Successful mission

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We reached a big door at the end of the tunnel. I put down Seungmin on the ground and left Jeongin and Lee know to watch him while me, Hyunjin, Han and Changbin went in. The room was dark, there were guy guards blocking another door, they both were equipped with guns. I singled out Hyunjin and Changbin to sneak up on them. We all decided to approach them from three different ways and managed to knock them out and grab their guns. I then kicked down the door they were guarding and there we found Felix tied up to a chair with duct tape over his mouth. Chnagbin immediately ran up to him and let him free, they both shared a tight hug.
"What do you know about these guys?" I asked.
"Not much, but I heard that they have your daughter and where they are keeping her," Felix said.
"Alright but before that we need to get out of here," Hyunjin said. Seungmin, Lee know and Jeongin joined us in the room and we all started looking for a way out. I went up to the wall and saw a slight crack in it and some light escaping from it. I then knocked on it and realized that it was a drywall.
"I think I know how to get out," I said. Everyone turned around towards me and I broke down the thin wall and we ended up outside, in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly the signal started working as we stepped out, I immediately called for backup and they were luckily able to track down my phone. Everyone went home, except for Seungmin, he had to be admitted to the hospital.
When I entered my front door I immediately went to take a shower and have a meal. The house was silent. I really needed to get Hyejin back. I swear I will. I couldn't sleep so I decided to pay Seungmin a visit at the hospital, he had just gotten out of surgery.
"How bad is it?" I said as I sat down next to his bedside.
"Bad but they said I'll be able to make a full recovery," Seungmin said.
"I'm just glad you're okay. Is there anything I can get you?" I asked.
"No, I'm good, just having some company helps," Seungmin said. "Do you have any leads on Hyejin?" Seungmin continued.
"We got the location but we're gonna need a warrant to search the building and that'll take a while" I said.
"I wish I could help"
"No, no you need to rest. you've been through enough". We talked for an hour until I let him rest. I went out of the hospital feeling just a tiny bit better, Seungmin seemed to have that kind of effect on me.
We finally received a warrant on the building and a big force was there to help us. We got ourselves in and the place was way bigger inside than was seen on the inside. We looked through every room and in the end of a hallway I saw Hyejin tied up to a bed and Eunwoo about a meter away from the bed.
"Police!" put your hands up!" I yelled and Eunwoo had no choice but to back down. I ran up to Hyejin and freed her and hugged her tight.
"Are you okay?" are you hurt anywhere?" I asked.
"It was so scary papa!" Hyejin cried into my chest. I hugged her tight and rubbed her back. I got her checked at the hospital but there were no injuries except for some bruises here and there.
It's been four months since the accident and Seungmin was discharged from the hospital, he was still in crouches but he still came to the office to do paperwork. I swear nothing stopped that man.
"You really shouldn't be working," I said.
"Chan, I've been laying in a hospital for four months. I cannot spend more time in bed, I just can't." Seungmin replied. I looked over at his desk and found some other stuff that wasn't police work.
"What are those?" I asked and pointed at the papers.
"House bills I can't afford, my landlord raised the bill and now I have to find a new apartment before I go broke."
"How much did he raise?". Seungmin then opened the envelope and showed me the bill. "What the heck?" That's crazy, he can't just do that" I said.
"Apparently he can," Seungmin said.
"I mean, I have a guest room at my house, you could use it until you find a comfortable place. I'm sure Hyejin wouldn't mind" I said.
"I can't just live in your house rent free"
"I'll give you a rental bill but I wont charge you anywhere close to this much" I said.
"Are you sure?"
"A hundred, now sell that place immediately". Seungmin replied with a smile. At the end of shift I helped him move his things to my place and we both picked up Hyejin from school.
"I cant believe Seungmin will be living in our house!" Hyejin cheered.
"I know, it'll be super fun" I said. "Now lets help Seungmin pack up his stuff alright?"
"Mhm hm!" Hyejin nodded. She helped us for about two hours before she crashed and fell asleep. I put her to bed and Seungmin and I joined each other on the couch. We both decided to turn on a movie until we both fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning I felt something warm against my shoulder, I looked down to see Seungmins head leaning against me. Seungmin was clearly asleep so I didn't move and just let him sleep, luckily we both had the day off so I let him sleep while I pulled up my phone. Hyejin later came out of her room. When she saw us I could see that she was ready to say something but I quietly hushed her and she continued down the hall towards the bathroom smiling and slightly giggling. I rolled my eyes as Seungmin began to wake up.
"Good morning sleepy head" I said. The second Seungmin really woke up and realized where he was sleeping. He jumped to the other side of the couch and stared at the wall for a minute before getting up and walking towards his room. I laughed at his reaction and decided to start making breakfast for the three of us. About twenty minutes later everyone was sitting down and eating breakfast.
"So what do you wanna do today Hyejin?" I asked.
"I wanna go to the zoo!" she said with a bright smile.
"The zoo huh?" "you wanna see all the cool animals?"
"Mhm hm!" she nodded excitedly.
"Alright then let's go there today, put your plate in the dishwasher and go get ready" I said. Me and Seungmin then watched as the excited girl skipped off to her room.
"Do you wanna come with us?" I asked seungmin as we both stood and made the dishes.
"Sure, but it'll be hard to walk around with crutches all day," Seungmin said.
"Don't worry, I'll drag you around in the wheelchair" I said.
"Thanks" I said.
"Don't worry I said" and winked at him while leaving the room.

Author note:
So yeah, have been very busy with school the last couple of days and spent a few me days lol. But I decided I needed to post something so I decided to cook this up in a fast 20 mins or so, sorry if it's sloppy but yeah

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