Officer down

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He nodded in response and we both made our way towards Seungmins bedroom. This way the first time I've been in this room after Seungmin moved in, I liked what he had done with the place. He had a lot of Day6 posters on the wall and his room was very neat and clean.
"Wow you made this room look much nicer than before" I said in awe.
"ah, thanks" Seungmin replied.
"I didn't know you were a fan of Day6"
"Oh well, it's a bit embarrassing to talk about," Seungmin said, smiling a bit and scratching the back of his head.
"Being a fan of something is nothing to be embarrassed about"
"easy for you to say, you're not a fan of anything"
"That's not true!"
"Oh?" then name something"
"Well I don't have them on the tip of my tongue" I said, trying to make an excuse.
"Oh you little!" Seungmin said while grabbing a pillow and hitting me with it. Chan hit me back with the other pillow and it turned into a little pillow fight. I then managed to hit Seungmin hard enough that he fell on the bed with his face upwards and I stumbled and fell on top of him and caught myself staring down at Seungmin for a good ten seconds. In those seconds it was pure silence. My face kept going up and down from Seungmins eyes to his lips.
"Ahem, maybe we should sleep," Seungmin said, breaking the silence.
"Good idea" I said and got off him and we both laid down on opposite sides of the bed and soon fell asleep.
Hyunjin pov

When I woke up and looked at my phone my mind wanted to see messages from Jeongin, maybe like 'Where are you i'm worried' or something along those lines. But when I looked at the phone screen all I was met by was my wallpaper and the time. I sighed and got up, Chan's bed was surprisingly comfortable. When I got out of the room I saw the two of them cooking breakfast together, I found it cute and then went to sit down next to Hyejin.
"Good morning Hyejin"
"Good morning uncle Hyunjin" She answered with a bright smile. I swear that girl was adorable.
"Good morning Hyunjin, I hope you're hungry for some pancakes," Chan said, putting a plate filled with pancakes on the table.
"Oh I sure am!" I said, grabbing a pancake onto my plate. Seungmin and Chan soon joined the table and we all ate breakfast together. Seungmin then took the plates and put them in the dishwasher.
"Alright Hyejin time for school, do you have your bag?" Chan said.
"Yes papa!" she said, grabbing her bag. The four of us then began our journey to the car and after dropping Hyejin the rest of us got back into the car.
"Hyunjin is time to face Jeongin" Chan said with a stern look.
"I know, I know," I sighed.
"I'm riding with Seungmin today so youre gonna have to do your job, don't slack," Chan said.
"Yes sir" I said.
Chan pov

"Do you want to drive or?" I asked.
"I mean you are the superior officer go ahead" Seungmin said and the both of us got into the shop. After about five minutes of driving around dispatch gives us a call about an open shooter at the cafe.
"Shit" I mumbled.
"What was that?" Seungmin asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I know for sure Hyunjin is going there after hearing this," I said. "Distapatch shows us responding" I said and rang my sirens and rushed my way towards the cafe and sure enough I saw Hyunjins car parked there. I saw Hyunjin standing behind his car door pointing his gun at the cafe and inside I see a man dressed in all black pointing the gun directly at Jeongins head. Seungmin reported a description and a hostage situation to dispatch.
"Drop the gun!" I yelled pulling up my gun as well. I then see Hyunjin wandering off to the back of the store.
"What the fuck is he doing?" I mumbled.
"He's trying to get into the back entrance," Seungmin said. "Wait a second, I don't think this robber is alone," Seungmin said.
"What do you mean?" I said.
"The guy is talking. but not to us, he's talking to some kind of ear, probably a snipper." Seungmin said. Seungmin then looked up and saw the big parking house, a perfect spot for a snipper.
"Officer Hwang, do not enter the cafe, I repeat, do not enter the cafe!" I yelled into the radio. But when I look into the glass walls of the cafe I cant see Hyunjin entering and pointing his gun and the guy but then get shot by the sniper three times. We all just stood there for a few seconds just taking in the situation.
"We have secutred the sniper" Dispatch then yell in my radio.
"Officer down." I say in my radio while my and Seungmin run towards the cafe.
"Hands up, drop the gun now!" Seungmin yelles the guy and puts him in handcuffs while I run up to Hyunjin trying to stop the bleeding. Jeongin was standing speechless and in tears while Felix was comforting him. An ambulance soon arrived on scene and brought Hyunjin to a hospital ofcourse Jeongin followed him into the ambulance. Changbin and Han soon arrived on scene as well as dozens of other officers. Me and Seungmin were both still in a bit of a shock after everything that happened and after work was done we changed into our regular clothes and went to visit Hyunjin at the hospital. Jeongin would be waiting impatiently in the waiting area pacing back and forth while Felix was there trying to call him down.
"How is the situation?" I asked Felix.
"He's still in surgery," Felix replied.
"You can stay here if you want, I'll go pick up Hyejin," Seungmin said.
"Thanks Seungmin" I said. Seungmin then left the hospital and I walked up to Jeongin to try and calm him down.
"I'm an idiot, I'm such an idiot I never should have been so harsh on him otherwise he would've gone in" Jeongin cried in anger and frustration.
"It's not your fault Jeongin, he would have gotten in there despite the fight because he loves you. He really does" I said, rubbing his back. I then gave him some tissues and wipe his tears and he finally sat down next to Felix.

Author note:
Uhm yeah that took a while. Gosh I think I wrote like half of this like a month ago then lost all motivation and now finally got back to it. Uhm so I am actually going to vacation in a few days, I'm flying to Thailand with my family so I don't know how much time I'll have for writing but I'll see. I mean maybe I'll find some time on the plane it's a good 11 hour flight so yeah..

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