Too busy

541 10 11

It was a long evening, that event ended up on the news and a lot of officers worked hours on trying to get some trace but nothing, not even one of the best detectives we had found a lead. I realized not too long after how Seungmin started getting nervous. I was so busy at work I never found the time to ask him about it. And I guess that made us kind of distant, he was out on patrol while I was stuck in my office doing paperwork after paperwork. We barely met each other, but he still picked up Hyejin everyday because I couldn't, I felt guilty honestly.
Han pov

It was a Wednesday afternoon and I had time to visit Minho in prison. I tried to visit every so often, at least every week. I was always happy to see him and he was always happy to see me. I didn't really care that he was in prison but I did kind of miss his food. I had a lot going on at work and I could see my brother slowly crumbling down and falling back into the anxious and depressed person he used to be. He had Seungmin so I wonder what he was working on this time, had they broken up?

As much as I wanted to talk to him about it I didn't have time. Not right now at least, I was meeting my lover.
"Jagi!" Minho shouted as he came walking up to me, handcuffed and led by a police officer. I was out of my uniform today so I had to follow the rules like everyone else.
"Hi" I smiled and hugged him. We sat down at a table and chatted for a while, I talked about new movies and snacks I've discovered and how I was eager to make Minho try every single snack and watch movies with me all day. And Minho talked about how he felt that his pillow felt uncomfy for weeks and then realized that the stuffing inside had solidified and how he needed to switch pillows and the whole hassle behind it.
Seungmin pov

It's been a few rough weeks. I've heard that my older sister filed a divorce and struggled with money and my dad got fired from his job and mom got sick. I've been wanting to talk with Chan about it but he seems so busy and when he gets home he goes straight to bed. I still hang out with Hyejin every afternoon but she's gotten bigger and started being a bit more independent. We've been working on practicing walking back home from school alone.
It was three a clock, a bit earlier than usual so I decided to go to the cafe and grab a quick coffee before heading home but suddenly J got a call. I answered.
"Hello? This is Seungmin"  I said.
"Hi there, im sorry but could you please come and pick up Hyejin, she developed a fever and needs to go home and rest"
"Ah of course I'll come right away" I said and hung up. When I arrived at the daycare I found Hyejin sleeping on the bed in the nurse's office. I took her home and laid her in bed and ran to the pharmacy to grab some medicine. I messaged Chan about it and even tried calling but of course he didn't pick up. Hyejin was asleep and I waited for chan on the couch. I watched as the time flew by hour by hour. Finally at 10 pm Chan rushed through the door.
"Is Hyejin okay? I heard she was sick" he said, the guy was out of breath he probably hurried when he saw my message.
"Took you long enough. She's fine, she's sleeping" I said.
"Oh thank god, what would I do without you Seungmin?" he said.
"Well I should go to bed" I said and started heading to our room.
"Wait Seungmin" Chan said.
"Hm?" I turned around to face him.
"I know that I have been busier than usual lately and we haven't had the time to talk, but I can see something is wrong. Cmon lets talk now" Chan said. I was a bit stunned at first but felt how my eyes started to water and I ran at him hugging him tight. We stayed like that for a while. It was nice holding him close.
Chan pov

Because of work, me and Seungmin ordered a nanny to stay with Hyejin at home as she recorded while Seungmin was busy. We got called to the mortgage about Mr. Lee's body.
"What have you got for us?" I asked the autopsy technician also known as Kevin.
"I looked closer at the body, it seems like he didn't die from the stab wound but rather from a poison which most likely was on the blade" Kevin said.
"Oh, really?" I asked.
"Yeah, and this same posion as been found in other recent bodies"
"So maybe it's a serial killer, or a famous poison within the criminal industry," Seungmin said.
"Maybe, I'll look more into it," Kevin said.
"Alright thanks" I said and we left.
Later that night me and Seungmin headed home to Hyejin, luckily she was feeling better so we took an evening stroll in the park together just the three of us. It was a Friday so she deserved it. We were on our way home when we heard a loud crash a few meters from where we are, as the police we are we of course went to check it out. We saw a store that had broken glass, I guessed someone had broken in as the lights were off. We told Hyejin to go hide in the high bushes while me and Seungmin took out our guns to secure the area and find the culprit and of course call it in and ask for backup if needed. Me and Seungmin entered the store, I took the left side and Seungmin the right. It was almost pitch black. All I could was what my phone's flash could hit right in front of me. And all of a sudden i heard a crash form Seungmins direction and immediately pointed my gun and flas at the area and saw Seungmin almost being strangled by a hooded man as Seungmins hun was on the floor. I ran at them and kicked the gun away and pointed my gun at the man strangling my boyfriend.
"Put your hands up where I can see them! And get the heck off him would ya" I yelled. The man did as I said and I put him in cuffs as backup arrived at the scene. Once the scene was secured me and Seungmin went out of the store to go get Hyejin when we saw her trying to cross the street by herself, I didn't think too much of it until I saw a car driving up towards her at a fast speed. I didn't have time to react and boom. She got hit.

Author note:
Before you ask yes I had no idea what to name this chapter. Oh and cliffhanger heyyy. Probably gonna be a while before you see what happens haha. Well I finally managed to give an update and OH THE STRUGGLE. Man like I wrote more then half of this Friday afternoon, lost all motivation then on Saturday opened my computer to continue and then sitting there for a good 20 min before closing my computer again and then opening it back up again now to write the rest. Gosh if only my motivation could keep up, see ya'll next time

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