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Han pov

I heard a slight knocking on the front door and when I opened it a Bleeding Minho came falling on me.
"Minho this is!" What happened?!" I said as I pulled him onto the couch. Lyckily his wounds weren't serious so I only had to patch him up. "What happened?" I asked once again.
"This the price I have to pay to stop murdering." he said.
"Wait what?, don't tell me someone is forcing you to kill people!"
"There is. I never wanted to kill people I was forced to. I wasn't allowed to tell you or else they would come for you, I just couldn't let you die, I love you Hannie" he said.
"I want to help you, please tell me, no tell everyone at the station who's doing this to you and why"
"Hannie you know I can't do that, they'll put me in jail forever and won't even let me explain myself"
"What if they find you getting beat?"
"If you think getting beat up is something normal you should go to a hospital" Minho said.
"I'm just saying, maybe you can be a free citizen after only being in jail for like 2 months, then we wouldn't have to hide ourselves and you could be living a somewhat normal life" I said.
"I'll think about it" Minho said.
"Alright" I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
Seungmin pov

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Hyejin and Chan to return home. As much as I loved Hyejin I would kill for some alone time with Chan. Maybe a date or a night out, atleast something. Just then I heard the front door open and in came a happy Hyejin and Chan.
"Hi" I said making eye contact with Chan.
"Hi" he replied. Hyejin would run off to her room to go play with her toys. Chan came and sat next to me putting his arm around my shoulder, my body automatically my body leaned into him. Being close to him made me feel warm and safe. I was debating whether to kiss him or not but my thought quickly disappeared whne Hyejin came running out of her room. Me and Chan quickly moved apart from eachother.
"Papa! Papa! Can we go to the park? My friends are there!" Hyejin said.
"Do you wanna come?" Chan asked me. I nodded in response.
"Alright than let's go" Chan said to Hyejin. The three of us made our way to the park and immediately ran off to her friends. Me and Chan decided to go stand where most of the parents were. As me and Chan chatted slash flirted with eachother we saw the other parents slowly stepping away from us and some even took their kids to go other places.
"Homophobic much" I mumbled in irritation.
"They are just not used to it Minnie" Chan chuckled while grabbing my hand. I looked at him and then at Hyejin to make sure she wasn't watching.
"Hey, calm down, I think it's time for atleast Hyejin to know" Chan said.
"Are you sure?" I said.
"She's my daughter after all and is about to be yours aswell". I felt my cheeks going warm as he said those words. "Awh are you flustered?"
"Shut up" I said, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. A lady then walked up to us.
"Hey you two. Stop what your doing you're giving our kids the wrong idea and what you are doing is absolutely disgusting" the woman said.
"Ma'am we are simply holding hands" Chan said.
"So? Two men should be holding hands and flirt with each other, it's wrong and you know it" the woman said.
"Ma'am people are allowed whoever they want, no one can tell them who not to love, it's up to yourself who you feel attractive to and in our case we love each other and it is none of your business to tell us to not hold hands because we are very much allowed to" I said.
"I belive hate against LGBTQ+ is prohibited" Chan said.
"And what would you know about the law huh?!" the woman yelled. Chan would pull out his police badge aswell as myself and show the lady.
"Ma'am I think we know the law perfectly fine" Chan said. Once the woman saw our badges she backed off and went back to her kid.
"I seriously hate people like her" I said.
"I know me too" Chan said. Hyejin would soon walk up to us.
"You guys are holding hands" Hyejin would gasp. "Are you togther with papa?" she asked.
"Yes, yes I am Hyejin I'm dating your dad and as for me feel free to call me whatever you want" I said awaiting down to her.
"Then I'll call you dad" she smiled. I smiled back at her.
"Cmon let's go get some ice cream" Chan suggested.
"Yay!" Hyejin said. We walked up to the street to the ice cream store and bought ourselves ice cream, I ofcourse got Mint chocolate chip as it is the best flavor.
"Mint chocolate chip tastes like toothpaste" Chan said.
"It doesn't! It tastes fresh, ofcourse you wouldn't taste the difference, you and your uncivilized tongue" I said.
"You did not just call my tongue uncivilized" Chan said. I stuck my tongue out at him and he just laughed. Hyejin laughed as well founding our little argument funny.
Seungmin pov

Hyejin would already be asleep in her room and now that we've come clean to Hyejin I don't even feel bad about going into Chan's room, we were both watching a movie on his flatscreen in front of the bed with his arm around me. I suddenly got a message on my phone and when I saw who messaged I was a bit surprised and I decided to open the message and ready it.
"Who is it?" Chan asked while pausing the movie.
"It's my mom, she wants to have dinner with me," I said.
"Oh, I'm guessing you haven't told her about us yet" Chan said.
"Yeah" I sighed.
"Should I tell her, I mean if you wanna come with me"
"Well I don't really wanna bring Hyejin there, I'll guess I'll have to find a babysitter" Chan sighed.
"How about Han?" I suggested.
"Mhm, no I still don't trust his boyfriend"
"Of course you don't," I sighed.
"How about your parents?"
"They live in Australia"
"Seriously?". "Hey wait, you said that you don't trust your friends individually but what if they all watch her together, I'm sure Felix and Jeongin can make sure nothing goes wrong" I said.
"I guess that could work," Chan said.

Author note:
It's currently 4.35 am here in Thailand and I am writing this. Worst part is that I am supposed to wake up early tomorrow, well I'm screwed hope you enjoy this chapter tho

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