my mouth. He only chuckled. "Maybe next time I'll be able to hear your sounds of pleasure, they excite me." Shadow took my pants and underwear off and he took his clothes off too, leaving us completely naked. I touched his chest kissed and his body. He only watched me as I kissed his stomach and got closer to his dick. I squeezed it like he did to me and his body tensed up. I heard a groan come out of him. He laid down and watched my every move. I stroked his dick like he did last time, he pulled me closer and kissed my chest, although I tried to make him weak, he was much more skilled with his tongue and hands. I bent down like a dog and took a hold of his dick. "Suck it." I did as he told me too and put him in my mouth. He groaned and grunted and sometimes little moans came out of his mouth the more I continued to pleasure him. "...hah...S-Sonic, just-..mmm..ughh.." He pushed my head lower until his dick was at the back of my throat, I felt warm liquid enter and swallowed some of it while I gagged on the rest. White liquid drooled out of my mouth to my chin, and Shadow wiped it off.

He then aggressively moved me to a new position, I was in all fours with my back arching. I buried my face into the sheets from the sudden grasp Shadow took a hold off. He squeezed my dick again stroked it. Then he told me to suck his fingers. I only obeyed, and each second he would stroke me faster and faster, I felt my limit and my seed was all over his hand. He rubbed my ass with his wet fingers and inserted one in, a muffled moan was heard from his fingers still in my mouth. He took his finger out from his other hand and he rested it on my waist. His fingers in my mouth were removed leaving more drool dripping out of my mouth. He inserted two finger in my hole and I yelped into the sheets. His fingers were moving inside and I gripped into the sheets. I moved one hand to cover my mouth and the other to touch myself. He took his fingers out and he turned me around facing him. "You better hush up, you don't want Amy to hear you scream." I continued covering my mouth getting ready, and felt him pushing his length into me, and loud muffled moans and yelps were escaping. "Fuck me, please.. Sha..hah-Shadow." I whispered hoping he'll hear me. I want to see what he'll do to me. He thrusted in all the way and immediately thrusted in and out fast. He choked me to keep me quiet, I gagged through my moans and smirked at him. I love this feeling so much. "I thought you didn't like being naughty? Turns out you're more dirty than I thought.." He whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. I giggled. "It'" He chuckled and thrusted faster and faster. All I felt was pleasure, I looked his eyes and pulled him into a kiss. I moaned through the kiss and kissed his neck. My nails dug into his skin from all the tense moves he makes on me, he licked my neck and and sucked on my sensitive spot. Then he bit my neck and his seed and venom were inside of me. I felt twice the pleasure and I groaned from this pain pleasure feeling. Shadow and I both panted from the tiredness. We decided to wash the sheets and our bodies the next day. I've never felt this good before, he makes me feel so good, I love him..I love him like I never loved anyone. I think I want to be with him..forever.

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