The sleepover

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Han pov

Weeks have gone by. August and September swept through faster than I could imagine and the days started getting colder and colder as winter started knocking on our doorstep. No sign of Kim Minji. She completely disappeared from our radar and it became an open case we weren't able to solve. We still are investigating it but not as intensely as before. I tried to visit Minho as much as I could, telling him about my day and just random things and how I missed him. Me helping him this whole time led to him turning out innocent. I really loved him.
Chan pov

Me and Seungmin were preparing to host a sleepover at our house. We had prepared snacks, games, movies, all you could imagine for the girls to have the best night. It was 8 am and Cyrielle was arriving any minute because the four of us were going to an amusement park. Hyejin was super excited and was staring at the clock waiting for her best friends to knock on the door. Nothing could go wrong today, I had planned everything and nothing could go wrong. Just then someone knocked on the front door.
"I'll get it" Seungmin said walking up to the door and Hyejin soon followed. When he opened the door Cyrielle and her mother stood outside.
"Hi, come in," Seungmin said while closing the door after them.
"Thank you so much for taking care of the girls today!" Cyrielles mom said.
"Oh don't worry about it, see it as a payback for all the times Hyejin has been over at your place" I said.
"Well, I need to get to work. See you later sweetie" she said while kissing Cyrielles forehead and waving her goodbye as she left through the front door.
"Alright girls we should get ready for the amusement park, we are leaving in five minutes" I said.
We finally got into the  cra and started driving to the amusement park. The whole way there we could hear the girls in the back talking about the rides they were going on and in which order, I had my hand on Seungmins thigh the whole way there. We all got out of the car and got our tickets, because I trusted Hyejin. I let the two of them go off alone and told them to meet us at the restaurant at twelve, Hyejin had a cloak on her and she was responsible so I trusted that she could do it. We watched as the two girls skipped off.
"Sooo, wanna go on a ride?" I said, smirking at Seungmin.
"Heck no do it yourself" he said.
"Oh don't tell me youre scared?"
"I don't like amusement park rides, is that a problem?" Seungmin said.
"alright fine, let's go play some games at least" I said.
"Fine but I'm gonna get more prices" Sungmin said.
"Oh, is that a challenge?"
"Maybe" Seungmin smirked
"Oh you're on!". I could feel a raindrop on my nose and within seconds it started pouring down like crazy. I took off my jacket and used it as an umbrella over me and Seungmin.
"I thought you said it would be sunny today!" Seungmin yelled.
"Yeah the weather reporter said so!" I yelled. Meanwhile people were running, trying to get shelter from the rain. I hoped Hyejin was smart enough to go straight to the restaurant so me and Seungmin headed there. And sure enough I see Hyejin and Cyrielle walking towards us.
"Are you kidding? now we can ride any rides" Hyejin said.
"I know, I'm sorry sweetie" I said.
"Hey wait a second, isn't there a dog cafe close to here?" Seungmin asked.
"Oh!" "you're right!" I said.
"What?!" "a cafe with dogs! Dad, we gotta go there!" Hyejin said.
"Yeah, let's go!" 
We ran through the pouring rain closing up to the cafe doors and when we arrived we saw a piece of paper on the door saying "closed for private reasons" I sighed in frustration and we all ran back to the car. At this point we were all just wet from the rain so we decided to drive back home to dry up. We had two bathrooms in the house, the girls took the one downstairs while me and Seungmin shared the one connected to my bedroom.
"You go first," Seungmin said while handing me a towel.
"Who said we had to take turns?" I said dragging him into the bathroom with me. Let's just say that we stayed inside the bathroom for longer than expected. We both went back downstairs and made lunch for us all as we were all starving. Even after all the disasters the girls still seemed happy. After lunch we decided to play different games, some on the tv and some board games. I never won anything. It was either one of the girls or Seungmin who got pretty cocky after every time he won. Dinner time soon came around and we were all pretty exhausted by dinner, luckily for the girls they had plenty of snacks and candy to eat. Me and Seungmin just loaded up on coffee to keep ourselves awake. After a while the girls were finally asleep, me and Seungmin were packing up the trash and getting ready for bed when I got a phone call.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Sir, we need your supervision at the supermarket downtown," Dispatch said on the phone.
"Yes of course" I said and hung up the phone.
"What happened?" Seungmin asked.
"Something happened down at the supermarket" I said.
"I'll come with you," he said.
"No, you need to stay here with the girls," I said.
"Don't worry the supermarket is just a few blocks from here and I'll put a label for the girls to let them know" Seungmin said while writing on a post-it note.  We both went down to the supermarket where officers and ambulances were already gathered. There were even firefighters putting out a small fire. As soon as me and Seungmin arrived on scene, Han and Changbin walked up to me.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Mr. Lee was murdered while closing up the shop," Chnagbin said.
"Do you have a suspect?" I asked.
"No, but we have a few other victims who got injured by the fire and saw what happened. They described it as a man with a unique rose tattoo." Han said.
"Do you have security camera footage?" I asked.
"No, the cameras were sabotaged in the fire and the other stores are closed" Han said. I let out a sigh.

Author note:

Sorry for the late update, school started and School work hit me like a truck. But I managed to squeeze this chapter in heh, I'll try to update more

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