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Seungmin immediately put handcuffs on the guy while I called for more units and an RA (rescue ambulance). I managed to keep the women alive against all odds and the man was sentenced for life in prison. The woman that we found had been missing for 6 months, she was abducted just a few weeks after finding out she was pregnant. After the incident the women thanked us deeply with a basket of sweets.
Seungmin pov

Being able to save peoples lives is really a good motivation to keep going. The rest of the shift were just noise complaints and people urinating in public and just ridiculous weird things humans do for some god awful reason.  Honestly half of the day just went to trying to get the glue of activist hands while they glued themselves to the road. When my shift was over and I began walking home I got a call from Chan.
"Hey?" I said on the phone.
"Come to the hospital! Hyerin is awake!" Chan yelled into the phone.
"I'm coming right away!" I said and hung up. Luckily the hospital was very close and I ran as fast as I could and met Chan holding Hyejins hand. And to my disbelief she was sitting up, awake. As I looked at them a tear formed in my eye, I quickly wiped it away as I went to them both.
"How are you Hyejin?" I asked.
"I'm great papa!" she said with a big smile on her face.
The doctors of course still wanted to take some tests to make sure she was okay. Luckily she could still walk somewhat regularly so no physical therapy was needed.
A few days later Hyejin could finally come home and the first couple of snowflakes fell from the sky, it had already shifted to December and the three of us were shopping for Christmas decorations.
"Dad, dad we need to have a big tree!" Hyejin said, standing in the shopping cart looking around the store.
"Of course we're gonna have a big tree, but we also need to look for other decorations to our house because it's a very big house," Chan said as I grabbed a big peck of red ornaments and placed it in our cart.
"We need glitter and some lights not only for the three but also for outside" I said as Chan went to grab those. We also bought some plush Santa's to place a little everywhere. We then got to check out and went to buy a tree. When we got home me and Hyejin set up the tree and decorated it while Chan decorated the outside and around the house. The next day came around and it was Hyejins first day back at school so Chan dropped her off. Me and Chan had the night shift so we asked Cyrielles mother to pick her up so that they could sleep over. Me and Chan decided to spend the day buying Christmas presents. So we took the car to the store.
"Hey Seungmin, is there anything you want for Christmas?" Chan asked.
"No, nothing in particular," I said. "You?" I asked.
"You and Hyejin being there is all I need," Chan said. I smiled and we parked outside the store. Hyejin had wished for a few plushies as well as drawing paper and pens. So we bought all that for her and then wrapped them up. When we got home we hid the presents in the closet.
Chans pov

A few days had gone by and I found myself in the cafe with Changbin, Han and Hyunjin.
"Guys. I'm planning on proposing to Seungmin" I said.
"Huh?!" But you have barely dated for a year" Hyunjin said.
"I know, I know but this is the most amazing relationship I've had in my entire life and I know Seungmin is the one for me." I said.
"Well I've never seen you this happy since you got with Seungmin, I can tell that he makes you the happiest" Han said.
"So when are you planning on proposing?" Changbin asked.
"On New Year's Eve" I said.
"Oh that's bold," Changbin said.
"Maybe." But I don't think I can wait any longer" I said.
"Do you have a ring?" Han said.
"Yeah!" I said.
"We'll make sure he doesn't find it," Han said.
"Don't worry I've hidden it well" I said.
Seungmin pov

Night came around and I was riding solo today. I saw some guys harassing a woman across the street. I reported it in and parked and went out of the car. The guys started running away but I quickly caught up and put them both in handcuffs.
"Im code 4" I said on the radio and put the guys in the back of my shop. I helped the woman up and escorted her to the station so she could get home safely. I did some mugshots on the guys and then put them in the cellar. I then sat in the break room to fill out the report and then went back onto the street. I saw a guy breaking into a closed restaurant. I got out of my shop.
"Police!" hands up! I yelled but the guy ran into the restaurant.
"Dispatch i'm chasing a suspect trying to rob the italian restaurant on sailor street 2" I said into my radio and chased the guy into the restaurant. I got my gun out and turned on its flash light as it was pitch dark. I looked around everywhere and suddenly the guy jumped on trying to hold a choke hold but I managed to push him off but my gunna had glided away and I couldn't see where it went as the flash light had turned off. I had to use my fists and punched the guy but he managed to punch me right in the head and then push me into the meat freezer and then shut the door.
"Ya!" I yelled punching and trying to kick the door down but it wasen't budging. I tried to use my radio but the freezer isolated the signals. I was worried that the guy would find my gun and start killing people and I was getting cold. Really cold.

Author note:
Yay I'm back from another disappearance! Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you've had a great holiday mine has been amazing. So here is my Christmas present for you I know it's a bit late but I think it's fineee. Oh and btw Congratulations for reading 26159 words! Keep it up!

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