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   I open my eyes,looking at the not familiar room I'm in.What is this place..I have a headache and I feel so tired.I remember all the events..I'm away from Diluc.I miss him so much and I don't even know for how long I've been here.I guess just for some hours or depends for how long I've been asleep.I just want to see Diluc.Since I came in the Ragnvindr family,I've never been away from him.

This is the first time we are away from each other.I don't think I've been here for long but I already miss him.I hope he'll find me somehow or I'll manage to get back at him..Also who knows what these creatures are? Diluc fought with them but these creatures are just terrifying.

I'm in a huge,cold,empty room.It's just the chair I'm sitting on here.Wait..I can hear something.I listen closely and I hear footsteps approaching the door I'm in.The door opens revealing one of these creatures that took me.He looks at me and I look down at the ground.

"Ah I see you're awake.Very good" he says and I keep silent."I suppose you have many questions for me?" He asks and I continue keeping silent.I really don't want to talk to you."Hm.Not talking.." he says,steeping towards me.I keep my view down on the cold tiles and he suddenly grips my face with his weird looking hand.

I avoid his gaze at all costs and he laughs."Y/n.We didn't take you here for no reason.You see..we need a new queen.The last one didn't last long" he says and I frown.A new queen? What? They want me to be their queen? "Why me?" I ask and he stops for a second.

"You're special.Even though you don't have a vision,we feel like you are very worth it.You have to be our queen" he says and I slowly look up at him."And what do I get if I'm your queen?" I ask and he looks at me."I suppose you want to get back to your..lover?" He asks and my eyes widen.Diluc..

He chuckles from my reaction and nods."Yes..just as I thought.If you do exactly as we tell you and you follow our rules,we will allow you to go back at your lover" he says and I look down at the ground for a moment.Who knows what they will make me do..but in the same time,I really want to go back at Diluc.I love him..

"Okay.I accept" I say and he nods."Perfect.Wait here" he says and he walks a bit away from me.He suddenly opens a portal and goes through it,leaving me alone here.He told me to wait here but it's not like I can leave anyway.I honestly have no idea what I just got myself into.I accepted to do whatever they tell me.

And maybe after I do everything,they won't even allow me to leave.There's not much I can do anyway.I'll go with them and do whatever they tell me and hopefully..I'll go back at Diluc.I really wonder what he's doing right now.He lost his father and then his brother.I was the only one left to comfort him.

But now..I'm not even there.He's all alone..I'm really sorry Diluc.Please be alright.I'll come soon at you.

   I sigh,placing my claymore on my back.I finished cleaning some Fatui camps after hearing people in Mondstadt talk about them.I was faster than the inefficient Knights of Favonius.I despise the knights.They are always so useless and inefficient.Everything they do is just talk and drink.When it comes to fighting,they are always so slow.

Because of their laziness to simply defeat those Fatui,people from Mondstadt,even children can get hurt while walking in the wild.They don't even think about those things.All they have is people's trust.All the Mondstadters think they are some heroes and they will always protect them.So useless.

I arrive at home,taking off my mask and my cape.I'm the Darknight Hero.All Mondstadt is full of rumors about the Darknight Hero and the things he does.But I won't tell anyone about my identity.It must remain a secret.

I walk in my room,taking off my Darknight Hero clothes and putting on a comfortable pair of pants and leaving my upper part shirtless.I sigh,sitting down on my bed and looking at the nightstand.The picture Y/n gifted me for my birthday with me,her and Kaeya.I lost them all.Who knows where Y/n is right now.

I really miss her.I miss her presence,her sweet scent,her smile that gave me such comfort..everything about her.I just hope those disgusting monsters didn't do anything to her.She doesn't have a vision and these creatures are very dangerous.

I place my hands on my head,letting my hair free from my ponytail.I rub my temples and I sigh.How could I let them take Y/n so easily?! I'm so weak.I couldn't even protect the one I love so much.I couldn't defeat an Abyss Herald and he took Y/n away.I'm so careless..so useless.

I was supposed to protect her.To shield her from all the dangers and always make sure she is alright.She was everything I had left.Father..Kaeya and then her.I lost them two and Y/n was everything I had left.I should've protect her! I should've keep fighting..push myself to defeat that hideous creature.

But I failed.I failed to defeat him,and I failed to protect her.I'm so..useless.

I look up at the ceiling,warm,salty tears streaming down from the corners of my eyes.She would comfort me now.I turn to the other side,letting my tears fall on the pillow.I miss her so much.I'm stronger than this right? Am I? I don't..know..

I cover myself with the blanket,closing my eyes with a headache from all the tears.I just need some faith and I'm sure Y/n will be back.But..do I have any faith left? Is there anything left? I don't know..

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