A warm welcome

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Seungmin pov

I arrived at the gigantic police station for the fourth time ever. I'm honestly shocked that I was even able to get hired here. I guess my grades really helped. I was kind of dreading today because I was informed that I was meeting THE Bang Chan today. I was supposed to meet him the first time I arrived but he got wrapped into some work so I ended up getting guided by the Co chief, Seo Changbin. I just hoped that when Bang Chan was going to see me that morning he wouldn't fire me because of my pathetic built body, well pathetic compared to the other policemen. I stepped into the building and went up to Bang Chan's office, I gulped before knocking on the door.
"Come in" a voice from the inside said, probably Bang Chan. I stepped into his office and was met by  a black haired man dressed in his proper attire. "You're Seungmin I suppose?" He said.
"Correct sir" I said.
"Well I've seen your chart, you sure have amazing grades and the cases you've been doing so far have all been successful, great work. I can't wait to see you more in the field."
"Thank you sir"
"Well maybe you aren't aware but in this particular station we divide everyone in certain groups so that teamwork will get particular easy. I have decided to put you in group, 143." He said while having a slight smile on his face. He then slides a paper towards me. "On this paper is everyone in your group and some general information like shifts and stuff." He added. I took a quick glance at the paper but my eyes stopped when I saw a certain name on there. 'Bang Christopher Chan' I read in my head. I had to read it again just to be sure. But it was, I was really in the same group as the name chief oh how am I ever gonna survive this.
"See you at five," he said.
"Yes sir" I said while walking out, well I had about ten hours to process everything. I read through the paper again, this time properly. While I was reading I went into the cafe across the street. Shifts were about twelve hours and I have four vacation days per year. It wasn't that bad. The other officers were Hwang Hyunjin, Seo Changbin and Han Jisung. Well Changbin was familiar with the other ones I could have sworn that I've heard before but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Hello sir, would you like to order anything?" A blond boy who stood in front of me said. Must have been a worker. I put down the paper.
"Yes an Iced americano please" I said.
"Coming right up!" He said with a smile while going back to the counter and started preparing the coffee. I looked around the café a bit more and noticed just how many police there were. This must be a police hotspot or something, well not so weird because it's literally across the street from the station. The boy soon came with my coffee and I paid with my card.
"Oh you're on the same team as my husband, how fun" the blond said with a smile. 
"Huh, you're husband?" I was confused.
"Well not exactly husband but bound to be anyway, Seo Changbin. You must be new. I've never seen you before, I'm Felix" he said with a sunshine smile.
"Lix stop having chit chat with the other customers and come help me over here!" the other employee said from the counter.
"Coming! see you around" Felix said while leaving. Well he seemed kind but I was still in shock.
The clock had turned five pm and I was already at the police station for my shift.
"Good Seungmin you're here, you're riding with me. There was a robbery at the jewelry store downtown" Bang chan said.
"Yes sir" I said as I followed him to the car and got into the passenger seat. It was kind of awkward sitting next to the police chief, I just hoped I could handle everything okay. When we arrived the medical team was already there.
"Interview the witnesses, I'll look around the area," Bang Chan said.
"Yes sir" I said while walking up to the owner of the store, he seemed to have an injured arm that the medical team had bandaged up.''Hello sir, i'm gonna need you to tell me everything you saw"I said.
"Of Course officer, I was just closing up the store when this masked person entered the store. I told him that we were closing but then he punched the glass protecting the jewelry. That's when this glass shard injured my arm, the alarm then went off and he ran off" The owner said.
"You said it was masked, could you describe more what they might have looked like?"
"A black hoodie with black jeans with those skiing masks"
"Thank you for your help, the medical team will transport you to the hospital and you'll get questioned by the police at the police station in the morning" I said. He nodded and the medical team transported him to the hospital. I looked around the store to find some clues. Broken glass was everywhere and some jewelry was missing, there was some blood on the floor I'd suspect it was the victims. My eyes then got caught by a black item in the corner of the room, covered in glass. I picked it up and turned out it was a wallet but it didn't belong to the victim, must be the suspects. Just then Bang Chan came back.
"No traces of the suspect," Bang Chan said.
"I think I might just have found the jackpot" I said while handing him the wallet.
"Very amateur mistake for a rober, good work Seungmin" Bang Chan said. "Dispatch, could you give me the address of 'Yuseok Lee, 21 male' "Bang Chan said into his radio. Dispatch gave the address and we drove there in a flash. We knocked on the door.
"Police!" Bang Chan yelled. A young woman opened the door.
"Officers? Is there anything you need?" the woman asked.
"Is there a man named Yuseok Lee in the building?" I asked.
"What did he do? one moment." The woman turned her head into her apartment. "Yuseok!" "Come here!" A male would come into the door and be shocked when he saw us.
"Yuseok Lee you're under arrest for stealing and dangaged of property" Bang Chan said while handcuffing him. We brought him into the back of the car and went to the police station and interviewed him. He turned out to be guilty and got sent to prison. I sat down at my desk pretty tired and looked at the time. three hours left until I can go home. A guy who had the desk next to me sat down at his desk too. I knew he was someone from my team but I didn't really know which one of them he was.
"Hi, you're Kim Seungmin right?" the guy said.
"Uh yeah" I replied, his sudden comment threw me off as I was completely in my head.
"I'm Han Jisung, nice to meet you" he said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you too" Just then we received the call from Bang Chan, they needed to back up on the main road, there was a major accident. We got into a police car and drove there as fast as possible.
"Glad you're here, the suspect dropping a gun or knife somewhere along the road we need to get it received before it causes problems, me and Changbin need to stay here to make sure nothing gets out of control" Bang Chan said.
"Yes sir" I said while both me and Jisung got into the car. We drove pretty slowly to see if we could find the weapon. Something then caught my eye. "Stop!" I yelled while getting out of the car. There was a stabbed man laying on the side of the road. I went up to check his pulse but nothing, we were too late. "Sir, we found the knife. And a dead body" I said on my radio.. a few moments later Bang Chan and another guy arrived. Bang Chan took a quick look at the knife.
"Dammit" he mumbled.
"Is it?" the other guy asked.
"Yes Hyunjin, it's him," Bang chan said. I was very confused because Han seemed to know what Bang Chan was talking about.
"Who exactly?" I asked.
"Lee Minho," Bang Chan said.

Author note:
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