Confusing encounter

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Han pov

I was searching an apartment building when we got a call that could possibly lead us to Lee Minho. I was on the third floor alone. Right when I turned the corner I could see a man dressed in a black suit, his well fixed hair and long structure. He turned around to look at me, he had a wondering face but put on a smirk as he saw me. I froze for a second not believing I was actually standing in front of a serial killer.
"Put your hands up," I said, pointing my gun at him. He scoffed and I blinked for just a second and he was right in front of my eyes, he had pushed away my gun and now he was pinning me against the wall. I looked small compared to him, I could feel his breath on my neck as he leaned in closer.
"His brother, ey? hm, you're much better than him. you don't have those fierce eyes of his" He said. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. You're not on the list" he said.
"Han, report back, what's your status?" my radio spoke. Minho slanted his head still smirking almost as if he waited to see what I would do next. Something came over me at that second and I clicked on my radio.
"Clear" I said and then muted it.
"Smart guy, I like you," Minho said. Just a second later he jumped out of the window and disappeared. I took a big breath to collect myself. I was definitely flustered from what happened, he didn't even hurt me, not a scratch. I picked up my gun and went back down. And once again Lee minho had left no trace but a weird memory of my mind. Something told me to keep it to myself, I mean it wasn't going to happen again. I had nothing to worry about. When we drove back to the station I was staring out the window the whole way.
"Hey are you alright?" Changbin said, glancing at me.
"I'm fine, just bummed we didn't catch him" I said.
"Don't worry, we'll take him one day" He said.
A few hours had passed, I was back at my apartment washing up and ready for bed. Just then I heard a knock from the door. Who the hell was looking for me at this time?. I opened the door and none other than Lee Minho entered.
"What the heck are you doing here?!" I yelled.
"Shhh, cheeks" He said, putting a finger over my mouth. When I took a closer look at him I saw that his other arm was wrapped around his waist and his white shirt was stained with blood. "Mind helping me out a little?" He scoffed a bit. I knew I should have reported him then and there but again something told me to not do it. I sat him down on my couch and went to grab a needle and some thread. I've learnt this in police school, I've done it a few times before but it was always scary everytime. I heated up the needle, while Minho was taking off his shirt. I'm just gonna put it short. THE MAN WAS JACKED. There I said it. I cleaned the site with some alcohol and then started sewing up the stab wound.
"Thank you, I knew I could count on you," Minho said, patting my head.
"Don't do that" I yelled, pushing away his hand.
"Fisty" He said.
"How did you get like this anyways?" I asked.
"The world of crime isn't innocent, let say things escalated a bit more than anticipated"
"Of course" I mumbled.
"You're not gonna tell you buddies right?" Minho asked.
"You seriously think I'd tell them that I sewed up your wound?" I said. He laughed a bit. "There I am done, now get the heck out of here" I said, cutting off the thread. He put on his shirt and went towards the window and opened it.
"Sweet dreams cheeks" He said before jumping off. That scumbag I swear. I couldn't sleep at all. My mind was all caught up with Minho. I still didn't understand why I helped him, I should have reported him the first time we came across each other! Urgh what's wrong with me! I put my pillow on my face and then stared up at the ceiling.
Seungmin pov

I was walking down the hall to deliver some files. I came across a group of other officers.
"Oh, isn't it the lucky guy who rose through the ranks by simply entering the department. seems like you're just as skinny as before" an officer said as the others laughed. I was ready to reply when Chan walked down the hall.
"Is there a problem here?" he asked while walking up to me.
"Of course not sir, we were just chatting" the officer said, smirking at me. I gave him a cold stare back.
"Well, if you don't mind me stealing Seungmin for a bit," Chan said, signaling me to his office. I followed him of course and we went into his office and closed the door after us.
"What was that about?" I asked.
"Does that happen often? why didn't you tell me?" Chan asked.
"If none of your concerns I can handle myself, thank you" I said and grabbed the door handle, about to leave. Just then Chan grabbed my hand.
"Look, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable here, and this isn't normal. I'll suspend them" I could feel him breath on my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine.
"I said, I'll handle myself. Don't butt yourself into my personal life" I said and left.

Bnag Chan pov

I watched as Seungmin left my office. Watching him leave like that made my heart feel heavy. I let out a sigh as Changbin entered my office.
"What was that about?" he asked. 
"I got on his nerves, don't worry I'll make it up to him" I said.
"Uhm, am I talking to Chan?" he asked.
"Of course you are, don't be ridiculous" I said. Something just struck Changbin and a smirk appeared on his face.
"Oh I see," He said as he left, giggling intensely. I needed to fix this but without upsetting him. But how. Suddenly I got a phone call, it was Hyunjin. I picked it up.
"Hey, what is it? aren't you on patrol?" I asked.
"Yeah about that, you might wanna come to my location. it's your ex wife" he said. I hung up the phone.
"Seungmin, they need us, let's go" I said. Seungmin looked pretty unimpressed and we both got into the shop and left. Seungmin stared out the window the whole way there and didn't say a word. I was too concerned to care about him for the moment. My mind was just rushing around, what happened to Hyejin? was she alright? Was my ex alright?. When we got there I was surprised to see her in handcuffs.

Author note:
Three chapters in two days? It's a record!

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