Behind the badge

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"Lee Minho?" "The assassin?" I asked
"Yeah." Bang Chan mumbled. Other police forces came just minutes after and everything escalated quickly, it went from a car crash to an assassin search. Police searched everywhere within a 500 km area around where the body was found.  The body seemed to be a 50 year old man who was a father of two kids and married to his wife. Someone who had no connection to Minho or in any pattern whatsoever and the only thing that was left was a knife with his iconic bunny print with no fingerprints. I kept a three meter distance between me and Bnag Chan as he seemed very irritated after what happened. The shift ended a few hours later.

No one could find any trace of Lee Minho whatsoever.
It's been eight hours since my shift ended. I just woke up from my sleep and checked the time. I still had four hours before my shift started again. I guess I should just go back to sleep, I didn't have anyone to hang out with, I didn't know anyone. Suddenly my phone got a notification, it was a message from a random number. I was about to block it until I read the message.
"Hello Seungmin! It's me Han, you know from your group. I was wondering if you wanted to meet at the cafe near the police station we'll all be there as a bonding time kind of" I lit up a bit and decided to save the number. I then put on some clothes and went out to the cafe. When I arrived everyone was sitting there including the cafe workers but surprisingly no other people were in the cafe. When they saw me, they waved me over to their table and I sat down next to Bang Chan on my right and Han on my left.
"Oh it's you again," Felix said from across the table.
"Oh yeah, you did seem familiar," I said.
"Yeah we invited him over so we could all have a bonding moment" Han said. "Alright let me make this quick, Jeongin over there who also works here is together with Hyunjin, the long  dramatic guy, Felix is engaged to Changbin and they are getting married in may. I am still single and Chan over there is my brother and is going through a divorce" Han said.
"Wow you really summarized that well" I said, looking over at Chan who was texting on his phone.
"Omg world to Chan" Hyunjin said leaning across the table, waving   his hand in front of Chan's eyes. Chan then looked up from his phone.
"Sorry, I just had to answer some text," Chan said, putting his phone down on the table.
"So Seungmin got any gossip?" Han asked while squinting his eyes.
"If you want to know something just ask" I said.
"Are you single?" Hyunjin asked and Jeongin almost looked offended.
"Yes" I blurred out.
"Bodycount?" Han asked
"Isn't that a bit personal Han-" Chan couldn't even finish his sentence.
"Zero," I said, interrupting Chan.
"Oh so a virgin," Han said with a smirk.
"Oh no not Hans hopeless shipping stage" Changbin said putting his palm over his face.
"His what now?" I said, with a confused tone.
"Han likes shipping new people that come into the group. Honestly it mostly works. I mean he's the reason me and Jeongin are together as well as Felix and Changbin" Hyunjin said. " he did mess it up with Chan though" I could see Chan's face looking a bit more irritated than before.
"So tell me Seungmin, what's your sexuality and ideal type? '' Han asked, tapping his fingers together.
"Yikes, he really is serious about this," I said. " We'll im Bisexual . I don't have an ideal type as long as it's not a jerk," I said.
"Well you just made my job easier," Han said. "C'mon Felix! We need to find a good date for Seungmin within two hours!" Han said while Felix and him ran out of the cafe.
"He just snatched my fiancé," Changbin said standing up from his seat. He then proceeded to follow the others.
"Well I have to go," Hyunjin said standing up.
"Bye" Jeongin said and went back behind the counter.
"Well, I should leave as well," Bang Chan said.
"Alright" I said while pulling up my phone to look at buses. Chan glanced at my screen as he stood up from his chair.
"You're taking the bus?" Chan asked.
"Yeah, I don't have a car," I said.
"Which bus?" He asked.
"It's the bus 56, or that's the bus number at least"
"Don't they go pretty rarely?"
"They do but it's either that buss or I have to change buses downtown"
"I mean I could drive you if you don't mind that I pick up my daughter on the way," Chan said.
"No that wouldn't be a problem, are you sure you wanna drive me?"
"Ofcourse, I wouldn't want you to go through such a struggle just to get home. Do you do that everyday?"
"Pretty much" I said standing up and grabbing my things. We got into his car and drove towards the elementary school close to the police station. We parked outside the school and he turned off the car.
"Do you wanna wait in here or follow me inside?" Chan asked.
"I don't mind coming with you," I said as we both got out of the car. We went into the small elementary school, the walls were filled with inspiring phrases and cute drawings and crafts that the kids have made. Finally we came to the playing area where most of the kids were. An elementary teacher came up to us, it was a woman in her 40's, she had a flowery dress and black round glasses with short black hair.
"Hello mister Bang, I see that you brought a friend, Hyejin is over by the swings" she said with a smile.
"Alright, thank you" Chan said while walking over to the swings. When we got there a cute little girl with two long braids and wearing blue overalls ran up to Chan.
"Papa!" she yelled and almost jumped up on him.
"Hi sweetie, has it been good today?" Chan asked.
"Mhm-hm'' Hyejin said while nodding her head. "Who's that?" She said, pointing at me.
"He's my friend, from work"
"Is he a hero like you?" Hyejin said, looking amazed while looking at me.
"Haha, yeah he's a hero like me" Chan laughed. "Well say bye to your friends sweetie we need to go, I have to go soon"
"Okay papa, bye, guys!" Hyejin said, turning back to her friends to wave goodbye. We then got into the car and drove towards an apartment building.
"I have to drop her off at her moms. I understand if you wanna stay here" Chans tone had lowered while talking about his ex wife.
"I don't mind coming with you," I said. Normally I'd want to stay in the car but I kinda felt sorry for him and I guess I came with him as mortal support.A slight smile would appear on Chan's lips and we all got out of the car. While we took the elevator up to the right apartment Hyejin was talking all about her day and what she and her friends did. Chan just listened and laughed. He looked different around his daughter, he looked so happy. It made me feel a little warm inside. We finally got to the apartment and Chan knocked on the door. A woman around our age opened the door, she had her hair in a ponytail and wore a green apron on top of her white shirt and blue jeans.
"Didn't think you'd actually pick her up," she said.
"I dont go back on my word," Chan said bluntly. Meanwhile Hyejin went into the apartment.
"Who's that?" your boyfriend? wow you move on fast" she scoffed.
"He's a friend." I'll pick her up on monday" Chan said.
"No youre not, I'm taking full custody of her. Don't forget that" She said, closing the door in our faces. Chan let out a sigh before turning to me.
"Sorry you had to see that," Chan said.
"Dont worry about it, she seems like a nightmare" I said.
"She changed a lot," Chan said. We both got out of the apartment building and got into the car. I gave him my address and the rest of the ride was quiet except for the faint music playing from the radio. We arrived at my apartment and he parked outside.
"Do you need a ride back to the station later? I can always take the shop and drive by" Chan asked.
"If you don't mind," I said.
"Of course not," Chan said. I got out of the car and watched as Chan drove off.  I had a weird feeling, like something warm inside me. I kinda like it. 

Author note:
Yeah uhm maybe I forgot to say that I never proofread my stories cuz I'm way too lazy for it. Oh btw I'm trying to write the last chapters of "kings secret gem" so yeah. I will also publish on "my miserable marriage" so yeah

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